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  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back Changer de genre, ce n'est pas une mince affaire Par, Trans Man Scott Newgent France Il y a quelque temps, une amie de ma fille me disait : « Je suis sans doute trans parce que je n'aime pas la puberté féminine. » Ce qui a tout de suite retenu mon attention. Je connais cette enfant depuis des années et elle n'a jamais manifesté le moindre signe de transidentité. Innocemment, je lui ai demandé ce qui lui faisait dire ça. Peut-être qu'il s'agissait d'une blague, après tout… Mais non. « Je n'aime pas mes seins qui poussent, m'a-t-elle répondu, et sur Reddit, on me dit que je suis probablement trans. » Un peu plus tard dans la soirée, j'allais retrouver ces échanges sur Reddit et les bras m'en sont tombés. Tant de gens et d'organisations s'obstinaient à la dire trans… Mais pourquoi en étais-je surpris, vu comment de telles idées sont aujourd'hui répandues ? Je pense, entre... Original Link

  • TReVoices - Parents/Detrans

    TReVoices Is The Leading Org Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition World Wide! ​ Led by transman/lesbian Scott Newgent, our relentless SCREAMING to 'STOP Medically Transitioning Children' has been and continues to be heard everyday World - Wide! Make sure we can continue - We Need Your Help - Donate Today. Button Lift The Veil. Parents Get Busy & Learn Why 'Medical Transition Is Not Place For a child.' Sincerely, TReVoices & Everyone Else < Back Sarah Original Article Detrans Voices Sarah is a 27-year-old female Detransitioner. She’s currently a STEM student in Germany. Usually, she spends too much time in social Media and really likes the unguarded food of her flat mates (but usually rebuys the things taken). Sarah A Detrans Story For me it all started when I changed school. I always have been gender-non-conforming before. But happy and proud in being so. The new school didn’t think so. The other pupils thought of it as strange, that I, a girl, who walked around in boy’s clothes and short hair. Also I wasn’t really thin. The girls talked a lot about boys, and I wasn’t interested in boys. I was much more interested in one girl in the class. The boys stopped talking with the girls. It was two separate groups and I really missed my male friends from the groups before. Also, now I was separated from the working class and they’re basis understanding of how things work. I cried every evening during that time and my mother eventually wanted to put me in a different school form. But my father wasn’t interested because it would mean losing social status and I simply was afraid of losing the few friends I still had. (it didn’t occur to me, that I would make new friends at the new school). One year later I was anorexic. I had a tonsillitis and because of that wasn’t really hungry. So I kept up my tonsilitis by going outside in too thin clothes to keep up eating less. I weighted 30kg by a height of 1,60m. my family’s GP said to me, that I would cause damage to my inner organs if I would go on. My mother told me in passing that I wasn’t allowed canoeing and climbing if I wouldn’t eat. So secretly I started eating again but promised my inner self not to eat too fat in the future. I kept on falling in love with girls. And I really didn’t want to. I talk myself into believing I fell in love with boys from my class. I didn’t. I felt like a pervert for falling in love with girls. I never talked about it. I had the inner feeling, that being who I was, was ok, but succumb to my inner desires was not (Like openly flirting and kissing). In fact, coming out at that school would have been a social suicide and I wasn’t sure I would have been emotionally backed by my parents and family. So, for me it was about surviving. My mother at that time had an underactive thyroid and got depressed. She somehow changed her personality. Before she supported me (even when she didn’t see the obvious anorexia). She stopped with the supporting and now became that mean person I didn’t recognize as a mother. She kept on making me bad in front of relatives. She said I was egoistic and would never help etc. During that time, I went to a psychotherapist. The psychotherapist listened to me patiently. And then she wanted to arrange a family meeting. That to say, the family meeting didn’t go well. There just were a lot of tears and angry shouting and afterward the psychotherapist told me I should try to get out of that family. She also told me it wasn’t practical to go on with psychotherapy with her, when the family wouldn’t be involved. (she didn’t believe school also had a big impact). I went to the social service of my city as a naïve 16-year-old does and told them I wanted to move out. Of course, they laughed at my face. So, I went to another city and stayed in a shelter for teenagers and young adults, who lived on the street. The social service and my parents didn’t know where I’ve been for 2 weeks. That worked. I moved into a social service shared flat for teenagers. Which really didn’t help my mental wellbeing at all. Then a lot happened in between. But with 19 I decided to live on the street. I kind of had ptsd symptoms and anyway decided the street and the young adults there (punkers, squatters etc.) were much more interesting. I found a group of people, who hitchhiked through Europe and decided to join. Later I hitchhiked by my own from Germany to Greece and was shortly into Bulgarian prison (because I’d lost my passport). Later back in Berlin I decided, that the told experience, that I heard from a trans men I’ve met in Vienna, who was original from Hungary, was exactly my experience. So, I started looking into transition. I was not at all in a mental place to start a transition and also some psychotherapists told me so (they said my feelings had a different cause). But it gave me back some feeling of everyday sense. So, I started an apprenticeship as electrician, always went to the local trans meeting group and continued looking for testosterone. In my apprenticeship there only were men because I was working on the building side. I didn’t have any women perspective. I just knew these men, who never had my discrimination experience, and I knew the local persons from the trans group. I was completely isolated. I started to believe in the mantras they were telling (like you’ll be so much happier, when you transition). It was my only social connection. I found a GP who prescribed me testosterone without psychological counseling. Three years later I still hadn’t managed to get into good psychological therapy. I met one psychotherapist every week, but we just talked about everyday life. Not once about my past. I decided I wanted to have a mastectomy and that it might solve all my problems. Because the person in the trans group said it would. I started to look at doctors. But I didn’t have the mandatory therapy time to get the mastectomy paid by the German health care system. So, I decided to pay it by my own. It was difficult to find doctors, who understood that I wanted to pay and not have it paid by the health care system. So, finally I found one, I decided to go for it. That turned out to be a bad idea. I had internal bleeding (i had to go to surgery again) and the surgeon probably cut some nerve (or he sewed it in), because now I have everyday pain (sometimes even in the left arm). It’s probably what they call post mastectomy pain syndrom (pmps), but i never heard of it before the mastectomy (so much to informed consent). Also i can’t deal with the strange new feeling from the areola. In your mind you have a map of your body and now it’s changed and hard to deal with. But this pain also was my wakeup call. That all I was doing was big bullshit. I changed the city after that. I changed the people I surrounded myself with. I stopped Testosterone a year later. Currently I’m studying, but honestly, I’m just doing this, because I’m not sure I’d be mental stable enough to work. I think transitioning often has a lot to do with self-harm. With trying to destroy a part of you. Mastectomy feels for me, like I cut away a small part of my soul. I don’t want to lose more. Nowadays I try to stay in contact with working class and with a lot of different people from different echo chambers. I think that’s really important to stay grounded. I also found radical feminism even when I don’t believe in everything they’re saying. I find it ridiculous that feminist nowadays support pimps and self-harm. I guess I still need to do therapy. I guess I have trauma from feeling like i was in mental prison when i was at school. Everyday i just needed to survive the day. I also need to face internal homophobia, gnc-phobia and accept that I have a body dysmorphia disorder and work on trusting persons (that persons usually don’t change their personality). What happened to me, could have happened to everyone, who looks a bit GNC.

  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back Scott Newgent, un trans contra el lobby LGBTI: «Eres lo que eres biológicamente. Eso no cambia» Scott Newgent, a trans person against the LGBTI lobby: “You are what you are biologically. I don't change By Scott Newgent Spain “¡Has sido un héroe para mí durante tanto tiempo, Scott!”, le dijo J.K. Rowling el pasado 20 de julio en Twitter. A la creadora de Harry Potter, bestia negra del lobby LGBTI desde que se solidarizó con una mujer despedida de su trabajo por afirmar que el sexo es biología, ya no le importaba si ese tuit era pretexto para una nueva campaña de hostigamiento. Porque ese Scott admirado por Rowling es Scott Newgent, una mujer biológica de 47 años que hace seis decidió “cambiar de sexo”. Vive en Texas, tiene tres hijos adolescentes y su experiencia es todo un desmentido a la ideología de género y al activismo LGBTI. No solo por las consecuencias físicas que ha sufrido, que incluyen siete operaciones quirúrgicas y una docena de patologías; ni por las personales, como la ruptura de su relación de pareja y el alejamiento de sus hijos; ni por los que define como “múltiples periodos de dolor”; sino, sobre todo, por la conciencia de haber cometido el error de creer en los dogmas del transgenerismo. "Cansada de ser lesbiana" Pero, ¿cuál es su historia? ¿Por qué emprendió ese camino? ¿Qué esperaba de la 'transición'? Es lo que le plantea Madeleine Kearns en National Review, y la respuesta es compleja. Cuando tenía siete años, le dijo a su tío que como regalo de Navidad quería convertirse en un chico. “Vengo de una familia de gran preponderancia masculina que ha producido muchos deportistas. Desde muy corta edad vi cómo esa personalidad masculina dominante me causaba problemas… Empecé a creer que habría sido más fácil para mí haber nacido hombre, y a contemplar los conflictos en mi vida pensando que si se hubieran intercambiado los cromosomas en el vientre de mi madre, yo habría sido un hombre típico. Habría sido un deportista profesional, una estrella en la universidad. Lo habría sido todo. Y como no era nada de eso, me rebelaba”. Pasados los años, salió del armario como lesbiana, y tuvo una pareja con quien formalizó la relación en un juzgado. Era una mujer católica practicante que, según Scott, “no podía asumir la idea de que era lesbiana”, y le decía a ella que parecía un hombre: “Así que llegué a un punto en mi vida en el que estaba cansada de ser lesbiana. Reflexioné sobre toda mi infancia y empecé a pensar que tal vez ella [su pareja] tenía razón. Empecé a seguir la moda transgénero. Pensé que tal vez había algo mal en mí. Tal vez había nacido en el cuerpo equivocado”. "Eres lo que eres biológicamente" Pero hoy ve la realidad: “No puedes hacer una transición de género. Eres lo que eres biológicamente. Si me muero y me entierran y dentro de cien años desentierran mis huesos, dirán: ‘Aquí había una mujer’. Eso no cambia. Lo que sí puedes hacer es que una persona parezca distinta. Lo llamaría un híbrido: puedes coger una mujer, quitar el estrógeno y poner testosterona, que genera efectos totalmente diferentes. Pienso de forma distinta, tengo una apariencia distinta… pero también es distinto a ser un hombre. He creado algo único. Y lo que no entiendo de la comunidad trans es por qué no acepta esta realidad”. "Yo no nací 'en el cuerpo equivocado'", explicó en otra ocasión: "Nací mujer. Pero no me gustaba. Así que cambié mi apariencia, mediante cirugía plástica y hormonas, a un alto precio monetario, psicológico y físico. Pero mi sexo nunca cambió. Solo lo hizo mi apariencia". "No es intolerancia, es la realidad" Scott ha fundado TReVoices, un grupo de trans contrarios al activismo radical de género y que buscan mostrar a políticos y familias la realidad de la disforia de género: “Lo que está haciendo la sociedad actualmente es permitiendo que un pensamiento, un sentimiento, un engaño, marquen el paso a la legislación... Parecen creer en esa histeria de masas de que puedes cambiar de género y hacerlo tampoco es gran cosa y si no te gusta puedes ‘de-transicionar’, que es otra fantasía, porque se trata de una intervención médica gigantesca que no arregla nada. No arregla la salud mental. Ni arregla la ansiedad. Realmente la empeora”. Además, la “disforia de género” es muy desconocida, más allá de la autopercepción de quien la padece: “[Se está] está cediendo ante los activistas trans que dicen que las mujeres trans son mujeres. Pero no, no lo son. La realidad es que las mujeres trans son hombres que toman estrógenos. Lo cual es funcionalmente diferente. No es intolerancia, es la realidad”. Auto-diagnósticos inducidos por las redes sociales Scott juzga de modo aún más severo la posibilidad de ‘transición’ en niños, y de hecho fue protegerlos lo que le indujo a fundar TReVoices: “Trabajo con personas que lo han hecho. Conocí a un par de niños que se hicieron adultos y se suicidaron al darse cuenta de que solo entonces [después de la transición] estaban en el cuerpo equivocado… El transgenerismo, la transición médica… es cirugía plástica. Crea una ilusión”. El principal estudio a largo plazo que se ha realizado muestra que los índices más altos de pensamientos suicidas se dan entre siete y diez años después de la transición médica: “¿Por qué crees que es así? Porque en algún momento tienes que enfrentarte a la realidad”. Gráfica de mortalidad por todas las causas (incluye el suicidio) de personas sometidas a reasignación de sexo comparada con la población general. Fuente: Long-Term Follow-Up of Transsexual Persons Undergoing Sex Reassignment Surgery: Cohort Study in Sweden, 2011, estudio realizado sobre 324 personas transexuales nacidas en Suecia entre 1973 y 2003 y aprobado por el Instituto Karolinska de Estocolmo. "La supervivencia de personas transexuales empezaba a divergir de la población control a partir de los diez años del seguimiento", dicen los autores, quienes sostienen que "las personas con transexualismo tienen tras la reasignación de sexo riesgos considerablemente más elevados de mortalidad, comportamiento suicida y morbilidad psiquiátrica que la población general". Los adolescentes que experimentan estos problemas acuden a las redes sociales buscando orientación. Pero lo único permitido en ellas, como en el sistema educativo o sanitario, so pena de verse sometido a una campaña de denigración pública, es inducirles a la 'transición'. Esto condiciona a los padres: "Aunque admiro las buenas intenciones de los padres que quieren respaldar a sus hijos, me preocupa seriamente esa temeraria aceptación del auto-diagnóstico de un niño inducido por internet", escribía Scott hace unos meses en Quillette. Fue el caso de Keira Bell, quien finalmente ha conseguido en el Reino Unido una sentencia que obligará a que sea un juez quien autorice una “transición” de menores: “Allí un juez ha dicho: a ver, chicos, no vamos hablar de ‘yo siento, yo no siento’. Lo que vamos a hablar es de hechos”. Y los hechos son que “no tenemos una comprensión clara de lo que le sucede a la gente cuando pasan por una transición médica. Lo que sí tenemos documentada es la lista de problemas”. Y esto no tiene nada que ver con posiciones políticas ni religiosas, sostiene Scott. Un problema que hay que arreglar "dentro" Quien concluye afirmando que la disforia de género es ante todo un problema mental: "No hay forma de que una transición médica pueda ayudar a nadie con disforia de género. La disforia de género es un problema de dentro afuera. Tienes que arreglarlo por dentro. No lo puedes arreglar por fuera… Las personas trans son personas que no están a gusto con su apariencia exterior, así que toman hormonas sintéticas para crear la ilusión de ser del sexo opuesto. Eso no constituirá nunca un interruptor biológico. Eso es una ilusión. Decirlo no es incitar al odio: es la realidad. Yo lo he vivido. He hablado con cientos de personas que lo han vivido. Es una parte muy pequeña de las personas transgénero quienes están haciendo todo el ruido. Por desgracia, las personas que no quieren hacer ruido, no dan la cara: ni lo necesitan, ni quieren”. Si quiere puede recibir las mejores noticias de ReL directamente en su móvil a través de WhatsApp AQUÍ o de Telegram AQUÍ Original Link

  • Todd WhitworthundefinedTrans Man

    Get to know trans people, the real trans living day to day, what they believe, and how they feel. You will find that most older trans people believe what is happening to kids, and transgender ideology is hurtful. The media leaders you currently see do not represent most trans people. Reality Is Not Bigotry < Back Trans Man Todd Whitworth ​ Todd is from Australia and can be seen and heard on social media. Todd is an avid lover of the water and has an outspoken voice that rings with reality yet is careful with love and respect for others. Welcome to Two Blokes Float's Facebook page. Since 2013 Scott and Todd have been living aboard Railbird I, a 37' Sloop rig sailboat. After six years of sailing around the Salih Sea in BC we are on a new adventure. Sailing from Canada to warmer waters. Twitter Website Email: Personal blog · Local & travel website

  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back “Blasphemous ideas and the silence dissent: A Review of Abigail Shrier's "Irreversible Damage" By, Megan Mackin Canada This review grew out of a discussion with a dear friend who, at the time, supported gender identity ideology. I, on the other hand, had become increasingly frustrated with the loss of women’s rights to female-only spaces and laws protecting us from sex discrimination, as well as with the silencing of dissent to transgender dogma, and had urged her to examine the available information for herself. Then, I told her, we could revisit the conversation. She did, we did, and together we found pockets of dissent where we could speak further. These small spaces for critical thought on the topic of transgenderism continue to grow across the political spectrum. While we are not alone, as feminists concerned with gender identity ideology, we are — through the loss of access to social and other media, and due to threats of firings and physical violence — effectively silenced. My friend — herself an academic and writer — noted the eerie (apparent) disinterest in Abigail Shrier’s new book, Irreversible Damage, by political and literary communities. Last month, she wrote to me via email, saying “I, too, have been surprised by what appears to be a deliberate silence around [Irreversible Damage] by newspapers and magazines ‘of record.’” She named it, aptly, “a reception vacuum,” calling book reviewers “taste makers and opinion diffusers.” By pretending the book doesn’t exist, they are ensuring the book will not exist for potential readers either, depriving the public sphere of the research and arguments Shrier presents. Shrier contributes frequently to the Wall Street Journal, and among her degrees is a Juris Doctor from Yale University. She is a skilled writer who offers complex ideas with accessible delivery. It is possible the media would have covered her work had she resorted to obfuscating postmodernist jargon. Shrier has received no reviews from the established liberal press — not from the New York Times, The Atlantic, the Kirkus Review, nor any other mainstream online publications. Amazon, which still sells and thus profits from Irreversible Damage — garnering rave reviews there — has refused to allow sponsored ads to promote the book. My friend wrote to me: “Book reviews are a way of creating and nurturing readers by guiding them toward understanding the meanings and significance of a work. That no politically or culturally ‘liberal’ publications online or in print have even dared to acknowledge the existence of Shrier’s exposé of ROGD [Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria], the medical issues endemic to medicalizing children for life, infertility-producing surgeries, mental distress masked as dysphoria, and the real presence of de-transitioners, is no surprise for many of us.” Shrier is terribly careful. She only addresses a narrow subset of “dysphoria”: RODG — the apparent social contagion spreading among circles of adolescent girls who have never previously expressed discomfort with their sex or sex role (“gender”). She explicitly acknowledges and interviews (favourably) adults who identify as transgender, and concedes that young children who insist they are the opposite sex consistently, from the time they are toddlers, may have a legitimate form of dysphoria. From a feminist perspective, because “transgender rights” mean women and girls must sacrifice their rights (for example, female-only shower rooms, shelters, and washrooms must allow males access, under gender identity legislation and policy), and the concept of fighting women’s oppression is undermined (seeking to become a member of the dominant sex is an absurdly individualist solution), Shrier’s acceptance of transgenderism itself is a great deal of ground to cede! Despite this, Shrier is silenced. There are networks of power behind this silencing, and so we must ask who benefits from the transgender trend. Pharmaceutical companies will have lifelong prescribers, as sex cannot actually be changed, so the body must be forced — continually and for life — into conformity. Surgeons, especially those who stitch saline bags into male chests and surgically remove healthy breast tissue from young females, are well supplied with patients. Scott Newgent, a woman who transitioned to become a man and is now speaking out about the process, says hormones amount to “$24,000 per year per trans-identifying child that starts hormone blockers.” Newgent has spent a total of $247,000 USD (to date) for phalloplasty surgery and its resulting complications. A mastectomy for women attempting to become “men” costs around US$11,000, and phalloplasty starts at US$25,000 — with each set of complications adding to the price. (This remains an experimental surgery, and complications are not uncommon.) Facial masculinization and liposuction for reshaping female hips and thighs can cost tens of thousands more. Psychologists and psychiatrists who offer “affirmation” therapies and encourage children’s proclaimed desire to change sex, often bullying the parents into acceptance, are rewarded with referrals and official — often legal — approbation. These groups profit from this “conversion” effort, as healthy, young, and often lesbian and gay bodies are sacrificed to heterosexual conformity. And yet, in a decidedly Orwellian twist, any practice not “affirming” a child as transgender has been decreed “conversion therapy.” Conflating the efforts to “turn” homosexual individuals straight, practiced in the past, with trying to find an underlying cause for a child’s desire to change sex or alter their bodies, is absurdly inaccurate. Allowing or encouraging the child to explore the reasons underlying feelings of discomfort with gender roles or their birth sex is not “conversion.” The immediate, unquestioned affirmation of transgender identity is, increasingly, required by credentialing medical and psychological organizations’ rules of practice, and codified in law. Today, young women who might see themselves as lesbian are pressured to claim transgenderism instead, yet the costs of desisting after transitioning are vastly different than if one changes their mind about homosexuality. To misdiagnose oneself as lesbian or gay doesn’t require later attempts to reverse the effects of dangerous medications, surgeries that are mostly permanent, or the potential loss of sexual response. Some of the effects of testosterone on young women soon become irreversible: after just three months, her voice is permanently deepened. Facial and body hair remain. Though breast tissue taken with mastectomy can be later replaced with saline implants, breast function cannot be restored. And if a young woman attempts phalloplasty, the tissue removed from her arm to create the faux phallus may never heal. One transitioner Shrier interviews who received this “de-sleeving” has little use of the arm, and is now unable even to hold a fork. The surgically created penis may never heal, and complications, including gangrene, can result in disfigurement and internal deterioration. These are among the irreversible damages of the affirmation model. The US National Education Association’s policy demanding affirmation of self-identified trans students means that if a child “comes out” at school, name and sex in school records can be changed without the parents even being notified. Shrier quotes a fifth-grade public school teacher, who says, “[T]heir parental right ended when those children were enrolled in public schools.” This, of course, has never been parents’ understanding, nor was it subject to a vote, or even to a signed agreement. The reason given for such protective affirmation of children is the schools’ anti-bullying mandate. However, to Shrier, “the anti-bullying effort is only a pretext for gender identity education,” which starts in kindergarten, with no opt-out as there is with sex education. This makes “Mom” and “Dad” the bullies from whom children supposedly need protection. This has become common practice in schools across America. If sex-role non-conformity (meaning disinterest in or refusal to conform to the rules of “femininity” imposed on girls or “masculinity” imposed on boys) is at the root of of bullying, as claimed by trans activists and the California Board of Education, this doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with transgenderism, as most non-conforming people see gender as the issue, not their bodies. Further, it is absurd and unnecessary to offer up girls’ rights and spaces to boys. Yet this is what transgender “rights” do. Indeed, girls have been found to evade restrooms, or even school, because of a lack of privacy. Many girls who are gender non-conforming would otherwise grow up to be lesbian, but today, “lesbian” is not a word girls often claim. Though their parents might use the term, in the current parlance, young women choose “queer,” “genderqueer,” “non-binary,” or “gay” (a word generally referring to male homosexuals but used to demonstrate “inclusivity”). Trans activism construes same-sex attraction as “transphobic” and antithetical to gender identity ideology, so much so that lesbians are bullied by trans activists, should they not accept males as intimate partners. In her research, Shrier found that the majority of girls who experience ROGD are white and economically privileged. In an effort to discover why this is, she finds that the mothers of this particular group are inclined to avoid strong disagreement with their children, working relentlessly to keep them emotionally comfortable. Familiar with — and consumers of — mental health services, Shrier notes that, “[b]y the time [these girls] reached adolescence, self-focus and self-diagnosis had become an ingrained habit, a way to handle feelings that confused them.” Shrier quotes Lisa Marchiano, Jungian therapist and affirmation dissenter, who explains, “When we construe normal feelings as illness, we offer people an understanding of themselves as disordered.” Shrier writes: “Nearly all of the mothers I spoke to offered me diagnoses of their daughters provided by therapists, the internet, or a book. They suspected their daughters might be a touch autistic or have auditory processing issues or agoraphobia. They may all be right, but I couldn’t help wondering whether the process of diagnosis wasn’t itself altering the outcome, helping to convince suggestible daughters that there really was something wrong with them.” As a feminist, I’m not wholly comfortable with Shrier’s mother-blame. Still, I think she may be on to something. Women and girls are expected to be agreeable and to alleviate or minimize conflict, and this appears more expected, the higher the class status. Marchiano’s take seems fairer. I would push both ideas further: our culture demands mothers make life easier for other adults, but they damage their daughters in the process of socializing them to do the same. Shrier sees ROGD as yet another example of disorders plaguing teen girls, similar to anorexia. When considering diagnostic criteria, the comparison is chilling. What if surgeons were forced to accept patient diagnoses in the same way, and to “affirm” the delusions and desires of severe anorexics? Should self-starving young women be “affirmed” in their feelings of grotesque fatness, encouraged toward further weight loss, and given bariatric surgeries on demand? While this comparison is derided by trans activists, we should not be too eager to discard it. One might take this a step further (Shrier does not), and compare transgender surgeries like breast fabrication or breast removal, as well as other forms of elective cosmetic surgery. When perfectly healthy body tissues are removed — or remade to resemble what they are not — this should be seen as elective, rather than necessary or a form of “treatment.” Can you imagine a surgeon being required to amputate a healthy leg because a patient has self-diagnosed gangrene? Yet gender affirmation therapies have become mandatory, “adopted by nearly every medical accrediting organization,” Shrier explains. “The American Medical Association, the American College of Physicians, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Psychological Association, and the Pediatric Endocrine Society have all endorsed ‘gender-affirming care’ as the standard for treating patients who self-identify as ‘transgender’ or self-diagnose as ‘gender dysphoric.’” This is a standard no other therapy endorses. The concept of transgenderism is a con job. Shrier, overly kind, calls gender transformation “an uphill battle.” But no one can actually change sex — one cannot turn male sexual organs into female ones, and vice versa. Every cell in the body is sexed. Biological and physical anthropologists can look at a skeleton and determine sex easily, even without DNA testing. Even though people like New York Times columnist and transgender author Jennifer Finney Boylan will insist the creation of a sexually responsive neo-vagina out of penile tissue is quite possible, this is chicanery. More commonly, the result resembles the useless hand of the “de-sleeve” victim mentioned above. Tales abound of necessary and multiple dilations of neo-vaginas, which may end up rotting, as do the faux phalluses, leaving organ damage in their wake. Frequent surgical corrections may be required, even if “successful.” Shrier writes, “Even just connecting all the veins and arteries to allow blood flow to the new appendage” requires surgery “under a microscope, using sutures about one-fourth the thickness of a human hair.” A real virtue of Shrier’s book is her addition of humour and genuine interest in those she interviews to her clarifying analysis. She includes the views of experts; stories from parents; the words of ROGD girls; analyses from radical feminists, some of whom are lesbians; and interviews with adults who are now transgender, or who have desisted and returned to identifying as their birth sex. Rarely have these perspectives come together in any single piece of accessible and easily readable writing. No prior knowledge of the issue or medical expertise is necessary to understand Shrier’s book. It should be a staple of book clubs, the general public, those interested in the issues involved, and anyone with an open mind. We urgently need to move beyond the “affirmation” dogma if we are to have a more sensible public discussion about gender identity. My friend compares the silencing of opposing perspectives to blasphemy laws. ile not operational in the United States, she told me: “The questions raised in every chapter of her book do amount to blasphemy. These questions are sins condemned by the gender orthodoxy and its unquestionable tenets. Unquestioned ideas, from the ‘mutability of gender’ to the erasing of material sex — and the limits of physiology and such — that now has achieved legal or quasi legal status in the U.S., Canada, the E.U., and Australia, for example. The strength of NGOS like the Arcus Foundation pouring cold cash into the sort of activism that creates ‘truths’ that give the feel of inevitable groundswells of progress and liberation.” As we sat in social distance and discussed further on my tree-shaded porch, we realized the parallels to the battle Andrea Dworkin fought against pornography. Just as the exceedingly well-funded pornographers could wage intellectual and legal war against Dworkin and Catharine MacKinnon, the many medical industries allied behind transgenderism have followed suit. So has the Cancel Culture of the “woke” Left, which has framed radical feminists and those concerned with rights for women and girls as the enemy, deserving of physical violence and forcible loss of income. While continuing to defend the sex industry as harmless “work,” the woke Left now also demands women forgo rights to placate male desires and identities. Backed by institutions, charities, and wealthy investors like Martine Rothblatt, Jon Stryker, the Pritzker family, and George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the trans lobby seems untouchable. To the detriment of girls and women of all races and social classes, the current combining of socially progressive movements with the obligatory inclusion of all manner of trans issues has worked. In fact, the trans lobby has jumped on the “intersectionality” train and is now sitting next to the conductor giving everyone direction as to where to go. It shouldn’t surprise us that Shrier addresses identitarian politics in her book. Her nod to white being a hated identity, however, is an overstatement of the current dogma on college campuses, and a misunderstanding of the idea of privilege. For whites, a bizarre campus culture requiring the confessing of the “sin” of being white at every turn does exist. Some of this is necessary, though, as we in the US address racist police violence and the consequent protests. Comfortable people do not change, and clearly change is needed, in the form of racial reparations and deep revisions in institutions. Many of us are eager for a more mature and focused form of protest, with well-considered demands for real change at the centre. Shrier does not deal well with the concept of privilege. Privilege means better treatment compared to a logical reference group, not “living in elegance or luxury.” As an old, fat, working class white woman, I have witnessed the fact that I am regarded as having more value, honour, and acceptance while moving within the culture, as compared to an old, fat, working class black woman, and this is confirmed by others’ experiences, too. The sons of my class can usually walk in any neighbourhood or drive any car without being stopped and questioned by the police. This is not the case for the sons of working class black women. Shrier is correct in pointing out that many of those with white and class privilege are using manufactured marginalizations — mental disorders disguised as oppression — to escape that privilege. Shrier’s claim that white girls hold “the most reviled identity on campus” is questionable, and she fails to name patriarchy as an issue. Our only hope in dialogue is to hear all sides of an issue and discuss them. As an old radical feminist I am painfully aware that in reaching out to young sex-role non-conformists, my voice is preemptively discounted. The culture is rabidly ageist: my decades’ worth of experience is viewed as worthless, and labelled bigotry. Young women are denounced for listening to the experiences of old women, and we are forced to sit by and watch as they learn to hate their natural bodies and their womanhood. We are silenced online, on the job, and in our communities if we are found to have tried. And still, we do. And still, we are increasingly finding young women as allies, and as leaders. If schools and other institutions that spread knowledge were to acknowledge sex roles and how they limit what individuals of either sex can be, and work against bullying on account of difference — sex, race, class, ability, or impairment — and sex role deviation, it would be great. But when that could have been implemented, during second wave feminism’s challenge of sex roles and stereotypes, there was no funding for or interest in doing so. Clearly, unless a woman is a doormat, and unless a man is a stone wall, we all defy our assigned sex role. I’ve heard so many women of my generation and even younger say that they are relieved they were not born later. The pressure, especially for lesbians — but truly for all non-doormat women — to see themselves as transgender would have been immense for us, too. Conforming, and all the positive attention attached to a declaration of trans identity — the claims of “courage” lavished on the acolytes of genderism — would have been ego-assuaging for us, too. Feminism of the radical kind saved our generations and offers a lifeline to young women today. Instead of the backlash that passes for liberation, we need to reclaim the analytical tools of 1970s feminism. The generation gap is a way to cut the transfer of knowledge from one generation to another. We cannot afford this. Shrier — not a radical feminist — understands the need for a transfer of feminist ideas, which may encourage other women to take a deeper look. Girls’ lives matter. I give Shrier credit for authoring this necessary book. It is the first to put the many pieces together clearly and accessibly. Read Irreversible Damage and share it with others — it is a brave and daring book that ought to be part of the public discussion. Original Link

  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

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  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back The Cowardly Republicans Of South Dakota By, Madeleine Kearns US For proof that Republicans can be just as lazy, self-serving, and cowardly as Democrats, look no farther than the South Dakota Senate. As reported by my colleague Tobias Hoonhout, this week Republican senators Duhamel, Rusch, Steinhauer, and Soholt of the Health and Human Services Committee all joined the 5–2 majority that effectively killed a bill designed to make it easier for gender-confused minors to attain financial compensation later in life — should they realize, before age 38, that the doctors who stunted their puberty, destroyed their fertility, and permanently impaired their sexual function had failed to meet the acceptable standards of (what are we calling it these days?) health care. Listening to the two-and-a-half-hour hearing, as those pathetically useless Republicans did (and as you, too, can do here), it is impossible to come to any other conclusion: When faced with one of the greatest scandals in modern medicine, Republican officials stuck their fat heads between their legs and — well, you know what. Lest you think I’m being overly harsh, allow me to summarize. The Vulnerable Child Protection Act, introduced in the South Dakota House of Representatives by Republican Fred Deutsch, would deter doctors from experimenting on gender-confused minors with hormones and surgeries by forcing them to consider the long-term consequences — if not for their patients, then for themselves. It passed the House of Representatives by a 46–23 vote last month and was later amended to remove criminal penalties for doctors, inserting a civil cause of action instead. It was a significant bill, not only in the context of South Dakota but nationwide, as part of the coordinated resistance to medical experiments on gender-confused children. The first witness in favor of the bill was Scott Newgent, a 47-year-old transgender man from Dallas, Texas. (Newgent is a female, lesbian, and mother who — for complicated reasons — recently underwent full chemical and surgical gender transition.) Newgent began by explaining that his own medical transition had cost him just under $1 million; that he will now be “dependent on drugs and doctors for the rest of my life,” and that this is not something a child can consent to. “A hundred medically transitioned adults [are] standing behind me with a signed petition that they are also against medically transitioning children,” he told the Senate. Newgent explained that the risks and complications of transition are all too often “glossed over.” After undergoing phalloplasty in 2017 — in which skin from his arm was grafted to form a pseudo-penis — he has endured “many medical complications, some of them life-threatening.” The doctors who performed this and other surgeries “couldn’t fix or didn’t want to fix” his plethora of associated problems, such as a reccurring bacterial infection and post-traumatic stress disorder. But Newgent could find no attorney confident enough to file a medical-malpractice suit on his behalf, since “there is no baseline for transgender health.” Newgent ended his testimony with the powerful statement that “no doctor, psychologist, parent, or anyone else has the right to sign up these kids to become sterile for life and be locked into the medical system for life. Only an adult has the right to decide this.” He warned that, without sufficient protections for minors, we will see a “true suicide epidemic” as these children reach adulthood. Newgent’s statement was followed by testimony from a 20-year-old woman who “spent a year as a trans man” and was “treated with mega doses of powerful testosterone that ravaged my body, caused me to gain 50 pounds and put me at risk for heart disease, diabetes, and teenage menopause.” I was diagnosed with gender dysphoria, a mental health condition. I’m not putting all the blame on the mental health people or the doctors. These are regretful choices I made as a teenager, but I trusted the doctor’s advice. The young woman said she had not been informed of alternative treatments or told that she might grow to accept her body without hormonal interventions. She warned that “more and more young people are being deceived every day by being told that the solution to their insecurity and identity problems is to get a sex change.” After that, the Senate heard from doctors and psychiatrists, none of whom — unlike the bill’s opponents — benefit financially from medical transitions. Dr. Michael Laidlaw, a board-certified specialist in endocrinology from Rockland, Calif., warned that these procedures on minors are “dangerous” and “experimental.” He asked the Senate to consider the vested interest of lobby groups: “You wouldn’t trust cigarette manufacturers to give you health information on cigarettes. Why trust activists to give you true information on these harmful hormones?” Laidlaw observed that “there are no rigorous long-term studies that show that these hormonal and surgical procedures . . . have any beneficial effect,” and pointed to investigations happening worldwide: for instance, in Sweden, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Brazil. Side effects include hypertension, cancer risks, permanent lowering of the voice. Males on estrogen have five times risk of deadly blood clots, increased risk of stroke . . . There’s an increased risk of heart attack and death from cardiovascular disease. These hormones are a pathway to sterilization. Surgeries for males include dissecting the penis and placing it into a pelvic wound, removal of the testicles; for girls, removal of the skin of the forearm, and then rolled up to look like a penis and then ovary removal. Other witnesses emphasized the potential increase in the risk of suicide after medical transition, according to Swedish studies of transsexual adults, as well as the legal merits of the amended bill, which was modest in its scope. One witness, Dr. Don Oliver, another board-certified pediatrician with over four decades of experience and a longtime member of the recently disgraced American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), referenced the words of the world-renowned Swedish child psychiatrist Christopher Gilberg, who had called for an immediate moratorium on this experimentation on gender-confused children, stating that it is “possibly one of the greatest scandals in medical history.” So, what did the other side have to offer? Well, they had doctor lobbyists, employed by Sanford Health, a provider of medical transitions, and a lobbyist for the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. They were (surprise, surprise) opposed to making it easier for patients to sue them later in life, giving the usual spiel about this being a private matter between a patient and their doctor. They were then joined by some colorful characters with a more spiritual perspective. A lobbyist for the ACLU began by greeting everyone with a “handshake from [her] heart,” introducing herself as a “queer indigenous two-spirit nonbinary” person. Another witness spoke on behalf of “Julian Bear Runner” of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, informing the Senate that Mr. Bear Runner (whose relevance and absence wasn’t explained) takes “great offense when our civil liberties come under fire by government officials [and] when laws are used as weapons to prohibit the movements and prosperity of [his] people.” Turning the poeticism up a notch, Lauren Stanley, leader of the Rosebud Episcopal Mission, suggested — without any supporting evidence — that the bill would cause the literal deaths of countless children, and asked: Will you take a shovel and help bury that child? Will you pick up the flowers and place them on the graves? Will you come and explain . . . to the families and friends of the children who are going to die because of this? . . . I will demand that you come to the next funeral that I have to do so you can explain why this harm is being done to my babies. Since few can be persuaded by such unscientific babble, it is fair to assume that the bill’s naysayers had a monetary incentive. But we need not assume. For David Owen, the president of the South Dakota Chamber of Commerce and Industry, explicitly said so. He referenced the business boycotts in North Carolina (after they passed their transgender-bathroom bill) and warned about the similar “inadvertent economic consequences this bill may bring to South Dakota.” Owens compared proponents of the North Carolina bill, who maintained that GDP would grow in spite of boycotts, to those “arguing [that] cutting the arm off a teenager doesn’t count because they got taller.” But is he actually that dense? Doesn’t he realize that South Dakota’s Vulnerable Child Protection Act was designed to prevent doctors from literally cutting healthy body parts off of teenagers? “We have members that are large employers that have called and said they want to support states that are inclusive,” he rambled on, to be joined by Debra Owen, the director of public policy for the Sioux Falls Area Chamber of Commerce. “The bottom line is this,” she said. “As South Dakota moves forward and seeks to be open for business, diversity and inclusion is not an option.” But no, ma’am. The bottom line is not that. The bottom line is this: American children are being medically experimented on for profit. And we now have a public record showing that Republican cowards in the South Dakota legislature don’t give a damn. Editor’s note: This article has been revised since its original publication. Original Link

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  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back Trans Man is Twitter-banned after speaking against gender transition of children By, Barbara Kay Canada It was bound to happen sooner or later. It happened a week ago. Scott Newgent, a 48 year old female to male trans man, has been banned for life from Twitter. His crime was to issue explicit warnings about the risks to gender-dysphoric children from puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, as well as the potential horrors that can accompany gender-reassignment surgery, which he underwent five years ago. Since he overcame an initial reluctance to go public with his story two years ago, Scott, who has three children of his own, has dedicated himself heart and soul to the mission of educating under-informed parents and deterring children from early commitment to medicalized gender crossover. Scott says what most people believe, but are now too cowed to say aloud: Underage children have not got the competence or objectivity to assess their own psychological situation or to understand the scope of what a lifetime dependency on cross-sex drugs, let alone sex reassignment surgery, implies for the human body. Scott's own cautionary tale is a medical horror story. His riveting journey has been graphically chronicled—by himself or others—in publications such as Quillette, National Review, Newsweek and Catholic Weekly. As he summarizes it in Quillette: "During my own transition, I had seven surgeries. I also had a massive pulmonary embolism, a helicopter life-flight ride, an emergency ambulance ride, a stress-induced heart attack, sepsis, a 17-month recurring infection due to using the wrong skin during a (failed) phalloplasty, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, the loss of all my hair, (only partially successful) arm reconstructive surgery, permanent lung and heart damage, a cut bladder, insomnia-induced hallucinations—oh and frequent loss of consciousness due to pain from the hair on the inside of my urethra. All this led to a form of PTSD that made me a prisoner in my apartment for a year. Between me and my insurance company, medical expenses exceeded $900,000," Scott writes. "During these 17 months of agony, I couldn't get a urologist to help me. They didn't feel comfortable taking me on as a patient—since the phalloplasty, like much of the transition process, is experimental." Scott's surgeon has often been named, but I won't, because even though numerous patients have lodged complaints about their botched surgeries by him, that surgeon isn't the point here, so I don't need to risk a defamation suit. (In my opinion, that surgeon should never see the inside of an operating theatre again, but he is still practising.) The point is that, as Scott writes, "trans health doesn't really have a justiciable baseline." If a surgeon botches your gall bladder operation, there are criteria by which to judge him or her. Or mastectomies, a relatively simple and straightforward procedure. But, although increasingly common nowadays, "bottom surgery," still relatively rare compared to most surgeries, is extremely complex and fraught with potential downsides, even those done by competent surgeons. Not all gender dysphoric children go on to bottom surgery as adults, but gender dysphoric adults are the only people who get bottom surgery. The risks associated with these surgeries is something the "affirming" community should be—but are not—communicating to parents of dysphoric children. Instead, parents are led to believe that the lifelong medical interventions they are guiding their children toward (it is well known now that virtually all children who take puberty blockers go on to cross-sex hormones) are a benign sidebar to the holy grail of gender transition. One might argue that as long as bottom surgery is something only adults agree to, it is their responsibility to assess the risks, and should not be the concern of those treating children. Perhaps Scott should have been suspicious that, as he told me in an interview, his initial call to the surgeon only lasted four minutes and his consultation in person eight minutes before committing to the surgery. But the fact that the surgeon himself did not ensure that Scott was fully informed of the gravity and risks associated with the surgery tells you something about the sex-reassignment "industry," a fair term given the lucrative rewards for pharmaceutical companies and doctors, and the lax regulations around it. It also tells you that even an intelligent adult who has proved himself a winner in other areas of his life can act with extraordinary naivete and "white coat"-inspired trust when his mind is fixated on what he believes to be an existential need. You might think that someone like Scott, with "lived experience" on the frontlines of full transition, would enjoy respect and deference in the debate over early affirmation of children with gender dysphoria. But since he is offering a perspective trans activists don't want to hear, he has been—much like the growing number of detransitioners – shunned as an apostate by those who control the public narrative. I call those movement leaders who dictate the gender heresy criteria to Twitter and mainstream media the "gender mystics." They promote gender dysphoria in children as a sign that the child has been "chosen" for membership in a higher order of human life. From the encouragement and deference paid to even slightly gender-confused children by the trans movement's acolytes in the teaching and therapeutic professions—and their gaslighted parents—you would think they were all mini-Dalai Lamas, emanating a special glow of holiness that confers blessings on everyone in their orbit. Any deviation from the utterly harmless sanctification model is considered "transphobia" by the gender mystics, and they have social media lined up in genuflection at the communion rail to prove their obeisance to the dogma. Meanwhile, social media's fear of facilitating alleged transphobia is worse than their concern about facilitating other forms of hate, such as antisemitism. The Center for Countering Digital Hate found that Twitter and Facebook took down fewer than one in nine reported examples of antisemitism over a six-week period in 2021. The posts include Holocaust denial, Nazi symbolism, and hashtags like #holohoax and #killthejews. There is nothing radical and certainly nothing objectively transphobic about what Scott has to say. He does not deny that gender dysphoria exists. He understands that there are some children—not many—for whom puberty blockers may be indicated as necessary. But instant affirmation and encouragement for off-label meds should never be the default response to gender confusion, even though "conversion therapy" bills like C-6 in Canada (not yet passed by the Senate) are conceived with the intention of making anything but affirmation and meds the norm in gender dysphoria therapy. Scott has a tough-love message for parents that is intended to make them feel guilty rather than compassionate and loving when they fall into the instant-affirmation trap. "For parents, I would say this," Scott writes, "It is simply not your right or duty to decide to medically transition your child. Remove that burden from your mind. Medical transition is for adults. The negatives associated with medical transition are vast, and you won't be the one who lives with the consequences. It will be your child. If your child tells you they will kill themselves if you do not allow them to medically transition (perhaps following a script he or she is provided on Reddit or Tumblr), take them to the hospital so they can be treated for suicidal ideation. Suicidal ideation and seeking transition are separate issues, so separate them." Scott is not the first courageous member of the trans sanity brigade to be Twitter-shamed, and he won't be the last. But he is endowed with the gladiatorial spirit that battens on challenge. Exile from Twitter tilts the playing field against dissent, but passionately engaged fighters (especially those in the United Kingdom) find other ways to get their message out. Graham Linehan, a brilliant English comedian, writer and director, broke away from a successful show business career to immerse himself in muckraking the sewer of pathological misogyny that is unfortunately part and parcel of trans activism, but one the movement leaders refuse to own. Twitter-banned as of June, 2020, Linehan runs a Substack that provides reliable, although often dismaying information not recommended for the faint of heart. Maya Forstater was fired from her think-tank job and was temporarily banned from Twitter for expressing her opinion "that sex is immutable and not to be conflated with gender identity." She first lost, but ultimately won a recent tribunal appeal– setting a significant precedent – when it was judged that her "gender-critical beliefs" fell under the Equalities Act as they "did not seek to destroy the rights of trans persons." Another lawsuit is in the works: James Esses is a former criminal defence barrister who chose to train as a therapist. In May 2021, three years into his degree program, Esses was expelled from the Metanoia institute (accredited by Middlesex University). According to Esses, "The reason for my expulsion was that I had been trying to safeguard therapy and counselling for vulnerable children with gender dysphoria. I had lodged a public petition, which subsequently got 10,000 signatures and a response from the government, who agreed to many of the safeguards I had been seeking. The petition caused a social media backlash against me and culminated in my expulsion. My course provider needlessly publicised the expulsion on social media. I worry that this has therefore ended my career in my chosen profession before it has even begun." Esses is fighting back. He started a crowdfunding campaign to raise funds for a lawsuit and as of August 1, had raised 30 thousand pounds. Maya Forstater's victory is likely to weigh heavily in his case. It is important that we do not automatically assume that exile from Twitter is an insurmountable barrier to resistance. The gender mystics are winning social media battles, but the war will be won by the heroes who refuse to yield to their tyranny, who refuse to be silenced, and who find other pathways to make their case. The sane people, those who refuse to be gaslighted, must support them in any way we can. TRE Voices, which stands for Trans Rational Educational Voices, is Scott Newgent's newsletter. Do visit and sign up. Original Link

  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back Wild West Of Transgender Surgery - It's All Experimental - Yee Haw! By, Scott Newgent US Deciding to get a Phalloplasty is a personal journey. The surgery itself is a hot button in the transgender community, and, I believe it will continue to be for quite some time. I'm not a Doctor just a patient, so these explanations, experiences as well as opinions will be with my limited knowledge from a clinical perspective. Some incidents are mine, some I have read in medical malpractices cases, and others are ones I listened to over coffee with friends. Excuse the explicit account, but I want to put the complexities and expectations into a realistic viewpoint, it would have benefited me when I started this pilgrimage. Lets start with a quick synopsis of the most popular FTM bottom surgeries and then finish with the ,"Flagship," the Phalloplasty. Metoidioplasty: This releases the clitoris: Like somehow It's being held down by forces unknown to us, quite comical because medically it just about covers how women have been treated since the beginning of time. Once the clitoris is released, the surgeon then wraps around the labia minora skin to create a little penis. A scrotoplasty can be designed to give an even more realistic atheistic, and a urethra lengthening can be added to provide the patient with the ability to pee while standing. The Metoidioplasty was developed in the '70s and is a far less evasive surgery than the Phalloplasty. You get a realistic-looking little penis and can stand to pee. But, let's face it penetration is most likely out of the question. With testosterone treatment, the trans man does grow a more extended and bigger clitoris, but having one grow big enough to penetrate is a rumor that I have not been able to clear up. I have had a couple of FTM patients tell me they can penetrate, but I always have questioned that in my mind. Pros: Cheaper $5,000-$20,000 depending on what you choose to do, and if you add on a urethra lengthening and a scrotum, less downtime, and fewer chances of complications. The surgery is not incredibly long, 2-5 hours, depending on what doctor or website you read. Cons: Just one, penetration…NOPE. Centurion: The Centurion was invented and performed by Dr. Peter Raphael in Dallas, Texas. I had my top surgery, and a couple of other things done by Dr. Raphael. This guy is an artist. He has an impressive background; his father was a surgeon and his mother a talented artist, and he kind of twists that into one in Plastic Surgery. If you walk by his office, sometimes you can catch him sculpting implants trying to figure out better ways to create the most realistic scrotum — great guy, sincere with helping people in the transgender community, careful and adept. Dr. Raphel is a little more costly but worth the investment. This procedure can also add urethra lengthening giving the patient the ability to pee and a scrotum. Pros: It's a Metoidioplasty on steroids, more prominent and more realistic. Cheaper than a Phalloplasty $8,000-$20,000 Cons: Again, sorry guys penetration is not really an option. Ok, so now let us get to the "Flagship," of female to male bottom surgery the……drum roll Please. Phalloplasty. If you research this bad boy online, you will think you hit the jackpot. Realistic penis, penetration, pee while standing an all-around winner winner chicken dinner. But things are not always what they seem to be, especially with marketing experts and the capricious powers of the internet, creating smoke and mirrors. Phalloplasty: In the 1940s Sir Harold Gilles was the first surgeon to take skin from another part of the body to create a penis, but the first Surgeons to try and tackle this colossal surgery didn't happen here in the USA until the 70s. With this surgery, the surgeon takes skin from two different sites on the body; one harvesting area is cut into deeper and, full recovery to the skin's initial appearance is never regained. The surgeon then creates a urethra lengthening procedure and takes the skin from the site where it is harvested and molds and stitches a penis. Once completed, the skin is re-attached and put back onto the body. Pros: Awwww, penetration, maybe? Cons: Wow. Well, first the surgery can take anywhere from 10-20 hours to complete the process you can have anywhere from 2-22 operations, depending on complications and complications are vast, numerous, and frequent. Since the skin is not able to become erect, the actual penis is long and cumbersome all the time. Recovery is brutal, not a, "Hey boss, I need a couple of weeks off to have a surgery." NOPE! This recovery is months and months if not years, depending on what type of complications you have. This is an expensive surgery $50,000 on the super low end up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. If your insurance does cover this surgery, make sure they will cover the additional operations to complete the surgery and all the complications that may arise. So, you still want to get a Phalloplasty; the idea of penetration is just something you have to have. Sure, I get it, and that's the reason I did it too, as well as my ex-wife wanting the evasive, "Penetration." I get it, the allurement is appealing, but the draw has the potential to change many things in your life that you need to be aware of. This Surgery guys is no joke. But, when I first was looking into Phalloplasty, I obsessively searched the internet, and the plethora of information that pops up is like Disneyland for the FTM. Oh, my God it's too good to be true like Cinderella married the FTM with a Huge Penis, and they lived happily ever after enjoying penetration after penetration. As you open different sites, a handful of surgeons become the most relevant and they look so esteemed with awards, dual residencies, and success after success. If fact, if you dive deep into investigations, you can find fictitious accolades and awards that boast the potential Surgeon's competencies. If you base your decision to have a Phalloplasty on what is on the internet, you are making an ignorant decision with lots of moving parts. Imagine yourself skipping down the yellow brick road just like Dorthy from the Wizard of Oz. Do you recall who was behind the curtain? Do you? Now imagine deciding something as drastic as a Phalloplasty with a couple of clicks of a mouse. It's dangerous and downright insane. Be sure your Surgeon behind the curtain doesn't resemble the all Powerful Oz from the wizard of Oz. If you research some of these doctors you will find medical malpractice cases, but you must do your homework, merely checking doctors state board license is not enough. Malpractice cases can be hidden by settling or leaving the state and starting a new. If you investigate, you will find that the decision to get a Phalloplasty obliterated quite a few people's lives. The complication rate is enormous. Prior patients have been shattered physically, spiritual, and left in financial ruin. Having a big penis that you can use to penetrate with is not a fair trade for having to wear a colostomy bag for years or even the rest of your life, not in my estimation. Again, I'm not revealing anything about my experience; this was something I read about in a malpractice case. First, let us take the skin that needs to be removed to create the penis. You have three choices, the forearm, the thigh, and the upper back. To be able to use the leg for harvesting the patient needs to have a specific body to fat ratio for the procedure to work, this skin also must have a certain elasticity. Depending on the age and body fat of the patient, this might or might not be an option. The benefit to the thigh is the harvesting sight on the leg can be covered; this part of your body is never going to look the same; you need to understand this. You will look like a burn victim; it's just where you will look like you got burned. The con is that it's not the best site for sensation, it's not the gravest but you could or could not be able to orgasm. I'm not bullshitting you; this is your life you need to understand this stuff. The second place for harvesting skin is from the upper back. Again, this area can be covered, but the sensation is less. You're, odds of orgasming goes down even further. Who wants to go through all this pain, money, and suffering to have a penis that doesn't allow you to orgasm? The last area is the forearm, and the pros to this area are the sensation great, the bad news is that your arm will never look or work the same. For some reason, this information is almost nonexistent when you search the internet. The Surgeons web sites quickly skim through this as if it's no big deal. You can google images though, and these are realistic, look at these don't ignore these, these pictures of what you will be putting your arm through. My surgeon downplayed using the forearm site to the point I allowed myself to feel silly for being troubled about questioning whether or not I should use the forearm. In fact, as I look back, my surgeon was the pivotal point in my entire decision to get the Phalloplasty. Sure, my wife wanted it, but if I knew what I know now, I would have never made the decision to have a Phalloplasty. My surgeon had this arrogance and gave me such little time, it pushed me into the belief that I should believe him, and because of that, I did. It reminds me of a cult where the followers start to question things, but they look around, and everyone else is so obedient and faithful that they figure it's just them. Little do they know in the background the leader is shuffling people and rumors around, so they don't eventually meet up and figure out the leader is full of shit. The authenticity, for me, is that my arm is handicapped for the rest of my life. It hurts to type on the computer, I can't play sports, and my hand remains swollen years after the surgery and it, well it hurts all the time. Not the pulsing pain that ravages you, the, "Damn my hand hurts and I'm having a hard time holding a fork to eat," type of pain. Pain that gives you a glimpse into what your body might feel like as a 100-year-old man, but just in your arm. It's depressing I can't lie. Another predicament is nerve damage; the surgeon cuts so deep that nerve endings are exposed, and they may never close for the rest of your life. For me, I must wear a brace because a graze on my forearm skin sends me through the roof with shock. Another delicacy is that the skin I was speaking about is not all the skin that needs harvesting. Another area is used to gather more skin, usually the thigh, but it's not as deep, so the scar is quite unnoticeable. But, wow, talk about a road rash gone wild, hurts, hurts and hurts some more. The good news with this harvest sight is that the pain concedes in six weeks. Donor site information seemed to be leaped over and lessened by the websites for the surgeons and the surgeons themselves when you have the consultations. I encourage you to google pictures of the parts of the body and how they harvest the skin. Look at those images with both eyes open. If you are speaking with a surgeon and he or she minimizes the harvesting of skin, I would be worried because this is not a walk in the park and this can leave you damaged in many ways if you choose the wrong decision for yourself. Another predicament is nerve damage; the surgeon cuts so deep that nerve endings are exposed, and they may never close for the rest of your life. For me, I must wear a brace because a graze on my forearm skin sends me through the roof with shock. Are you prepared for the daily and the never-ending question you will get if you leave your arm exposed, "What happened to your arm question?" You can come up with your own response. But, I like to say, "Oh, I used the skin to create a penis. It doesn't work right because I was born with a vagina. But, my wife wanted me to be able to penetrate her and pee standing up. She didn't want me to embarrass her if I was ever in a gym locker with any of her friends or family. One always has to look after their reputation. Don't you agree? Recovery from the harvest area on the forearm is years, and from my experience, you never get the full use of your arm again so, if you choose your arm to be prepared to look like a burn victim and be ready to have a disabled forearm for life. So, you want to pee standing up? Who wouldn't really? What a convenience to pee standing up and if I had the choice, I would choose to pee standing up too. But think about this to go from a female urethra to a male urethra is tough. The urethra has to lengthen and run through the skin that is being used to create a penis. Creating something in surgery is much harder than cutting something off. When you create, you create the opportunity for complications, and the Phalloplasty is generating a ton of different things at once in one surgery. The Phalloplasty complication rate ranges between 39% - 95%. The complications vary depending on the length of the desired penis and urethra length. My on the street poll for complication rates with Phalloplasty is 100%. 100% of the people I have talked to and read about have had complications. If you google surgeons that have the Phalloplasty in their wheelhouse you will be pleasantly surprised by websites bolstering 100% success rates, limited explanations of complications and risks. Do not be fooled. My inquisition question would be to ask them, "at what cost?" If I told you, "Hey bud, ride your bike 10 miles to the next town but, the probability you are going to get hit by a car and maimed for life is between 39%-95%. Now, you may have up to a 95% chance of getting hit but, if you hang in there and endure having surgery up to 22 times, we guarantee that 100% you are going to pee standing up. Are you ducking nuts man? The most frequent complication of Phalloplasty urethra lengthening is Fistulas. Aw, fistulas those little inconveniences, inconsiderate small holes that develop between where the vagina was and the new path up to the bottom of the penis. These tiny holes cause significant problems and pain, my God the pain can be horrendous and cause serious infections as well as a detectable stench of urine that drains out of the holes throughout the day. Fistulas cause pain, swelling, incontinence, and the embarrassment of smelling like an infant or 100-year-old-man that needs to have their diaper changed. The problem is the stench will be coming from you, and you will have to learn how to carry diapers so that you can change them several times a day. Take that as a confidence boost, and an excellent intimacy motivator between you are your lover. Sexual spontaneity will most likely be nonexistence. Good news though, but you might be able to pee standing up, but your fistula will dribble urine on the floor. Last fistulas have a high probability of not being successful in surgery. If you do need additional operations, be prepared to continue the process several times to get the issue resolved. But, in the end, you may still have to get rid of the urethra lengthening all together and re-route it back to the same place it was when you started. Peeing will again require that you sit down. Yup, that's right peeing sitting down. I hope you can still reach orgasm because that would be a real bummer! Infection, hell yes! Imagine having your skin ripped and burned from your body and placed on tables where a doctor creates a male organ and re-attached to your opened body carcass. The area where this exposed organ is being held together by stitches and gauze will be exposed to the outside elements for weeks and weeks. The wounds that need to heal are located inches from where you defecate. If you do develop a fistula urine will meet the wound as well. You're afraid of touching a bathroom doorknob? Hell, honey hold your breath, be strong and if it gets to you to bad break out the Xanax and don't think about it. Better yet, THINK ABOUT IT and the risks. For weeks you will have what is called a super pubic tube, this is a tube that comes out of the side of your body and travels inside you and inserted into the bladder to allow your Phalloplasty to heal. Some surgeons are ok with removing it after 4-6 weeks, and some won't remove it for months and months. It's uncomfortable but in my opinion the least evasive part of the surgery. Enjoy, no middle of the night bathroom breaks. Sepsis, ever heard of this medical delight? With the evasiveness of this surgery, which is mildly covering the bases of the severity. I like to gauge the bench of a Phalloplasty as inhuman and grotesque. In any case, the odds of getting an infection are high. If you add a sepsis infection, it can knock a patient back light years in recovery. Sepsis feels like you went ten rounds with Mike Tyson in the day and the spar ends with Bruce Lee jumping in the ring adding a roundhouse kick that catapults you back into the bed that is made up of steel nails. The least amount of movement feels like you are moving a house with your bare hands. Psychologically you feel defeated with the idea of having to change the channel on TV with a remote; it's bad guys. Sleeping is something you can forget about with the irritable leg symptoms. You can look forward to the gaze of insomnia as it sets in that leaves you feeling hopeless and lost. Surgeons? So what's with the surgeons that get into this field? Let's think about that. What part of society do we represent to people that are other than our friends and family? If we think about facts and not how we wished our culture was, what would that say to you? As transgender people, we are exposed to mockery, bigotry, loathing, judgment, and treated with the lowest form of virtue at times. How many times can you count where you have been out and overheard a joke about the transgender community only to watch the wine glasses click together with hilarity and approval. Hell, up until just recently we were the red-headed stepchild of the LGBT community. The last letter in the acronym of the least accepting society in the world. Even our kind, the LGBT community rejected us, derided us and only left a crack in the door for acceptance. It has only been since Jenner that have we have revered as even a species of the human race, and that was only 5 or 6 years ago. So, I ask you again, what surgeons go into this line of practice? Don't live in the fantasy Phalloplasty land. Let yourself be in denial about the kind of person you are married to, pick up the size 30 waist jeans and convincingly tell yourself these would fit you great. But, not with Phalloplasty and not with the surgeon you choose. The people in a part of society thought of less than is protected less. Why do you think serial killers with the longest careers target and kill indigents and prostitutes? Why? Because most people don't give a shit about them. I say most, because there are good people in the world, but far less that what you think. It’s human nature to act like Purana's feasting on a wounded fish in the water. That is why racism will never leave our world, it will always be there. Face it guys we are low hanging fruit to be mistreated, know that and understand you have to protect yourself because no one else will. That includes picking a competent Surgeon. You must ask yourself; Why would surgeons choose this type of surgery to perform? A general surgeon averages $220,000 salary a year. A specialized Cardiologist almost doubles that at $512,000. A standard appendectomy in the USA cost $21,000. A Phalloplasty with a scrotum, urethra lengthening and pump averages $85,000-$200,000 and insurance are covering it now. Think of the complication revenues from Phalloplasty alone. Hell, it might even be worth it to skimp here or there in surgery because who's going to care it's just a transgender person and the additional revenue could be a plus. I believe you can figure out the reason why this field is selected. A surgeon that is not good at anything else can jump into this area of practice and make a fortune, be sought after, have articles written about them, and have a narcissistic personality fed like royalty. To perform this surgery, you don't have to have any specialized education other than being a general surgeon. I can't find any medical guidelines or regulations or checks and balances. It's like the wild, wild west of surgery. In my opinion and experience with going through this Surgery, I believe Phalloplasty surgery should be illegal until regulations, and roads are in place to assure the surgeons that are administering the operations adhere to a strict set of guidelines. Since it is still legal, and I do believe there are incredible and genuine surgeons like Dr. Marci Bowars and Dr. Peter Rapheal, you need to ask your possible surgeons questions. If your potential surgeon is arrogant, doesn't allow you to see additional pictures of the past patients, or denies a request to speak to previous patient move on to another that will. Ask questions like, "How many medical malpractice cases have you had filed against you," not ones that you have paid off, so they are not on your record. How many have been filed? Check the medical boards on your potential Surgeons license, review the superior courts where your doctor is practicing. Look up medical malpractice cases on the surgeon you are working with; read them. Ask your potential surgeon if they are creating the male organ themselves or if they pay another surgeon to do it. In business, we call that subcontracting and the responsibility for issues that arise tend to be ping-ponged back and forth between the Surgeons. Who is going to be in the room during the operation, and who are the Doctors? Ask if a specialized arm Surgeon will be doing the work that is needed to harvest the skin. How much medical malpractice insurance do you have? Do you know that surgeons don't have to carry medical malpractice insurance? Crazy huh? In the end, if you do choose on a Phalloplasty, be smart about it, you are worth it, at least I think you are. A person that endures the most obstacles in life can offer the most to a society. Being different affords tremendous obstacles and you have a lot to offer the world because of it. You are worth a great surgeon, you are worth a great life, you are worth all your hopes and dreams. Unfortunately, the vast amount of our society is not going to feel the same way, its just the facts. Protect yourself and love yourself and count on yourself, because in the end it’s all that you have. Original Link

  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

    Trans Regretters Membership Quesionnaire Do you want to warn others about the harms and PERMANENCE of medical transition? YES no Name Age Email Address Are you against the medical transitioning of children? YES no How long has it been since you medically transitioned? Choose an option How long has it been since you have regretted your medical transition? Choose an option What is the main element(s) of your medical transition that you want to warn others about? Are you STUCK with permanent physical changes from you medical transition? YES no Are you STUCK with permanent mental or emotional changes from you medical transition? YES no There are varying levels of regret. To what degree would you say you regret your medical transition? (hover to see choices) not at all a little- some things mostly regret it, but it brought me to where I am today regret it all and would never do it again! As a member of Trans Regretters, in which ways would you be willing to WARN others about the harms and permanence of medical transition? Write your personal story to be added to the website Appear on short videos for social media and the website Public speaking Participate in interviews, written or podcast format Testify at public hearings , in court General activism Join the Trans Regretters Sub-Reddit to help warn others Do you primarily see or refer to yourself as... Trans Regretter Detransitioner Desister None of the above Do you understand why the term detransitioner doesn't necessarily fit for everyone? YES no Do you feel STUCK in medical transition? YES no Do you have any special skills that you'd like to use to help WARN others about the harms and PERMANENCE of medical transition? If som list them below. Are you currently involved in legal action against any entity, professional or individual who took part in your medical transition? YES no Do you have any mental health concerns that would make it difficult to participate in actions on behalf of Trans Regretters? No need to disclose them specifically. YES no Do you agree to our privacy and non-disclosure terms as listed below? You're joining Trans Regretters as a volunteer and will not be financially compensated for your efforts. Any contributions you make to Trans Regretters as a member, including but not limitted to writing, video, audio, art, will be used to WARN others of the harms and PERMANENCE of medical transition. Trans Regretters administrators reserve the right to use any of these materials how we see fit. You will be removed from Trans Regretters and any program, project or forum we administrate for any of the following infractions: 1. public slander or negative promotion of Trans Regretters; 2. Promotion of medical transition; 3. if you are at any time not a good fit for Trans Regretters. When working on any project, promotion or materials for Trans Regretters, information and developments pertaining to said projects, promotion and materials is to be kept private and not shared publicly until the individual(s) leading the project, promotion or materials approve. I agree to the terms & conditions Trans Regretters is a non-profit organization and we rely on donations for the work we do. Are you willing to become a monthly donor at $10/month? YES no Maybe later Submit Thank you for your submission!

  • TReVoices - Parents/Detrans

    TReVoices Is The Leading Org Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition World Wide! ​ Led by transman/lesbian Scott Newgent, our relentless SCREAMING to 'STOP Medically Transitioning Children' has been and continues to be heard everyday World - Wide! Make sure we can continue - We Need Your Help - Donate Today. Button Lift The Veil. Parents Get Busy & Learn Why 'Medical Transition Is Not Place For a child.' Sincerely, TReVoices & Everyone Else < Back DONNA M. Original Article News Discourses Donna M. is a writer who was censored by Medium when her insights on transgender issues were labelled "hate speech." You can follow Donna on Twitter @minnemom1. Believe Moms: There’s Something Else Going on With Trans Teens Let’s start with a caveat: I love passion. I do. And I have a deep, strong instinct to stick up for people whom I think are ignored or mistreated. I’m a typical bleeding-heart liberal. You know me: coexistence bumper sticker and a cloth grocery sack. I feel your pain, I do. So let me assure you, I love those incredibly self-assured, brash, righteous, young activists who are screaming for trans rights. I see you. I’ve been one of you, too, believe it or not. And occasionally, I still go out with my protest sign and my sensible sneakers to make some noise on behalf of those who are ignored or mistreated. That’s all okay – and it’s good, and it’s necessary. But today, I’d like you all to just take a deep breath and center some voices that are being silenced and ignored: the moms of the world. Because we moms might have a few things we’ve learned along the way, and you might save yourself a hoarse voice and some embarrassment by just stopping for a minute and listening. You might just shift your idea of who needs our protection right now. A few weeks ago, I published an open letter about my Weird Son and his sudden and very unlikely self-diagnoses of being transgender. To my surprise, it was blocked as “Hate Speech” by Medium. Apparently, acknowledging that someone is weird (by the way we all are) is just too too much for our society to hear. It was picked up by New Discourses (thanks James!) where it has had a good run. Among the many comments was the theme: “Her son is probably trans and she just can’t tell. She’s just oblivious. She’s probably just been ignoring the signs. She should just believe him. She’s a bad mom.” Beside the laughable idea that a stranger on the internet could adequately diagnose a teenager from afar by reading a description of him written by his mother, I was bothered by the dismissal of a mother’s observations and insights. As if what mothers observe, note, and infer is somehow not to be trusted or valued. There is a knee-jerk reaction out there against the moms of the world. Let’s just call this “misomatery,” a hatred of mothers. (My apologies to the Classics majors of the world.) It is time to stop dismissing mothers. Because these women are the experts on their children. And yes, no person can read the thoughts inside another person’s head, nor perfectly measure every emotion someone else feels, but moms are as close to that as it gets. The survival of our species has depended on moms being able to read their children accurately. Was that newborn’s cry hunger or a wet diaper? Is that strange cough and fever within the normal range, or should we blast off to the doctor? Are you really too sick to go to school? There is even a fancy term for this: “mother’s intuition.” But amazingly, within the context of transgender politics and medicine, these insights are dismissed. The broader culture’s wide-spread misomateric attitude tells teens: if your parents question your self-diagnosed gender dysphoria and are skeptical about your trans identity, they are transphobic and you should ignore them. Trans activists reject parental surveys as being inaccurate or irrelevant (unlike, say, parent reports of a child having depression or tics). Schools begin to socially transition kids without parents’ approval because they think they know these kids better than the parents do. And incredibly, within mothers, internalized misomatery begins to build. We start to doubt ourselves. Did we really miss evidence of our child’s true nature for years and years? Are we really those bad mothers who have been blind to years and years of our children’s deep distress? Let me tell you, that’s possible, but it’s just not probable. Too many of us are seeing the same thing. Over the past few months, I’ve joined a community of parents working to help support our trans-identified sons. We’re up to around seventy now, and we’ve coordinated to uncover research studies, track down experts, build surveys and gather data, share ideas and insights, and grapple with the possible ramifications of different treatment options. Here’s what we see: there is something else going on with this spike of transgender teen boys. These are kids who were “typical” boys in early childhood. They did not cross-dress, they did not demand nor even show much interest in the toys of the other sex. They were completely “normal” until their sudden announcement between ages 14-16. Well – not completely normal. 100% of the boys in our group are socially awkward. 64% have anxiety, 52% have depression, 40% have ADHD, and around 50% have Autism or Autism-like behaviors (our survey total is 67). Amazingly, over 85% of these kids are gifted (IQ above 130). Sadly, 20% of them have recently experienced a significant trauma such as the death or chronic illness of a parent or sibling. But generally, these are nerdy, awkward boys on the edges of their social circles. Some of them have no friends at all. Despite their announcements, these boys still strongly lean towards the “masculine”: we’ve got lots of video gamers, chess players, computer programmers, D&D, debate club and math club kids. Some of these boys might be gay, and a few say they’re straight, but mostly they’re just sexually inexperienced and/or late-bloomers. This is not your grandma’s transgenderism. This has nothing to do with Caitlyn Jenner. This is not Jazz Jennings. These are not boys with a strange sexual fetish. These are not porn addicts. These are boys who acknowledge they had never even questioned their gender until quite recently. Most of them have not changed their public behavior or requested female pronouns. These are lonely, isolated, and confused boys, trying to understand why they feel so different. They need our help and our sympathy – but they don’t need your “affirmation.” Because we should all agree that kids with mental health issues should have treatments that are safe and effective. And the “affirmation” model is a complete mess. There is no “brain scan” for being trans – there is no biological marker – this is just based on a “feeling.” Affirming doesn’t actually decrease suicide. Puberty-blocking hormones are being used off-label to treat gender-dysphoric children, and the latest study from Tavistock show they don’t actually improve mental health. Cross-sex hormones and surgeries permanently alter a child’s body, by stunting growth (always) and weakening bones (often), and by decreasing IQ (likely), increasing cardio risks (likely), and sterilizing and eliminating sexual function. And even then, they don’t always work. Just ask the over 17,000 desisters and detransitioners in their twenties on reddit! The old model of watchful waiting seemed to work, though. We know that most (60-85%) young children with gender dysphoria who were left alone came to terms with their birth sex by the time they were 18. We know that psychotherapy has a long history of helping people deal with their mental distress. And these kids are in distress. They’re lonely, they’re sad, and they are vulnerable. Most of them are struggling with underlying mental health issues. A fair number of them are “weird.” All of them are struggling with the growing pains of adolescence. Perhaps some of them will persist. But a fair chunk of them will not. But we do know that kids and teens do not have the emotional or cognitive capacity to make these choices themselves. Our teen boys can’t even remember to put the ice cream away – let alone floss their teeth or wear coats on cold days. Their brains are literally not capable of accurately assessing risks or predicting consequences. That’s why they have mothers (and fathers)! So here’s my idea: let’s start listening to mothers. Let’s center their voices. Let’s overthrow the misomateric idea that what mothers think and observe doesn’t matter. Let’s believe moms, and trust moms. So when a mom says “hey, my kid isn’t trans, he’s just weird, and he’s just fine” we say yes – we believe you. Because you are a mom. Now put down your “trans women are women” posters. Stop shouting TERF at me. Stop it with the blind affirmation. And get your drugs and surgery and pathology and cult-like messaging away from my vulnerable kid. Stop, and really listen. There are some voices that need to be heard – and they aren’t yours.

  • Miranda - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic.Trans Woman

    Get to know trans people, the real trans living day to day, what they believe, and how they feel. You will find that most older trans people believe what is happening to kids, and transgender ideology is hurtful. The media leaders you currently see do not represent most trans people. Reality Is Not Bigotry < Back Trans Woman Miranda Yardley - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic. Miranda Yardley (born 1967) is a British accountant, publisher, and activist. Yardley is a prominent transgender voice in the “gender critical” movement and an “autogynephilia” activist. Yardley earned a degree in accounting from Bangor University in 1990. Yardley started an accounting firm in 2000 and took over publishing music magazine Terrorizer in 2002 under the auspices of Dark Arts, Ltd. Yardley later added the titles Dominion and Sick Sounds . In 2008, Yardley made a gender transition. In 2014, Yardley became heavily involved in online fights about transgender politics, specifically rejecting the idea that trans women are women. In 2018, Yardley was suspended from Twitter for saying Green Party spokesperson Aimee Challenor is a man. In April 2018 cisgender woman Helen Islan brought a “transgender hate crime” complaint against Yardley that led to police involvement and a drawn out investigation. The case was dropped in Yardley’s favor in March 2019. Since that time, Yardley has been embraced by gender critical people, appearing on their platforms and writing about trans community controversies. Website Facebook Contact TReVoices Contributions: What Makes A Transgender Child? Cliches, it seems…Brave Trans Steps Up To Protect Kids!

  • TReVoices - Parents/Detrans

    TReVoices Is The Leading Org Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition World Wide! ​ Led by transman/lesbian Scott Newgent, our relentless SCREAMING to 'STOP Medically Transitioning Children' has been and continues to be heard everyday World - Wide! Make sure we can continue - We Need Your Help - Donate Today. Button Lift The Veil. Parents Get Busy & Learn Why 'Medical Transition Is Not Place For a child.' Sincerely, TReVoices & Everyone Else < Back Hannah Barnes and Deborah Cohen Original Article BBC News Persuasion How Do I Go Back To The Debbie I Was - Or Can I? "This was a mistake that should never have happened… how do I go back to being the Debbie that I was?" Debbie was born a girl and lived most of her life this way. But almost two decades ago, aged 44, she sought help to transi tion from a woman to a man. Debbie underwent a full female-to-male surgical transition, which included having a phalloplasty - where a penis was constructed from skin on her forearm. She changed her name to Lee and spent 17 years on testosterone - masculinising hormones that can lead to changes such as more facial hair and more muscle developing. She believed transitioning would allow her to "become accepted in the world". But now, aged 61, she's detransitioning back to the gender she was assigned at birth. Puberty-blockers study under investigation Transgender teen care 'needs regulation' Trans and a triplet: Coming out made us closer The number of people openly questioning their gender identity has increased rapidly, with demand for NHS specialist gender-identity services in England - for both children and adults - at an all-time high. Many who transition to a gender different from the one they were assigned at birth will live happy lives. But BBC News has heard from others who, like Debbie, have reversed the process. "I was what would be considered a pretty gender-nonconforming child," said Thain, now 40. "And then there was the fact I was attracted to girls… and I just didn't know anybody who was lesbian." Thain started to transition in her 20s but decided to stop a couple of years later. Once in her teens, Thain said the growing discomfort she had felt around her identity had convinced her she was transgender. At 26, Thain sought help from the NHS and was prescribed testosterone. But after two years, she decided to stop taking the hormones and detransition. "It wasn't until I discovered a community who were affirming to gender nonconforming people, which is the radical feminist community, that I really made the decision to stop," Thain told BBC News. Charlie Evans, 28, also struggled with her gender identity from a young age. At 15, she started to identify as a boy, shaving her head, binding her breasts and using male pronouns. She never took testosterone and after several years, went back to identifying as a woman. She has since set up a support network for detransitioners and said she had been contacted by about 300 people, including some who had surgically transitioned. She admitted she could not verify all their stories. "Most of us are same-sex attracted," she told BBC News. "Most of us identify as either lesbian or bisexual and a lot of us are autistic." Charlie said many of these women felt at the time they had sought treatment, "they were not in a state that they were able to give consent [to medically transition] because they felt so unwell with eating disorders or depression". Charlie said she was surprised how many people had reached out to her support network for detransitioners Lui Asquith, from Mermaids, which supports transgender and gender-diverse young people, warned such experiences should not be used to imply the system was lacking rigour or people were being dealt with in a way that "suggests they're being pressured or made into being trans". "That's incorrect," they said. "You can't make someone be trans." There is no official data for the number of people who detransition. Some studies have suggested 2%, while others suggest lower. But experts have told BBC News the studies are flawed. Psychotherapist James Caspian has worked with transgender adults for more than a decade. More recently, he's been contacted by dozens of detransitioners. "This whole area of transgender medicine is very under researched," he said. But he has spotted certain common themes among the transitioners he has spoken to. "Quite a lot of them seem to have had a very negative experience of being female in a female body - sexual harassment, even abuse," he said. Debbie believes she transitioned as a way of dealing with the sexual abuse she endured as a child. "I thought I was going to be on a journey to becoming a different person... I'd morph into someone else and leave that traumatised woman completely behind," she said. But through counselling, she added, it had become apparent "the transition was a way of trying to escape". Debbie as a young woman and then after her transition, as Lee Detransitioning is a controversial topic. Christopher Inglefield, who specialises in transgender surgery, explained why parts of the trans community might be "very nervous" about detransitioning becoming a prominent story. "Any reversal of that transition starts to make society question the whole transition process in the first place," he said. And this could lead to people questioning the funding and support for much needed gender services. "What's really important is to ensure that this experience [of detransitioning] isn't used to pressure other people," said Lui Asquith, from Mermaids. "It shouldn't be used to tell those who are trans, those that are gender diverse, that they are wrong or different. It's about creating a system that makes everybody feel validated." The Gender Identity Development Service (Gids) is the only NHS clinic in England that treats under-18s questioning their gender identity. Children can be offered puberty-blocker drugs, which work on the brain to stop the eventual release of oestrogen or testosterone Meanwhile, adults can begin transitioning through taking cross-sex hormones. NHS England said adult patients were required to live for at least a year in their desired gender before they became eligible for surgery. The Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, which runs Gids, said its evidence suggested detransition was "very rare" and it was important not to equate all detransitions with regret. The trust - which also runs the adult Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) - said those pursuing physical interventions to transition and adults wishing to detransition were offered "psycho-social support" throughout. But two former Gids clinicians are publicly raising concerns about the support available to this vulnerable group, for the first time. Anna Hutchinson, part of Gids' senior team from 2013-17, said when patients sought help from professionals, they had expectations about the outcome they wanted. "Many of them are very clear that they want the medical intervention," she said. "The people for whom that pathway hasn't worked, in retrospect, will say that what they wished they had was therapy. "So we've got a bit of a dilemma where perhaps what some of this patient group need may not be what they want at this time." Detransitioners were a "particularly isolated group of people", she said. "They're having to self-organise to find help and seek treatment." Psychotherapist Anastassis Spiliadis, who left Gids last month after four years, said he was worried there was not always a proper assessment of an individual's background. A Gids assessment "usually comprises of three to six appointments", according to its website. "I know clinicians who are really thoughtful and really cautious in their approach," Mr Spiliadis said. "But I worry how much actually could be explored by clinicians who believe in a three-session assessment model." Gids said its clinicians "work thoughtfully on an individual, case-by-case basis". Mr Spiliadis, who also works privately, said social isolation, depression and anxiety were common among the detransitioners he was treating - some of whom had been seen at Gids - and some had been diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. "They used to make sense of all these difficulties through the gendered kind of lens," he said. The Tavistock and Portman Trust said it expected private clinicians "to liaise with relevant NHS services who may have supported them in the past" to best help each young person. "All patients with gender dysphoria have extensive access to regular psychotherapy and counselling support," an NHS England official said.

  • Fionne - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic.Trans Woman

    Get to know trans people, the real trans living day to day, what they believe, and how they feel. You will find that most older trans people believe what is happening to kids, and transgender ideology is hurtful. The media leaders you currently see do not represent most trans people. Reality Is Not Bigotry < Back Trans Woman Fionne Orlander - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic. Fionne Orlander is a British transwoman who finds themselves at odds with the trans ideology & activism that represents that supposedly represents them. (Fionne’s choice of pronouns.) Despite a more controversial stance, Fionne is a rare and charming breath of air on Twitter, and her common sense and politeness might be what earned her a public invitation to go for a drink with JK Rowling. We talked about realising they were trans, what it means to them, being an outlier in the trans community, surviving hostile social media, and why we are all standing in the ruins of gender. Find Fionne on Twitter: Fionne’s freethinking recommendation is an article by Miranda Yardley which imagines society without gender: Originally On: Laura Dodsworth Twitter <----You have to follow Fionne she's is funny as hell

  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

    Time Out This page isn’t available right now. But we’re working on a fix, ASAP. Try again soon. Go Back

  • TReVoices - Parents/Detrans

    TReVoices Is The Leading Org Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition World Wide! ​ Led by transman/lesbian Scott Newgent, our relentless SCREAMING to 'STOP Medically Transitioning Children' has been and continues to be heard everyday World - Wide! Make sure we can continue - We Need Your Help - Donate Today. Button Lift The Veil. Parents Get Busy & Learn Why 'Medical Transition Is Not Place For a child.' Sincerely, TReVoices & Everyone Else < Back Tina Traster Original Article The Transgender Narrative Tina Traster - Blogger Unlikely Bedfellows: Red State Legislators & Blue State Parents Battling The Transgender Narrative Unlikely Bedfellows: Red State Legislators & Blue State Parents Battling The Transgender Narrative You would think a liberal, left-leaning New Yorker would reflexively reject a handful of Red States’ efforts to make it illegal for minors to receive gender-affirming medication or surgery. You would think that interference in making choices about one’s body would make a pro abortion liberated female angry and want to protest. You would think that someone who’s done her best over the course of her career as a journalist and at times an activist would view such political moves as catering to a constituency that thrives on culture wars that feed off of a parochial world view. Counter to everything that seems obvious, this liberal, left-leaning, blue-state female journalist and activist is also a mother who has been forced to reckon with the issue first-hand and finds herself weirdly aligned with Red State thinking on medical intervention for children. Even though Red states and their evangelical base are trying to squelch the rights of transgender people because it fits in with their culture wars narrative, and admittedly that’s hard to cotton to, parents including the liberal left who are worried about their children are paying attention. Opposition to these measures are met with resistance from the American Civil Liberties Union and transactivists who repeatedly recite the simple trope: Allow youth to transition by way of puberty blockers when they’re young or via cross-sex hormones and eventually top and/or bottom surgeries or they’ll kill themselves. Put like that, it seems unfathomable any parent would not briskly walk, no run, to the pharmaceutical dispensary with their gender dysphoric youth and get them started on hormone treatment. But what thousands of parents know — blue and red states alike — is that putting children or teens on hormones changes the course of their natural biological life, is not an easy decision, and that much research remains to be done despite the same tired claim that denying dysphoric children will be harmful. Medical experts have warned that the medication could lead to lower bone density and might hamper bone growth, and the drugs used are controversial — but that’s often mentioned in the mainstream press as an afterthought. A paper in 2018 from the American Psychiatric Association said there was “significant and longstanding medical and psychiatric literature demonstrating clear benefits of medical and surgical interventions” for transgender people. I can agree with that, provided we are talking about a slim percentage of the population, and presumably people who are old enough to truly know their own minds and to understand the implications of making lifelong decisions that include a lifetime of medication as well as loss of fertility. What we should question is how this applies to clusters of children and teens in “friend groups” who are declaring themselves trans all at once and finding encouragement in schools and in their communities to move toward medicalization. Everyone who is seemingly on the right side of human rights and the right side of history associates this issue with hard-fought battles won by the LBG community. I understand that. Transgender rights have been adroitly piggy-backed on this long-simmering movement and so it is easy to sweep up blue staters and liberal thinkers. This is a no-brainer if you’re on the outside looking in. If it’s not your child who you perceive to be in danger’s way. The transactivists have an answer for this. These children, they say, receive counseling. Puberty blockers are reversable. Most states require parental consent. And the favorite: “You’d rather have a live son than a dead daughter.” Scores of parents who have accepted their gay children, who would be the first to protest antigay rights or march to protect abortion rights, are caught up in their own dysphoria. Having always disdained any undermining of basic human rights, they find themselves aligned with a strange bedfellow. What unites them with us is not necessarily shared philosophical beliefs but rather a primal parenting instinct that says “no, my daughter is not trans. No, my son is not trans.” A belief that what’s undermining or unsettling their child is not necessarily gender dysphoria but a host of underlying social and emotional issues as well as other psychological comorbidities. What these parents have in common is a common experience. They know their children. They believe and are listening to their inner voice of skepticism and doubt. They feel lost and adrift and helpless as they find themselves up against a tsunami of resistance when it comes to trying to help their child without being accused of being transphobic or trying to “pray away” the affliction. They point to the growing population of “desisters” and “detransitioners” who are eager to warn a generation that’s gripped with gender fluidity about the mistakes they’ve made and must live with. They say “please, just please listen to us.” Because they feel no one will. And no matter how left-leaning, blue-state liberal they may be, they find themselves aware of proposed legislation that would slow down medical interference for teens who believe they might be trans — legislation that is wrapped in a culture war bow. So they’re watching Arkansas and Alabama and Tennessee — states considering such measures. The Arkansas legislature overwhelmingly passed a bill that would make it illegal for transgender minors to receive gender-affirming but Gov. Asa Hutchinson of Arkansas has vetoed the bill. The Arkansas State Legislature has overriden the veto. Supporters of the bill say it would protect young people from undergoing irreversible medical treatments, and alas that is what makes unlikely allies of Red State lawmakers and Blue State liberal, post-hippy, Rainbow flag waving, artsy, eco-conscious, blue-as-the-ocean parents who simply want to yank their children away from the edge of the cliff and will use any hook that’s available.

  • Eden - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic.Trans Woman

    Get to know trans people, the real trans living day to day, what they believe, and how they feel. You will find that most older trans people believe what is happening to kids, and transgender ideology is hurtful. The media leaders you currently see do not represent most trans people. Reality Is Not Bigotry < Back Trans Woman Eden Walker - A Trans Activist Making Waves With Reason An Logic. TReVoices Posts: The Hybrid Athlete - A Transwoman Athlete Breaks It Down, by Eden Walker

  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back TReVoices Founder Stands Behind the Green Party "No, they are not transphobic; they just decided to plug in a few brain cells to analyze the situation and what's happening to kiddos...Let's hope ya'll will feel the same way after my speech." Speach By, Scott Newgent US 11 Original Link

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