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  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back TReVoices Founder Stands Behind the Green Party "No, they are not transphobic; they just decided to plug in a few brain cells to analyze the situation and what's happening to kiddos...Let's hope ya'll will feel the same way after my speech." Speach By, Scott Newgent US 11 Original Link

  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back Let's Focus On Stopping the Transition of Children' By, Scott Newgent UK Scott Newgent responds to assertions made in a recent article published on Uncommon Ground Media with a call to focus on the issue at hand. This statement will also be published on Scott Newgent’s website, Whatever you think of my identity or decisions is a moot point for me. What is most important to me is that we raise the alarm on transitioning gender-confused children and adolescents. Full stop: that is my mission. As they say, politics makes strange bedfellows. To see feminists, lesbians, fundamentalists, Christians, men, and trans adults come together on an issue is genuinely fascinating and should show the world this alarm is worth raising. It also should be a lesson that if we can come together to save our children, we can again come together on other issues I have pondered whether to rebut the plethora of errors in the article and even contemplated a defamation suit, but after more thought, I have decided that it doesn’t matter. It’s hard to see someone’s sincerity through a screen or on a video; I get that. But I will cover the errors on my very brief respite and finances. To clarify, I bowed out for three days of the trans debate because I don’t do anything halfway. To get people’s attention, you have to make it personal. I regularly split my chest open for the world to see, and at times the criticism and vitriol gets to me since I am human.As for finances, $10,000 was not the correct amount raised; it was $7000. I will detail the spending below. While I was recovering from my transition, I studied trans healthcare, and the progression of human rights changes internationally. I suspected and was right that the UK was going to be the starting point, and so I studied and studied. I also spent six months trying to break into the mainstream media with facts that policymakers need to know, without success. So, I bought the media. As an advertising executive, my career experience gave me insight into how to play the PR game, so I used it. Every time someone googled ‘Mermaids/Stonewall,’ a ‘TReVoices video’ popped up. For the first time, MPs and everyone were seeing trans adults pushing against radical trans ideology. A perfect storm of Transgender Trend, trans adults, JK Rowling, feminists, and parents came together and look at what happened. I believe I made the right decision. In the eight weeks of my marketing, several things happened: Self ID – Banished by British Parlament Mermaid’s/Stonewall – Booted from British Schools BBC – Erased Mermaids from site US Federal Bill Announced – Biological Girls Sports Only I am not saying it was solely because of TReVoice’s marketing; what I am saying is the perfect storm happened. People came together and important changes were made. Moveover, for three months I emailed or called more than 5000 politicians worldwide. I was relentless, and such a pain in their sides that they had to pay attention to me because if what I was saying were true, they knew they would be held liable and could not ignore me. If you focus one person for ten minutes on the facts, none will come away believing medically transitioning kids is the right thing to do. Thus, I launched TReVoices and planned a speaking tour to spread the word further. While I did receive donations, they were not enough to fund the tour, and I was getting nowhere with corporate sponsorship. I refused a $1200 donation because TReVoices didn’t need it, and I didn’t want to not deliver, so I re-aligned my already received donations to focus on maintaining my website and media blitz while I keep looking for corporate sponsorship. I could have kept accepting funds for the tour, but I did not. I believe now more than ever, as I have always believed and will not back down, that the fastest way to extricate children from the grasps of pharmaceutical companies and greedy corporations persuading them they are trans is for trans adults to step up. This belief is not because I believe we are better humans; instead, we have a shock effect that makes people look, and for a brief moment, we have an opportunity to look someone in the eye – and it’s priceless. We are essentially accepting the job as the oddity in the circus, taking in the glares of judgment, laughter, and contempt, using this to save kids. Being trans is nothing to be celebrated, and believing so is I feel inaccurate. Let’s make history and unite, or we can repeat history and fight; it’s up to us. Once again, my hand is reaching out to work together on stopping the medical transition of gender-confused children – will you accept? Scott Newgent Founder TReVoices - Fighting To Stop The Medical Transitioning Of Children. Original Link

  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back The case for deep-sixing Bill C-6 By, Barbara Kay​ Canada Barbara Kay: The case for deep-sixing Bill C-6 Despite broad support in the House, the proposed law to ban conversion therapy reaches too far Late last month, 306 members of Parliament gave approval in principle to “conversion therapy” Bill C-6, with only seven Conservative party votes opposed (leader Erin O’Toole supported it, but permitted his MPs a free vote). The House of Commons justice committee is reviewing public responses to it. C-6 defines “conversion therapy” as any “practice, treatment or service designed to change a person’s sexual orientation to heterosexual or gender identity to cisgender, or to repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behaviour.” It adds five offences to the Criminal Code, three of them punishable by up to five years in prison. Barbara Kay: The case for deep-sixing Bill C-6 The bill is deeply problematic, beginning with the preamble, which claims it is a “myth” that gender identity “can or ought to change.” It is no myth that gender identity can change. If one or two of Canada’s top-tier experts in gender dysphoria research had been consulted in the bill’s creation, the working group would have learned that without invasive intervention, 80 per cent or more of gender-dysphoric children who identify as the opposite sex revert to comfort in their natal sex post-puberty. A significant number of these children emerge as gay or lesbian. But these scientific experts were not consulted. Not a good look on the framers. Another serious problem is the misleading conflation of homosexuality with gender identity, leading to pivotal imprecision around the core word “conversion.” On the one hand, we’re told it is conversion therapy to encourage distressed homosexuals to achieve eventual comfort in being what they are not (this is actual conversion therapy). On the other, we’re told it is conversion therapy to encourage distressed gender dysphoric children to feel eventual comfort in being what they are. A recent submission by Pamela Buffone to the standing committee on justice and human rights respecting C-6 illuminates this core fallacy at the very heart of the bill. The Buffones are awaiting a hearing date at the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal. They claim a form of “conversion therapy” was practised on their daughter in her Grade 1 classroom. On multiple occasions, the girl’s teacher told the class, “There’s no such thing as girls and boys,” reinforced by materials like videos promoting theories of gender fluidity. The daughter recounted one whiteboard lesson, during which the children were directed to write their names on a gender spectrum according to the degree they “felt” like a typical girl or boy. The daughter put her name at the end of the spectrum beside “girl.” But in this same lesson, the teacher told the children, “Girls are not real and boys are not real.” The Buffones’ previously happy daughter became so anxious about her identity not being “real” that she fretted constantly, even asking if she should see a doctor. Buffone states in her attestation, “What happened in my daughter’s classroom was ‘a practice designed to change a person’s gender identity’ — the very definition of conversion therapy that you are criminalizing with your bill.” Buffone’s logic seems impeccable to me. The Buffones met with everyone from the teacher right up the education-system chain to the top, and were stonewalled at every turn. They were told this was “the new reality” they had to accept. The College of Teachers told them this ideology is ingrained in the Ministry of Education curriculum, and that “what was being taught was effectively mandated by our government.” Canada is behind the global curve on this file. In September Britain’s National Health Service announced it would conduct an independent review of the treatment offered to gender dysphoric children. The review is to be wide-ranging and will cover a multiplicity of treatment approaches. Sweden is also doing a “U-turn” on gender transitioning of children in response to calls from experts to strengthen science-based research and to correct the “knowledge gaps and uncertain knowledge” that have been a “central theme” of gender-related health-care activities. Finland as well, whose health services are similar to ours, recently issued very strict clinical guidelines for the treatment of children with gender dysphoria. The guidelines recognize that “identity exploration is a natural phase of adolescence.” Psychotherapy is to be prioritized as the first recourse — that is, real exploration of all sources of distress rather than reflexive affirmation — and, amongst other common-sense precepts, no surgical interventions under age 18. Their bottom line is that variation in gender identity as such is not a health problem. Notably, the expert group that formulated the recommendations comprised actual experts: psychiatrists, a plastic surgeon, lawyers and an ethicist. Notably, too, Finland’s report states the need “for more information on the disadvantages of procedures and on people who regret them.” That is, detransitioners, the people trans activists snub, because they invalidate the “myth” of gender-identity immutability. In the United Kingdom, two detransitioners have brought a case against the National Health Service’s leading gender clinic over what they claim was too-hasty affirmation leading to later regret. The argument that children can give informed consent to the prescription of puberty blockers is a “fairy tale,” the high court has been told . One of them, 23-year-old Keira Bell, says health professionals “should have challenged me more.” Justice Minister David Lametti says that C-6 does not proscribe “legitimate discussions” about identity between therapists and patients. But what is legitimate? If a child “feels” he is the opposite sex, can therapists inform the patient of the high statistics attached to post-puberty desistance? Can they inquire into other sources of anxiety or depression? Can they suggest exploring for evidence of autism in a rapid-onset case of a teenage girl determined to transition, given the known high correlation? Can they lay out the plentiful risks associated with long-term use of synthetic hormone therapy? These seem like “legitimate” discussion points to me, but I can see where fear of criminal charges might dampen interest in pursuing them. In a critique of Bill C-6, American transman Scott Newgent extrapolated a story from a Swedish study that looked at mental-health outcomes after gender-affirming surgery. In it, a young transman calls home, sobbing: “Mom, I can’t have kids … I have early-onset osteoporosis, and I will be dependent on drugs for the rest of my life. Mom, I was a lesbian and a kid; why did you let me do this to my body?” There are plenty of Canadian parents who would prefer not to “let” exactly this tragedy happen to their children. But Bill C-6 won’t “let” them try. By the way, that Swedish transman killed himself. We don’t want this story reprised in Canada. The deeply flawed C-6 should be deep-sixed. National Post Original Link

  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

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  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back Is The Washington Post Now Endorsing Conversion Therapy for Trans-Identified Children? By Dr. Michael Brown & Scott Newgent US In a surprising editorial published in the Washington Post, two transgender activists and psychologists, Laura Edwards-Leeper and Erica Anderson, are now advocating for “gender-exploratory therapy” for trans-identified youth before rushing into puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and sex-change surgery. Shades of what we conservatives have been saying for years! Except that when we said it, we were vilified as bigoted transphobes who wanted to implement the barbaric and primitive practice of – get ready! – “conversion therapy.” But when pro-trans psychologists say, “Many of our health professionals are affirming kids too quickly in their trans identity,” they are now enlightened thinkers whose views should be embraced with respect. How ironic. To be absolutely clear, Edwards-Leeper and Anderson remain staunchly opposed to people like me (and you?). They write, “Together, across decades of doing this work, we’ve helped hundreds of people transition their genders. This is an era of ugly moral panic about bathrooms, woke indoctrination and identity politics in general. In response, we enthusiastically support the appropriate gender-affirming medical care for trans youth, and we are disgusted by the legislation trying to ban it.” So, we are still the really bad guys in their eyes. But what cannot be denied is that they are witnessing all too many horror stories of young people who have destroyed their lives, and as psychologists and activists, they cannot be silent any longer. They claim that the medical profession is at fault, as stated clearly in the title and sub-title of their editorial: “The mental health establishment is failing trans kids. Gender-exploratory therapy is a key step. Why aren’t therapists providing it?” The op-ed starts with the story of Patricia, who at 13 told her parents she was actually a boy. When her parents brought her to a therapist, rather than perform an in-depth assessment of Patricia’s mental and emotional health, on the very first meeting, “the therapist simply affirmed her new identity, a step that can lead to hormonal and eventually surgical treatments.” This is all too common, with absolutely heartbreaking and disastrous, long-term results. Thankfully, the parents brought Patricia to another therapist, “one who was more curious and less certain, one who listened closely. After a year of exploring who she was, Patricia no longer felt she was a boy. She decided to stop binding her breasts and wearing boys’ clothes.” Yet that is the very thing we have been advocating for years, urging parents and therapists and others to do their best to help the children find wholeness from the inside out. Unfortunately, “A flood of referrals to mental health providers and gender medical clinics, combined with a political climate that sees the treatment of each individual patient as a litmus test of social tolerance, is spurring many providers into sloppy, dangerous care. Often from a place of genuine concern, they are hastily dispensing medicine or recommending medical doctors prescribe it — without following the strict guidelines that govern this treatment. Canada, too, is following our lead: A study of 10 pediatric gender clinics there found that half do not require psychological assessment before initiating puberty blockers or hormones.” Again, I fully understand the radical differences between my worldview and the worldview of Edwards-Leeper and Anderson. And I do not minimize for a moment that, in the end, while our goals overlap, they also greatly differ. Specifically, if a boy transitioned to female and was happy and fulfilled, they would consider this a successful outcome. My heart would still break for the child, convinced that God had a better plan for him. That being said, the so-called “conversion therapy” for which we are vilified (focusing here on trans issues) is very similar to what the op-ed authors call for: in-depth, comprehensive, and patient exploring of why the child feels as he or she does to help them find internal wholeness. And if they can be spared a lifetime of hormones and surgeries, wonderful. The question that might be asked now is, “Why are these pro-trans activists suddenly speaking out?” Some readers will remember that in October, two other, prominent trans-activists, one of whom was Dr. Marci Bowers, who performed sex-change surgery on Jazz Jennings, are also saying, “We need to slow things down with the children!” (See here for my relevant article.) Why the sudden change of heart? Scott (Kellie) Newgent believes that she knows why. (For the record, I’m in regular contact with Newgent, who will literally give her last breath to fight for these trans-identified kids. She is not the least bit offended by me referring to her as “she,” even though she is a female-to-male transgender. I do not know that I have ever met anyone more devoted to this cause than Newgent.) According to Newgent, the reason that the medical industry has been so quick to transition kids is simple: they make a lot of money doing it, and they gain lifetime income in the form of hormone (and other drug) prescriptions). Being pro-trans in the medical industry can be quite lucrative. As for these activists now speaking out, Newgent does not believe that they suddenly grew a conscience. Rather, she is convinced some are coming clean now for one reason only: she exposed their moral and intellectual compromise while filming a forthcoming documentary with them. And what should we make of shocking news reports like this? “Children being treated for transgender issues at Sweden’s Karolinska University Hospital have allegedly suffered severe injuries as a result of hormone puberty blockers. “Doctors at Karolinska University Hospital have reportedly long been aware of the injuries suffered by children as a result of hormone treatments, however, the injuries were not . . . made public until this week.” Does this not sound criminal? No wonder Newgent tweeted, “We need a legal system that challenges Dr. [Marci] Bowers, who for ten years butchered gender-confused people without regard or held accountable of admittance in the experimental nature and only did so when she was outed.” Are these words too strong? Perhaps we should ask the mutilated, harmed-for-life, young adults what their opinions are. In a 2019 interview in the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Paul McHugh, the iconic professor of psychology at Johns Hopkins University, then 87-years-old, and an early opponent of sex-change surgery, was asked if he would be troubled to realize that he had been wrong in his position. He answered, “Either the plastic surgeons and the transgender psychiatrists are right and I’m wrong—and if that’s the case, they will have done a lot of good by opposing me, and I will have been a drag on the system—or the opposite. Suppose they’re wrong and I’m right? They will have mutilated thousands of children, and I will look good. Who do you think is sleeping better at night?” Yes, who, indeed, is sleeping better tonight? Original Link

  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back Letiltottak egy transznemű Scott Newgent férfit a Twitteren, mert kritizálta a gyermekek nemváltoztatását, és rávilágított arra, hogy a nemváltás és az azzal járó negatív hatások egy életen át tartanak By, Staff Writer Hungary Letiltotta a Twitter a transznemű férfit, mert kritizálta a gyerekek nemváltoztatását ORIGO 2021.08.10. 13:07 Letiltottak egy transznemű férfit a Twitteren, mert kritizálta a gyermekek nemváltoztatását, és rávilágított arra, hogy a nemváltás és az azzal járó negatív hatások egy életen át tartanak, írja a V4NA. Megosztás FacebookonKüldés MessengerenTovábbi lehetőségek A New Yorkban élő 48 éves transzszexuális Scott Newgent egy életre kitiltották a Twitterről, miután figyelmeztetéseket tett közzé a gyerekek nemváltoztatásával kapcsolatban. A férfi kiemelte, hogy a pubertásblokkolók, és a hormonkezelések hatására a gyerekek fokozottan ki vannak téve a depressziónak. Scott két évvel ezelőtt kötelezte el magát amellett, hogy a tájékozatlanabb szülőket megismertesse a gyermekek korai nemváltásával járó problémákkal, emellett kimondta, hogy "a kiskorú gyermekek nem rendelkeznek kellő kompetenciával ahhoz, hogy felmérjék a saját pszichológiai helyzetüket, vagy hogy megértsék mi az az élethosszig tartó függőség, és a nemváltó műtét." "Azokat a mozgalom vezetőket és aktivistákat, akik a nemiséggel kapcsolatos véleményüket folyamatosan közzéteszik a Twitteren és a mainstream médiában, csak "nemi misztikusoknak" nevezem. Támogatják a gyerekek nemi diszfóniáját, annak érdekében, hogy a gyerekek kiválaszthassák a saját nemi identitásukat. A bátorítás, és a transz mozgalom beavatkozásai után viszont a kissé zavart gyermekek fognak megfizetni mindenért", mondta a transznemű aktivista. A Twitter az elmúlt időszakban különösen nagy hangsúlyt fektetett a transzfób megjegyzések eltüntetésére, míg más gyűlöletkeltő bejegyzéseket nem törölt a közösségi média platform algoritmusa. A Digitális Gyűlölet Elleni Központ megállapította, hogy a Twitter és a Facebook csupán minden kilencedik antiszemita bejegyzést távolította el, a vizsgált hat hetes időszakban. A bejegyzések között szerepelt holokauszt tagadás, náci szimbólumok használata, valamint a holohoax és a killthejews hashtagek is. SCOTT MONDANIVALÓJA A KOMMENTELŐK SZERINT NEM TRANSZFÓB MÓDON, HANEM OBJEKTÍVEN TÁRGYALJA A NEMVÁLTOZTATÁSSAL JÁRÓ PROBLÉMÁKAT.A bejegyzéseiben nem tagadja a nemi diszfória létezését és megérti, hogy néhány gyermeknél szükséges a pubertás gátló. Scott emellett rendszeresen üzent a szülőknek, amelynek célja, hogy rájöjjenek minél hamarabb, hogy mit tesznek a gyermekükkel. "Az összes szülőnek azt mondom, hogy nincs joga eldönteni a gyermek nemét, vagy azt, hogy megváltoztassák a nemét. A nemváltoztatás a felnőttekre tartozik, és rengeteg olyan negatív hatással illetve következményekkel jár, amit egész életen át el kellene viselni", teszi hozzá Scott Scott nem az első, aki fel mert szólalni a gyermekek védelmében, és ezért törölték őt a Twitterről. Korábban Graham Linehan ír komikus és író profilját is törölték, miután a transzneműség hátrányairól tweetelt. Azóta a férfi létrehozott egy saját csatornát, aminek segítségével e-mailen keresztül kommunikál a szimpatizánsaival. MAYA FORSTATER KUTATÓT PEDIG AZ ÁLLÍTÓLAGOSAN TRANSZFÓB BEJEGYZÉSE UTÁN ELBOCSÁJTOTTÁK A KUTATÓI ÁLLÁSÁBÓL, ÉS KITILTOTTÁK A TWITTERRŐL,mert azt írta, hogy "a nem megváltoztathatatlan, és nem keverendő össze a nemi identitással". Az eset után a nő beperelte a közösségi média platformot, és másodfokon meg is nyerte a pert, a bíróság pedig kimondta, hogy "kritikus meggyőződése az egyenlőségi törvény hatálya alá tartoznak, mivel az írásával nem támogatta a transznemű személyek jogfosztását". Original Link

  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back Trans activist: Serious concern over child reassignment surgery​ By, Scott Newgent Australia At a recent gathering, a daughter’s friend told us, “I’m probably trans because I don’t like female puberty.” “REDDIT SAYS I’M PROBABLY TRANS” This instantly got my attention, because I have known this child for years, and I never saw any indication of her being trans. I innocently asked her why she would say that. She replied, “I don’t like my boobs growing, and Reddit says I’m probably trans.” That night, I tracked down these Reddit exchanges, and my jaw dropped when I saw how many people and organisations were heavily pushing the possibility of her being trans. But perhaps I shouldn’t have been surprised, given the way such attitudes have gone mainstream. For kids Googling this subject, the overall effect is the equivalent of one big glitter bomb going off on their screen. Reddit and other online forums contain radical subcultures of ‘internet experts’ giving unwise advice and suggestive behaviour to young children who access the site. Such behaviour includes radical left and right wing ideologies, conspiracy groups as well as online grooming. In the case of the LGBT community there is often strong peer pressure for young children to modify their bodies including pushing the possibility of children being trans and encouraging them to undergo surgery. PHOTO: Reddit I write all this as a transman who transitioned five years ago and also a parent. Though I admire the good intentions of parents who seek to support their children, I have serious concerns about reckless acquiescence to a child’s Internet-mediated self-diagnosis. I HAVE SERIOUS CONCERNS ABOUT RECKLESS ACQUIESCENCE TO A CHILD’S INTERNET-MEDIATED SELF-DIAGNOSIS Many older transgender people share these concerns, too. In many cases, we are people who have been quietly going about our lives in society for years, anonymously sharing shops, offices, elevators, and footpaths with everyone else, without making a big deal of our identity or proselytising to others. We like it that way. That one comment by my daughter’s friend caused me to investigate the organisations that purport to advocate on behalf of the trans community. Innocent children who are still developing their identity are being groomed by ideologues to fashion themselves in harmful ways. In the case of the trans community this can mean children believing they need to undergo life-changing surgery under the suggestive influence of others I found that they typically push an approach based on quickly and enthusiastically affirming any indication of gender dysphoria. As someone who is trans myself, I know that this is the wrong approach. Yes, some children who say they are trans really will need to transition one day, because they have a lifelong condition. But parents who automatically assume that this is the case with their child aren’t necessarily following the child’s best interests. Transgenderism is a severe internal condition that causes you to want to become the opposite sex. Medical transition, such as the kind I went through, can enhance an illusion that helps some gender dysphoric individuals navigate the world with more comfort. It did for me, and it was the right path for me to choose. WE NOW HAVE THOUSANDS OF NAÏVE PARENTS WALKING THEIR CHILDREN INTO GENDER-TREATMENT CENTRES, OFTEN BASED ON INTERNET-PEDDLED NARRATIVES I wasn’t “born in the wrong body.” I was born female. But I didn’t like it. So I changed my appearance, at significant monetary, psychological, and physical cost. My sex never changed. Anyone going through this is in store for a brutal process. Yet we now have thousands of naïve parents walking their children into gender-treatment centres, often based on Internet-peddled narratives that present the transition experience through a gauzy rainbow lens. Many transition therapies are still in an experimental phase—as you will learn if you become sick during or after these treatments. MEDICAL EXPENSES EXCEEDED $900,000 During my own transition, I had seven surgeries. I also had a massive pulmonary embolism, a helicopter life-flight ride, an emergency ambulance ride, a stress-induced heart attack, sepsis, a 17-month recurring infection due to using the wrong skin during a (failed) phalloplasty, 16 rounds of antibiotics, three weeks of daily IV antibiotics, the loss of all my hair, (only partially successful) arm reconstructive surgery, permanent lung and heart damage, a cut bladder, insomnia-induced hallucinations—oh and frequent loss of consciousness due to pain from the hair on the inside of my urethra. All this led to a form of PTSD that made me a prisoner in my apartment for a year. Between me and my insurance company, medical expenses exceeded $900,000. Gender re-assignment surgery is a costly and dangerous procedure often costing hundreds of thousands of dollars and leaving patients with life-altering changes to their body that they may later regret: Pixabay During these 17 months of agony, I couldn’t get a urologist to help me. They didn’t feel comfortable taking me on as a patient—since the phalloplasty, like much of the transition process, is experimental. Whenever you question the maximalist activist line on trans affirmation, you are directed to The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (or WPATH) as a reference. But much of what you find there consists of vague phrases such as “up to doctor’s discretion.” Several lawyers suggested I had a slam-dunk medical-malpractice case—until they realised that trans health doesn’t really have a justiciable baseline. As a result, treatment often is subpar, as I have experienced first-hand. WE DON’T YET KNOW ITS LONG-TERM EFFECTS Lupron, the hormone blocker some doctors seem intent on giving to kids like Tylenol, isn’t even FDA-approved to treat children with gender dysphoria. (In 2001, the manufacturer pled guilty to fraudulent sales practices with regard to its marketing as a prostate-cancer drug and deemed a criminal enterprise by the USA Government.) “Children who claim to be trans are typically receiving such drugs at a pivotal time in the development of brains and bones. They’ve become a generation of guinea pigs, to answer such questions as: What will happen to a biological boy who takes sex hormones associated with the opposite sex (or vice versa), and grows up without the benefit of natural puberty?” writes Scott Newgent We don’t yet know its long-term effects off-label, despite the fact parents have been assured that its effects are safe and even reversible. Here is what we do know: the long-term use of synthetic hormone therapy shortens lives. Specifically, these medications are associated with an increased risk of heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms, bone damage, liver and kidney failure, mental-health complications, and more. BETWEEN THREE AND 12 PER CENT GO ON TO DEVELOP SYMPTOMS OF PSYCHOSIS. Almost a quarter of hormone-therapy patients on high-dose anabolic steroids exhibit major mood-syndrome symptoms. Between three and 12 per cent go on to develop symptoms of psychosis. Photo of nonbinary 10 year old. Many children who are made to feel unsure about their identity are often pressured by adult forces against their natural inclinations. Children who claim to be trans are typically receiving such drugs at a pivotal time in the development of brains and bones. They’ve become a generation of guinea pigs, to answer such questions as: What will happen to a biological boy who takes sex hormones associated with the opposite sex (or vice versa), and grows up without the benefit of natural puberty? What happens to a male body on estrogen over the long term? No one knows. KIDS WHO ARE SUICIDAL BEFORE THEIR TRANSITION WILL LIKELY CONTINUE TO BE SUICIDAL, AND THE MOST INTENSE IDEATION OFTEN COMES YEARS AFTER TRANSITIONING In regard to the emotional effects of transition, many activists will refer you to a 2018 Pediatrics journal article entitled Transgender Adolescent Suicide Behaviour. But the study reported therein was based on just three years of data—collected between 2012 and 2015. What matters is the long term. And in this regard, the gold standard is a study of 324 medically transitioned adults, based on 30-year longitudinal data. The authors found that completing sex-reassignment surgery was associated with “considerably higher risks for mortality, suicidal behaviour, and psychiatric morbidity” as compared to the general population. Kids who are suicidal before their transition will likely continue to be suicidal, and the most intense ideation often comes years after transitioning. (Transgender folks themselves sometimes speak anecdotally of a seven-to-10-year trans suicide “itch” observed within the community.) Death from any cause as a function of time after sex reassignment among 324 transsexual persons in Sweden. Source: NCBI. None of this is information that radicalised trans activists seek to publicise. In 2019, they trumpeted an article entitled Reduction in Mental Health Treatment Utilisation Among Transgender Individuals After Gender-Affirming Surgeries, published in the American Journal of Psychiatry, which purported to show the benefits of transition. When the same authors came back in August 2020 to admit that their data actually didn’t show any significant benefit from transition, few bothered to report the correction. I have observed that when any argument is raised against a policy of no-questions-asked affirmation, activists seek to pre-empt discussion of the actual data by instead summoning up the spectre of suicide—some version of “I would rather have a live daughter than a dead son.” Terrified parents are made to feel as if any expression of concern or skepticism is a gateway to the grave. It’s a passive aggressive form of emotional terrorism. MEDICAL TRANSITION IS FOR ADULTS From my own experience, and from countless conversations with my transgender friends, I can report that most of us regret at least some—though maybe not all—parts of our transition. Even for those who transition successfully, finding peace has stages and takes time. At first, everything is new and exciting. Then, as the years go on, reality sets in, and you have to face up to the reality of biological sex, not to mention the health issues. This is not a life of glitter bombs. The UK seems to be further ahead than North America in coming to understand that treatment decisions are happening too fast. The National Health Service (NHS) recently changed its stance on medically transitioning children, from presumed approval to a more cautious approach, even warning parents (accurately) that it is “not known whether hormone blockers affect the development of the teenage brain or children’s bones.” The NHS also notes that “most treatments offered at this stage are psychological rather than medical. This is because in many cases gender variant behaviour or feelings disappear as children reach puberty.” Perhaps the law suits are causing people to wake up. IT’S BETTER TO ERR ON THE SIDE ON DISCRETION, AND LEAVE LIFE-ALTERING DECISIONS TO ADULTS As someone who has experienced medical transition first-hand, I am convinced that it’s better to err on the side on discretion, and leave life-altering decisions to adults who have the benefit of a fully developed brain. The next time a child comes to me for advice on their gender dysphoria, here’s what I’d tell them: “There are people who need to medically transition to walk peacefully through their lives, and you, kiddo, might be that person. But, right now, you are a child, and your body is developing everything you need to be a healthy, happy, strong adult. When you grow up, you get to decide about your life.” Scott’s Advice for parents, are that they should err on the side of caution and refrain from being coerced by their children of peers into undertaking gender re-assignment as the consequences are vast and the effect to the developing child severe: For parents, I would say this: It is simply not your right or duty to decide to medically transition your child. Remove that burden from your mind. Medical transition is for adults. The negatives associated with medical transition are vast, and you won’t be the one who lives with the consequences. It will be your child. If your child tells you they will kill themselves if you do not allow them to medically transition (perhaps Original Link

  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back Interview with Scott Newgent By Scott Newgent US T]ransgender health is the gravitative new revenue channel that is drawing in the horrible surgeons and physicians and mental health professionals. You can be dangerously terrible at what you do, jump into this arena, and you have a line of people wanting to see you, you have LGBT organisations protecting you from lawsuits and politicians that don’t have the guts to stand up and say this is wrong. The facts are that Lupron is not FDA approved to treat children with gender dysphoria. I believe the reason they are not pursuing FDA approval is that it will let the cat out of the bag, and an immediate stop order would ensue, preventing Lupron being administered to gender-confused children. When a transition is over, it forces you to look into the mirror and analyze the positives and the negatives, and it’s not all puppies and rainbows. Problems that were eliminated by medical transition are replaced with different issues, and more often than not, medically transitioning is too high a price to pay. I believe that social media is being used by huge corporations to influence homosexual youth to medically transition and, they are fucking marketing geniuses at it. They not only are affecting these kids they are influencing ignorant adults who believe this is about rights to stand up for and push children to medically transition. I can see people in a hundred years time saying, “How in the fuck did that happen.” (ed: let’s hope that happens sooner) Original Link

  • TReVoices - Parents/Detrans

    TReVoices Is The Leading Org Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition World Wide! ​ Led by transman/lesbian Scott Newgent, our relentless SCREAMING to 'STOP Medically Transitioning Children' has been and continues to be heard everyday World - Wide! Make sure we can continue - We Need Your Help - Donate Today. Button Lift The Veil. Parents Get Busy & Learn Why 'Medical Transition Is Not Place For a child.' Sincerely, TReVoices & Everyone Else < Back Y Original Article Detrans Voices I’m a 24-year-old Asian same-sex attracted detrans woman, but I’m also an artist, pet owner, eldest daughter, trivia geek, and frappe lover. Y. A Detrans Story “There’s such a blame culture these days. You chose to take the hormones at an age people can decide to make children (16). Someone couldn’t baby you and sit with you for hours on end about your decision, you needed to do research. Yes it is horrible having made a mistake but the fault is not on doctors who cannot read your mind.” So writes a reddit user in an emotional vent post on the subreddit r/ftm, lashing out at Keira Bell. Up until fairly recently, most people hadn’t really heard of detransitioners. For a long time I myself knew them, as a then-trans guy, as bitter, hateful ex-ftms who couldn’t accept being trans. My exposure to them was entirely second-hand through trans (often transfem) friends who’d explain to me how “detransitioners,” discussed with the same incredulity as discussing a dragon or alien, were really bitter ex-ftm TERFs. Having had the harrowing experience of being accused of being a TERF myself once before, to the surprise of no one my decrying of TERFs and detransition from the time read almost like a simpering plea to distance myself from both. To be a TERF was the worst possible sin in my circles, even worse than being a racist or sexist. The fear of guilt by association ran deep. Unsurprisingly, when I began questioning my own transition a year into HRT my first fears jumped to TERFhood. Like many detransitioners, I grew up in a difficult, abusive household. Perhaps subconsciously the decade of sexual abuse and misogyny I endured from my step-father made me truly hate being a girl, but neither I nor my therapists ever consciously made the connection at the time. Regardless, I still have nightmares of those years that wake me up, heart racing and on the verge of tears, in the middle of the night. It’s difficult to say the trauma from that time hasn’t affected me at all, though I did once try to pretend so. Home life being difficult, school life was only marginally better. Despite excelling academically, I was unknowingly on the autism spectrum and from elementary onward my peers were quick to pick up on my oddities. My proclivity for “boy’s” clothing, short hair, and playing sports quickly led to rumors and accusations of being “dyke,” a word I had no understanding of at merely 10 years old but which I quickly learned. Puberty escalated things. I hated my body and swam in XXL jerseys and sweatshirts. Girls avoided me, and even the boys who had been my friends began to make fun of my pads and periods. I truly didn’t feel I was meant to be a girl, and around this time two things happened: I happened to read what “transgender” was in a book of child psychology, and talk of the “gender binary” began to pop up on Tumblr. Honestly, at the time it felt like I’d found a secret key. Everything fit — the discomfort with my body, my loathing of being a “girl,” my comfort with being masculine, my desire to be masculine. I threw myself into it. Up until this point, I had been secretly interacting with lesbian identity through blogs on Tumblr and books at the local library. I knew I was attracted to girls from a young age, but I didn’t know it, and the idea of being a lesbian was truthfully terrifying. Maybe it’s ironic, but the idea of being a trans guy seemed infinitely less scary despite lack of public trans support at the time. I had always dreamed of being the Disney prince to a princess. I began following ftm youtubers, looking into transition and researching HRT and surgeries, and participating in online trans forums. I consumed trans content voraciously; for the first time I felt “accepted.” I was allowed to be and even validated in my feelings and inability to connect to stereotypical femininity. My hatred of my body was normalized. I was experiencing gender dysphoria, and so did other people. Art, fics, memes, community — it all helped me feel like I had found a place. I came out as trans that year at 14. Despite not pursuing hormonal treatment until 21, I was lucky enough to go “stealth” and lived a life as a “cis” guy, albeit one with a high voice and baby face, for the better part of a decade. When I initially decided to go to a renowned but unnamed gender clinic in 2018, the physician I saw told me that transition would likely work out great for me. We talked about my social transition from when I was 14, what I wanted from T, and my plans for transition in the future. When I signed off the paperwork for informed consent — “Just a formality,” he had said — he was extremely optimistic about how my transition would go. I got T that day, with my first shot done in the clinic by a kind nurse who offered to do it for me when I couldn’t stop my hands from shaking while attempting to ready the syringe. I would visit the clinic a few more times over the course of that year and my therapist, who I’d seen for over a year at that point, to get my blood drawn and levels checked. My physician would comment on how well my transition was going and shake my hand before going on to the next patient. My therapist would affirm the same, praising how far I’d come. They both helped coordinate legal name changes and surgery, and my university insurance covered top surgery so I started weighing postponing an early graduation to get it done. And then, I couldn’t. My reluctance surprised me. I had picked up my forms from the gender clinic for my sex marker changes mid-year and they sat in my letter tray for weeks. I didn’t call the top surgeon I had been eyeing for a consult despite visiting the browser tab for it almost daily. I stopped going to the gender clinic altogether towards the end of the year, and my therapist had quit her practice in the summer. Although she invited me to try another therapist within the same care team, I didn’t feel I had the energy or spirit to explain everything, A to Z, to a new therapist. I stopped going, and my doubt mounted. I spiraled. My T shots tapered off as I tried to figure out what was wrong. The tsunami wave of fear, particularly the fear of regret, began to build. What if I had made a mistake? What if I had “destroyed” my body with T? Could I even go back to living as a woman? What could I tell my family? That they were right? What about my body? Did I need to do anything? Who could I talk to? The gender clinic didn’t even bring up detransition. Should I just go to my normal PCP? What if I really damaged some internal organ? I had been experiencing symptoms of vaginal atrophy and the physician at the gender clinic had responded to my humiliated admission of atrophy with a surprisingly cavalier “It happens” before prescribing estrogen cream — would I have to do that forever? What about my voice? My facial hair? My hair had begun thinning, would it grow back? These thoughts swirled in my head for weeks and months. I suppose in a sense, there was a dramatic “one day” — one day when I realized I wanted to detransition — but it was that one day amidst a shrouded mist of emotional turmoil so it doesn’t stand out so much to me. It took me weeks to even acknowledge my feelings. I was disappointed to find little to no “official” information on detransitioners at the time, and r/detrans remained the sole source of community that I could turn to for support, advice, and camaraderie. I came out to close friends as detransitioning, initially to “nonbinary” as detransitioning to “female” was unfathomable to me at the time, and was accused of everything from being brainwashed by TERFs to being unable to tackle internalized transphobia. It took me months to accept that I wasn’t “nonbinary” and that, despite being masculine and presenting masculinely, I wasn’t any less of a “woman” for it. From there, my journey was similar to the paths I’ve seen liberal feminists take to “peaking” and embracing radical feminism or gender critical beliefs. It’s not especially relevant to this essay, so I’ve omitted it. But suffice to say that it is distressing so many things I found uncomfortable about the trans community were difficult to see while in it, and it is endlessly frustrating to realize I had quietly abided by casual racism and fetishization, misogyny, and encouragement of unhealthy beliefs. It’s difficult to explain concisely why I transitioned, or why I detransitioned. Both are complex circumstances that took me years to process. I didn’t transition because I was autistic, same-sex attracted, or a “tomboy,” and I certainly didn’t consciously transition because I had childhood trauma, but these likely played a role in my gender dysphoria. Similarly, I didn’t detransition because my gender dysphoria vanished or for any similar singular reason, but the accumulation of many factors. For one, occupying the male social role was difficult for me. I passed as cis, but nothing could have prepared me for knowing that passing as male wouldn’t make me male. The better I passed, the greater the divide felt between who I was seen as and who I truly was. I had to lie and pretend I had been born something I hadn’t been, experienced things I could never have, and understood things I didn’t, while pretending that I hadn’t experienced or understood the things I had. I had to pretend I couldn’t empathize with other women about periods or the experiences of misogyny and pretend I’d experienced a boyhood and even had a penis (when a cis guy friend worriedly asks if you’ve ever had a funny looking wart on your penis, you can’t exactly say, “Well, funny that…”). Whether or not trans men are “men,” I was lying about being male, and the most upsetting part was that I was lying well. For another, the things I couldn’t have because I wasn’t male were the things that mattered quite a bit to me: being able to have “normal” sex as a man with a penis, having biological children with my future wife, feeling safe at night when passing a group of drunk guys catcalling a woman down the street…hell, even just being able to be shirtless without a scarred chest or (if I was lucky enough to get peri) “female” nipples. I would always have the scars of being born female if I got SRS — which barely felt like an option with how I felt about the results — and regardless of whether I did or didn’t get SRS, I would always be a “man” with a qualifier: a trans man. I simply wasn’t equipped to deal with that reality as a kid who grew into a young adult told that HRT (and particularly T) was basically magic that would turn me into a real boy. If I had to pick one quote to describe my experience, it would be: “Despite everything, it’s still you.” -Chara, Undertale I bear the permanent effects of T on a female body, and while some effects have proven to be less permanent than I’d seen claimed, it remains that I am changed from physically transitioning. My voice is deeper than the average woman’s, I struggle with PCOS, I have to shave the few scraggly chin hairs I got from T. Fundamentally, however, I am still myself, and I am thankful that I was able to have the courage to detransition and tackle my dysphoria in healthy ways. Some days I struggle with wanting to be male or perceived as male, but I can recognize where those feelings stem from and act accordingly. In the end, I am just me, but me is pretty great. I’m a 24-year-old Asian same-sex attracted detrans woman, but I’m also an artist, pet owner, eldest daughter, trivia geek, and frappe lover. I’m glad that I took the opportunity, however delayed, to be my true self without buying into an ideology that necessitates the true self comes from the superficial trappings of hairstyles, clothing, HRT, or surgeries. CATEGORIESSTORIES

  • TReVoices Detrans/Parents

    Parents Detrans Resources TReVoices does not promote young detransitioners publicly for a reason. These young detransitioners? They are used and then thrown to the side after documentaries or articles die down, treated without care or concern, left emotionally raped once again! The carnage has filled into many of nights for me trying to help these young adults. Make no mistake you are creating carnage promoting these young detransitioners without love or care, just to win in activism. I take it personlally when you hurt these young adults. They have been through ENOUGH! We do not promote detransitioners under 25 or over 25 and or detransitioned less than three years. We do this because the carnage created promoting, lifting these young detransitioners...causes damage ONCE again. Shame on you if you are using them too. If you are in jounalisem and need a story? Work for one wihttouy using anyone, truth me their is enough within this debate! Under 25 is a no TOUCH for us at TReVoices because it goes both ways! Please be gentle with these young detransitioners; they have been through enough. Please don't use them for your political agenda; they have been used and told they don't matter ENOUGH! They do matter here at TReVoices, and we act accordingly! Us older trans? We can handle abuse better, send it our way, but leave these young kids under 25 ALONE! Just care and love them! SHOP Today All Categories This channel is coming soon! ​ ​ Read More The Detransitioners ​ Read More Reddit Chain - Detrans & Regrets & Questioning - In The Raw In - Copied/Pasted ​ Read More Canadian Parents Tell Their Stories, Worried about the Implications of "Conversion Therapy" Bill Bill C6 is expected to be debated later this week with a final vote in Parliament coming later this month. One of the de facto roles of Canadian Gender Report is to represent Canadians who are afraid to speak up publicly about their experience with the healthcare of their gender-questioning kids. It is clear that most of the care across Canada has become ideologically driven versus based in evidence and fact. As such, we are publishing this sample of anonymous stories to start painting a picture of what is happening across our country and to call for more evidence and balance when it comes to caring for our gender-question youth and children with gender dysphoria. Read More Belgian helped to die after three sex change operations A transsexual has been helped to die by doctors in Belgium, after a series of failed sex-change operations. Nathan Verhelst, born a girl, asked for help to end his life on grounds of psychological suffering. He died in a Brussels hospital on Monday. Two doctors concluded the 44-year-old did not have temporary depression. His case received scant media coverage. Belgium legalised euthanasia in 2002. There were 52 cases of euthanasia on psychological grounds last year. Read More An Army of Moms; 5 Things I Learned from the Frontlines of the Transgender Resistance Five Things I Learned from the Frontlines of the Transgender Resistance A few months ago, I joined a small group of parents of transgender kids. It has grown from a half dozen or so to more than eighty members and is still growing. The group is well-educated, highly intelligent, successful and caring. Supporting each other, using our significant skills in the areas of research, teaching, the law and medicine, and consulting with experts from around the globe, we are now an army of trans-realists with an artillery of science. Read More Canadian Immigrant Worried About Gender Indoctrination In June, the Hungarian parliament voted overwhelmingly to eliminate from public schools all teaching related to “homosexuality and gender change”, associating LGBTQI rights and education with pedophilia and totalitarian cultural politics. In late May, Danish MPs passed a resolution against “excessive activism” in academic research environments, including gender studies, race theory, postcolonial and immigration studies in their list of culprits. Read More When the State Comes for Your Kids by Abigail Shrier Ahmed is a Pakistani immigrant, a faithful Muslim, and until recently, a financial consultant to Seattle’s high-tech sector. But when he reached me by phone in October 2020, he was just one more frightened father. Days earlier, he and his wife had checked their 16-year-old son into Seattle Children’s Hospital for credible threats of suicide. Now, Ahmed was worried that the white coats who had gently admitted his son to their care would refuse to return him. Read More About a girl and the decision to detransition Let’s start with a caveat: I love passion. I do. And I have a deep, strong instinct to stick up for people whom I think are ignored or mistreated. I’m a typical bleeding-heart liberal. You know me: coexistence bumper sticker and a cloth grocery sack. I feel your pain, I do. Read More Transgender Ideology in Public Schools: Parents Fight Back Fairfax County, VA is ground zero in the efforts to impose transgender ideology on American school children. The Fairfax County school system is one of the largest and richest in the United States, and its close proximity to Washington, DC has made it a target for the efforts to mainstream this radical ideology. Even after the Trump Administration revoked the Obama directive threatening the nation's public schools, the fight rages on at the state and district level. Read More Detransition-Related Needs and Support The aim of this study is to analyze the specific needs of detransitioners from online detrans communities and discover to what extent they are being met. For this purpose, a cross-sectional online survey was conducted and gathered a sample of 237 male and female detransitioners. The results showed important psychological needs in relation to gender dysphoria, comorbid conditions, feelings of regret and internalized homophobic and sexist prejudices. Read More My Child Wasn't Suicidal Before Medical Transition. He Is Now! Suicide rate and suicidal tendencies among transgender persons are considerably high compared to general population. Hence, this review is an attempt to understand the issues around the suicide and suicidal behavior among transgender persons. Read More Young Detrans Adults Are Among The Highest Part Of Society To Commit Suicide - The Suicide Epidemic Is Here Even though data on trans people post medical transition show continuing high rates of mental health problems, higher suicide risk and physical health problems, dysphoria is mitigated by transition and mental health generally improves for most (not all) trans people according to most studies. A review confirming this was done by Cornell University. All of the abstracts can be found here. A thorough review of these studies and the impact of transition on mental health and suicide is done on this website in this section Read More Sarah A Detrans Story For me it all started when I changed school. I always have been gender-non-conforming before. But happy and proud in being so. The new school didn’t think so. The other pupils thought of it as strange, that I, a girl, who walked around in boy’s clothes and short hair. Read More Y. A Detrans Story “There’s such a blame culture these days. You chose to take the hormones at an age people can decide to make children (16). Someone couldn’t baby you and sit with you for hours on end about your decision, you needed to do research. Yes it is horrible having made a mistake but the fault is not on doctors who cannot read your mind.” Read More Detransing A Straight Woman's Story I’m a straight woman in my early 20’s. I identified as trans for 3 years. I questioned whether I was trans for 5 years before I formally transitioned. I was on testosterone for 7 months and I had a double mastectomy at age 20. I regret all aspects of transition and have had to do a lot of reflection about why it happened and how my evolution has gotten to where I am today. Read More Rachel A Story I Wish Wasn't Real I want to write this like a story, but it’s not. I lived it, I’m still living it. It was a choice I made and, now, I’m here. Read More Laura Detrans Journey I was born in 1983, and as I sit writing this, I am 36 years old. I am female. I have always been female, but for nearly a decade, starting in my mid-teens, I was in denial of this fact. I took drastic measures to conceal it, including testosterone injections starting at age 18, a double mastectomy shortly after my 20th birthday, and cumulating in a second surgery on my chest, which was supposed to correct the poor aesthetic outcome of the first surgery. Instead, it was so badly botched that it threw me into a crisis which fortunately led to my detransitioning, although this word did not exist at that time. I was, for all intents and purposes, in uncharted territory. Read More I feel angry: Why People Regret & Reverse Their Transgender Decisions? By age 14, Eva became convinced she was a transgender boy. By 16, she had come out to her teachers and classmates. Her emotionally manipulative family was less accepting of her decision. But a therapist in Toronto and trans activists she knew had a dramatic proposal. Read More Suicide Is More Likely If You Allow Your Child To Medically Transition In Childhood - They Got It Backwards Studies show that the prevalence of suicide thoughts and attempts among transgender adults is significantly higher than that of the U.S. general population. Using data from the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey, this report examines key risk factors associated with suiciality among a sample of transgender people. Read More How Do I Go Back To The Debbie I Was - Or Can I? "This was a mistake that should never have happened… how do I go back to being the Debbie that I was?" Debbie was born a girl and lived most of her life this way. But almost two decades ago, aged 44, she sought help to transition from a woman to a man. Read More Believe Moms: There’s Something Else Going on With Trans Teens Let’s start with a caveat: I love passion. I do. And I have a deep, strong instinct to stick up for people whom I think are ignored or mistreated. I’m a typical bleeding-heart liberal. You know me: coexistence bumper sticker and a cloth grocery sack. I feel your pain, I do. Read More Meet the Detransitioners Speaking Out ​ Read More Unlikely Bedfellows: Red State Legislators & Blue State Parents Battling The Transgender Narrative You would think a liberal, left-leaning New Yorker would reflexively reject a handful of Red States’ efforts to make it illegal for minors to receive gender-affirming medication or surgery. You would think that interference in making choices about one’s body would make a pro abortion liberated female angry and want to protest. You would think that someone who’s done her best over the course of her career as a journalist and at times an activist would view such political moves as catering to a constituency that thrives on culture wars that feed off of a parochial world view. Read More Canadian Detransitioners Tell Their Stories I knew I liked girls from a young age. But I could never last in a long-term relationship. Since high school, when my gender dysphoria was most prominent, I would end relationships without explanation. I would just tell them we can’t be together, without explaining that I had issues with my body; that I couldn’t let them see or touch my body. I felt like I was inadequate or incomplete as a lesbian. I felt like I must be a man to be legitimate, or I must have male parts before I can have sex. I felt like I was doing something wrong, like I was “converting” them to lesbianism, or “making” them lesbian. I felt as if it was awful to be a lesbian and it was all my fault, even though they were willingly dating me because they were attracted to me, and I had not fooled or coerced them in anyway. Read More Stop By Our SCREAMING Cat Shop Help Us Brand Awareness & Stop Childhood Medical Transition Books & Parental Resources Parents? The Cavalry Has Arrived Trans: by, Helen Joyce 'An intelligent, thorough rejoinder to an idea that has swept across much of the liberal world seemingly overnight...Open conversation about such fraught issues is the only realistic path forward.' New York Times Material Girls: by, Kathleen Stock Material Girls makes a clear, humane and feminist case for our retaining the ability to discuss reality, and concludes with a positive vision for the future, in which trans rights activists and feminists can collaborate to achieve some of their political aims. The Abolition of Sex: by, Kara Dansy Kara Dansky is a feminist, attorney, and public speaker. She serves as the Chair of the Committee on Law and Legislation for the global Women’s Human Rights Campaign (WHRC) and is President of the WHRC’s U.S. chapter. She served on the board of the Women’s Liberation Front from 2016–2020 and remains a member of that organization. She has a twenty-year background in criminal law and criminal justice policy, having worked at the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice in New York, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Stanford Criminal Justice Center at Stanford Law School, and the Society of Counsel Representing Accused Persons in Seattle. She also clerked at the U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico and was a staff attorney at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. ​ T: The Hormone: by, Carole Hooven Through riveting personal stories and the latest research, Harvard evolutionary biologist Carole Hooven shows how testosterone drives the behavior of the sexes apart and how understanding the science behind this hormone is empowering for all. Since antiquity—from the eunuchs in the royal courts of ancient China to the booming market for “elixirs of youth” in nineteenth-century Europe—humans have understood that typically masculine behavior depends on testicles, the main source of testosterone in males. Which sex has the highest rates of physical violence, hunger for status, and desire for a high number of sex partners? Just follow the testosterone. Although we humans can study and reflect on our own behavior, we are also animals, the products of millions of years of evolution. Fascinating research on creatures from chimpanzees to spiny lizards shows how high testosterone helps males out-reproduce their competitors. And men are no exception. While most people agree that sex differences in human behavior exist, they disagree about the reasons. But the science is clear: testosterone is a potent force in human society, driving the bodies and behavior of the sexes apart. But, as Hooven shows in T, it does so in concert with genes and culture to produce a vast variety of male and female behavior. And, crucially, the fact that many sex differences are grounded in biology provides no support for restrictive gender norms or patriarchal values. In understanding testosterone, we better understand ourselves and one another—and how we might build a fairer, safer society. ​ The End of Gender: by, Deb Soh International sex researcher, neuroscientist, and columnist Debra Soh debunks popular gender myths in this scientific examination of the many facets of gender identity that “is not only eminently reasonable and beautifully-written, it is brave and vital” (Ben Shapiro, #1 New York Times bestselling author). Is our gender something we’re born with, or are we conditioned by society? In The End of Gender, neuroscientist and sexologist Dr. Debra Soh uses a research-based approach to address this hot-button topic, unmasking popular misconceptions about the nature vs. nurture debate and exploring what it means to be a woman or a man in today’s society. Both scientific and objective, and drawing on original research and carefully conducted interviews, Soh tackles a wide range of issues, such as gender-neutral parenting, gender dysphoric children, and the neuroscience of being transgender. She debates today’s accepted notion that gender is a social construct and a spectrum, and challenges the idea that there is no difference between how male and female brains operate. The End of Gender is conversation-starting “required reading” (Eric R. Weinstein, PhD, host of The Portal) that will arm you with the facts you need to come to your own conclusions about gender identity and its place in the world today. ​ Irreversible Damage: by, Abigail Shrier ​ Our Founder Scott Newgent “Blake” NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF 2021 BY THE TIMES AND THE SUNDAY TIMES Until just a few years ago, gender dysphoria—severe discomfort in one’s biological sex—was vanishingly rare. It was typically found in less than .01 percent of the population, emerged in early childhood, and afflicted males almost exclusively. But today whole groups of female friends in colleges, high schools, and even middle schools across the country are coming out as “transgender.” These are girls who had never experienced any discomfort in their biological sex until they heard a coming-out story from a speaker at a school assembly or discovered the internet community of trans “influencers.” Unsuspecting parents are awakening to find their daughters in thrall to hip trans YouTube stars and “gender-affirming” educators and therapists who push life-changing interventions on young girls—including medically unnecessary double mastectomies and puberty blockers that can cause permanent infertility. Abigail Shrier, a writer for the Wall Street Journal, has dug deep into the trans epidemic, talking to the girls, their agonized parents, and the counselors and doctors who enable gender transitions, as well as to “detransitioners”—young women who bitterly regret what they have done to themselves. Coming out as transgender immediately boosts these girls’ social status, Shrier finds, but once they take the first steps of transition, it is not easy to walk back. She offers urgently needed advice about how parents can protect their daughters. A generation of girls is at risk. Abigail Shrier’s essential book will help you understand what the trans craze is and how you can inoculate your child against it—or how to retrieve her from this dangerous path. Tomboy: Lisa Selin-Davis A “thorough and engrossing investigation” and “persuasive and deeply personal argument for moving beyond the gender binary.” —Publishers’ Weekly (starred review) ​ We are in the middle of a cultural revolution, where the spectrum of gender and sexual identities is seemingly unlimited. So when author and journalist Lisa Selin Davis's six-year-old daughter first called herself a "tomboy," Davis was hesitant. Her child favored sweatpants and T-shirts over anything pink or princess-themed, just like the sporty, skinned-kneed girls Davis had played with as a kid. But "tomboy" seemed like an outdated word-why use a word with "boy" in it for such girls at all? ​ So was it outdated? In an era where some are throwing elaborate gender reveal parties and others are embracing they/them pronouns, Davis set out to answer that question, and to find out where tomboys fit into our changing understandings of gender. In Tomboy: The Surprising History and Future of Girls* Who Dare to Be Different, Davis explores the evolution of tomboyism from a Victorian ideal to a twenty-first century fashion statement, honoring the girls and women-and those who identify otherwise-who stomp all over archaic gender norms. She highlights the forces that have shifted what we think of as masculine and feminine, delving into everything from clothing to psychology, history to neuroscience, and the connection between tomboyism, gender identity, and sexuality. Above all else, Davis' comprehensive deep-dive inspires us to better appreciate those who defy traditional gender boundaries, and the incredible people they become. Whether you're a grown-up tomboy or raising a gender-rebel of your own, Tomboy is the perfect companion for navigating our cultural shift. It is a celebration of both diversity and those who dare to be different, ultimately revealing how gender nonconformity is a gift. ​ Mission Investigate Trans children experiencing bone problems When Leo is 11 years old, doctors in transgender care start giving him puberty blockers. There are risks with the treatment, but his family are not informed of them. One day Leo says his body is aching. Mission: Investigate reveals what the doctors at Karolinska University Hospital knew, but didn't reveal. ​ ​ Critical Therapy Antidote - International (CTA) is an organization for talking therapists and allied mental health professionals who are concerned about the negative impact of Critical Social Justice Theory (CSJT). Founded in 2020, CTA has rapidly established itself as a significant international network and forum for discussion and action. Gender: A Wider Lens Podcast - International A podcast with top mental health professionals world wide - Stella O’Malley & Sasha Ayad Leading Mental Health Professionals. Genspect - International ​ Genspect is an international alliance of professional groups, parent groups, and others who advocate for a rational and informed approach to gender issues. ​ Across the world, clinicians and other professionals have serious misgivings about the “affirmative” approach. Parents are concerned that their kids are not receiving appropriate treatment and support. And many trans and detrans people share these fears, believing that a better model of care is possible. ​ Genspect unites these voices. We represent 19 different organizations in 17 different countries. We’re not just speaking for a few: we speak for thousands. Critical Thinking Board - International Parents speak freely. Our Duty - International Our Duty is an international support network for parents who wish to protect their children from gender ideology. Gender ideology is a set of ideas that is leading to many children to think that they are transgender. Adolescents in particular are prone to seeking refuge in a gender identity that is at odds with the reality of their sex. We are an evidence-based organization. ​ Primarily, we facilitate peer support for parents of children with what has been called ROGD . ​ Post Trans - International Hello, we are Elie and Nele, two female detransitioners from Belgium and Germany. Post Trans is a project we have decided to create as we realised that there was a big gap on the topic of detransition. We believe that it is increasingly important to address this issue and to give support to female individuals who stopped identifying as trans. Our goal is to provide a space for female detransitioners to share their experiences as well as giving an alternative narrative to the common discussions on transidentity. Genspect - International Is an international alliance of professional groups, parent groups, and others who advocate for a rational and informed approach to gender issues. ​ Across the world, clinicians and other professionals have serious misgivings about the “affirmative” approach. Parents are concerned that their kids are not receiving appropriate treatment and support. And many trans and detrans people share these fears, believing that a better model of care is possible. Genspect unites these voices. We represent 19 different organizations in 17 different countries. We’re not just speaking for a few: we speak for thousands. Detrans Voices - International Detrans Voices is led by two desisted women and one detransitioned woman. As a community, we saw a need for a website that could offer support and information to men and women wishing to detransition or desist. We hope that Detrans Voices can be a platform for detransitioners and desisters to share their stories and experiences. We believe that detransitioners and desisters are amazing and resilient individuals with valuable knowledge and insight that deserves to be shared. ​ Detrans Voices supports the right of all people, including transgender, detransitioned, desisted, gender-dysphoric, and gender-questioning people, to live lives free from discrimination and oppression. We believe that sharing the stories of detransitioners and desisters will benefit our society by helping to lift the social stigma against detransition and helping people who are going through this experience to feel less alone. ​ Our individual beliefs and perspectives range on the political spectrum from centrist to left-wing. We feel that it is important to show stories representing a wide variety of viewpoints, and so we plan to accept story submissions even if we as individuals disagree with some of the content or expressed views of the storyteller. As a result, the content that we present from submitted stories does not necessarily represent our values as individuals or as a group. 4th Wave Now - USA A community of people who question the medicalization of gender-atypical youth ​ Gender Health Query - USA A RESOURCE & COMMUNITY FOR PEOPLE CONCERNED ABOUT SAME-SEX ATTRACTED YOUNG PEOPLE HARMED BY MEDICAL TRANSITION FOR GENDER DYSPHORIA Partners For Ethical Care - USA Our mission is to raise awareness and support efforts to stop the unethical treatment of children by schools, hospitals, and mental and medical healthcare providers under the duplicitous banner of gender identity affirmation. We believe that no child is born in the wrong body Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine: Our aim is to promote safe, compassionate, ethical and evidence-informed healthcare for children, adolescents, and young adults with gender dysphoria. Rethink Identity Medicine Ethic - USA We are a nonprofit education and research corporation dedicated to promoting optimal ethical care for gender non-conforming children and youth. We can be reached at Child & Parental Rights Campaign - USA Child & Parental Rights Campaign, Inc. was founded to respond to a radical new ideology overtaking families and threatening the well-being of children and the fundamental right of parents to direct the care, education, and upbringing of their children. Children are being led to believe a powerful untruth about their bodies – that they could be “born in the wrong body”. ​Canadian Gender Report - Canada We are parents and professionals concerned about the medicalization of identity and the erosion of sex-based rights. ​ Gender Dysphoria Alliance - Canada For a more evidence-based, less ideological conversation about gender dysphoria Detrans - Canada Detrans Canada is an independent and non-partisan advocacy organization that supports detransitioning, desisting, and re-identifying Canadians. We seek to fill the gap in research, resources, and platforms available to those detransitioning, desisting, and re-identifying. We believe those who are in the process of questioning, ending or reversing a gender identify or gender transition process should be offered support, access to high-quality research, access to informed medical professionals, and the ability to advocate for themselves. Resources

  • TReVoices - SCREAMING In The Media

    < Back Children's Rights, Trans Realities | with Scott Newgent Scott Newgent & Benjamin Boyce US Scott Newgent (@TReVoices) is a transman who is very concerned that the current fast-track of childhood medical transition is going to lead to some dire and unintended consequences. Find out more on Scott's Work: Find him on twitter Support this channel: Original Link

  • TReVoices Detrans/Parents

    Parents Detrans Resources TReVoices does not promote young detransitioners publicly for a reason. These young detransitioners? They are used and then thrown to the side after documentaries or articles die down, treated without care or concern, left emotionally raped once again! The carnage has filled into many of nights for me trying to help these young adults. Make no mistake you are creating carnage promoting these young detransitioners without love or care, just to win in activism. I take it personlally when you hurt these young adults. They have been through ENOUGH! We do not promote detransitioners under 25 or over 25 and or detransitioned less than three years. We do this because the carnage created promoting, lifting these young detransitioners...causes damage ONCE again. Shame on you if you are using them too. If you are in jounalisem and need a story? Work for one wihttouy using anyone, truth me their is enough within this debate! Under 25 is a no TOUCH for us at TReVoices because it goes both ways! Please be gentle with these young detransitioners; they have been through enough. Please don't use them for your political agenda; they have been used and told they don't matter ENOUGH! They do matter here at TReVoices, and we act accordingly! Us older trans? We can handle abuse better, send it our way, but leave these young kids under 25 ALONE! Just care and love them! SHOP Today All Categories This channel is coming soon! ​ ​ Read More The Detransitioners ​ Read More Reddit Chain - Detrans & Regrets & Questioning - In The Raw In - Copied/Pasted ​ Read More Canadian Parents Tell Their Stories, Worried about the Implications of "Conversion Therapy" Bill Bill C6 is expected to be debated later this week with a final vote in Parliament coming later this month. One of the de facto roles of Canadian Gender Report is to represent Canadians who are afraid to speak up publicly about their experience with the healthcare of their gender-questioning kids. It is clear that most of the care across Canada has become ideologically driven versus based in evidence and fact. As such, we are publishing this sample of anonymous stories to start painting a picture of what is happening across our country and to call for more evidence and balance when it comes to caring for our gender-question youth and children with gender dysphoria. Read More Belgian helped to die after three sex change operations A transsexual has been helped to die by doctors in Belgium, after a series of failed sex-change operations. Nathan Verhelst, born a girl, asked for help to end his life on grounds of psychological suffering. He died in a Brussels hospital on Monday. Two doctors concluded the 44-year-old did not have temporary depression. His case received scant media coverage. Belgium legalised euthanasia in 2002. There were 52 cases of euthanasia on psychological grounds last year. Read More An Army of Moms; 5 Things I Learned from the Frontlines of the Transgender Resistance Five Things I Learned from the Frontlines of the Transgender Resistance A few months ago, I joined a small group of parents of transgender kids. It has grown from a half dozen or so to more than eighty members and is still growing. The group is well-educated, highly intelligent, successful and caring. Supporting each other, using our significant skills in the areas of research, teaching, the law and medicine, and consulting with experts from around the globe, we are now an army of trans-realists with an artillery of science. Read More Canadian Immigrant Worried About Gender Indoctrination In June, the Hungarian parliament voted overwhelmingly to eliminate from public schools all teaching related to “homosexuality and gender change”, associating LGBTQI rights and education with pedophilia and totalitarian cultural politics. In late May, Danish MPs passed a resolution against “excessive activism” in academic research environments, including gender studies, race theory, postcolonial and immigration studies in their list of culprits. Read More When the State Comes for Your Kids by Abigail Shrier Ahmed is a Pakistani immigrant, a faithful Muslim, and until recently, a financial consultant to Seattle’s high-tech sector. But when he reached me by phone in October 2020, he was just one more frightened father. Days earlier, he and his wife had checked their 16-year-old son into Seattle Children’s Hospital for credible threats of suicide. Now, Ahmed was worried that the white coats who had gently admitted his son to their care would refuse to return him. Read More About a girl and the decision to detransition Let’s start with a caveat: I love passion. I do. And I have a deep, strong instinct to stick up for people whom I think are ignored or mistreated. I’m a typical bleeding-heart liberal. You know me: coexistence bumper sticker and a cloth grocery sack. I feel your pain, I do. Read More Transgender Ideology in Public Schools: Parents Fight Back Fairfax County, VA is ground zero in the efforts to impose transgender ideology on American school children. The Fairfax County school system is one of the largest and richest in the United States, and its close proximity to Washington, DC has made it a target for the efforts to mainstream this radical ideology. Even after the Trump Administration revoked the Obama directive threatening the nation's public schools, the fight rages on at the state and district level. Read More Detransition-Related Needs and Support The aim of this study is to analyze the specific needs of detransitioners from online detrans communities and discover to what extent they are being met. For this purpose, a cross-sectional online survey was conducted and gathered a sample of 237 male and female detransitioners. The results showed important psychological needs in relation to gender dysphoria, comorbid conditions, feelings of regret and internalized homophobic and sexist prejudices. Read More My Child Wasn't Suicidal Before Medical Transition. He Is Now! Suicide rate and suicidal tendencies among transgender persons are considerably high compared to general population. Hence, this review is an attempt to understand the issues around the suicide and suicidal behavior among transgender persons. Read More Young Detrans Adults Are Among The Highest Part Of Society To Commit Suicide - The Suicide Epidemic Is Here Even though data on trans people post medical transition show continuing high rates of mental health problems, higher suicide risk and physical health problems, dysphoria is mitigated by transition and mental health generally improves for most (not all) trans people according to most studies. A review confirming this was done by Cornell University. All of the abstracts can be found here. A thorough review of these studies and the impact of transition on mental health and suicide is done on this website in this section Read More Sarah A Detrans Story For me it all started when I changed school. I always have been gender-non-conforming before. But happy and proud in being so. The new school didn’t think so. The other pupils thought of it as strange, that I, a girl, who walked around in boy’s clothes and short hair. Read More Y. A Detrans Story “There’s such a blame culture these days. You chose to take the hormones at an age people can decide to make children (16). Someone couldn’t baby you and sit with you for hours on end about your decision, you needed to do research. Yes it is horrible having made a mistake but the fault is not on doctors who cannot read your mind.” Read More Detransing A Straight Woman's Story I’m a straight woman in my early 20’s. I identified as trans for 3 years. I questioned whether I was trans for 5 years before I formally transitioned. I was on testosterone for 7 months and I had a double mastectomy at age 20. I regret all aspects of transition and have had to do a lot of reflection about why it happened and how my evolution has gotten to where I am today. Read More Rachel A Story I Wish Wasn't Real I want to write this like a story, but it’s not. I lived it, I’m still living it. It was a choice I made and, now, I’m here. Read More Laura Detrans Journey I was born in 1983, and as I sit writing this, I am 36 years old. I am female. I have always been female, but for nearly a decade, starting in my mid-teens, I was in denial of this fact. I took drastic measures to conceal it, including testosterone injections starting at age 18, a double mastectomy shortly after my 20th birthday, and cumulating in a second surgery on my chest, which was supposed to correct the poor aesthetic outcome of the first surgery. Instead, it was so badly botched that it threw me into a crisis which fortunately led to my detransitioning, although this word did not exist at that time. I was, for all intents and purposes, in uncharted territory. Read More I feel angry: Why People Regret & Reverse Their Transgender Decisions? By age 14, Eva became convinced she was a transgender boy. By 16, she had come out to her teachers and classmates. Her emotionally manipulative family was less accepting of her decision. But a therapist in Toronto and trans activists she knew had a dramatic proposal. Read More Suicide Is More Likely If You Allow Your Child To Medically Transition In Childhood - They Got It Backwards Studies show that the prevalence of suicide thoughts and attempts among transgender adults is significantly higher than that of the U.S. general population. Using data from the 2015 U.S. Transgender Survey, this report examines key risk factors associated with suiciality among a sample of transgender people. Read More How Do I Go Back To The Debbie I Was - Or Can I? "This was a mistake that should never have happened… how do I go back to being the Debbie that I was?" Debbie was born a girl and lived most of her life this way. But almost two decades ago, aged 44, she sought help to transition from a woman to a man. Read More Believe Moms: There’s Something Else Going on With Trans Teens Let’s start with a caveat: I love passion. I do. And I have a deep, strong instinct to stick up for people whom I think are ignored or mistreated. I’m a typical bleeding-heart liberal. You know me: coexistence bumper sticker and a cloth grocery sack. I feel your pain, I do. Read More Meet the Detransitioners Speaking Out ​ Read More Unlikely Bedfellows: Red State Legislators & Blue State Parents Battling The Transgender Narrative You would think a liberal, left-leaning New Yorker would reflexively reject a handful of Red States’ efforts to make it illegal for minors to receive gender-affirming medication or surgery. You would think that interference in making choices about one’s body would make a pro abortion liberated female angry and want to protest. You would think that someone who’s done her best over the course of her career as a journalist and at times an activist would view such political moves as catering to a constituency that thrives on culture wars that feed off of a parochial world view. Read More Canadian Detransitioners Tell Their Stories I knew I liked girls from a young age. But I could never last in a long-term relationship. Since high school, when my gender dysphoria was most prominent, I would end relationships without explanation. I would just tell them we can’t be together, without explaining that I had issues with my body; that I couldn’t let them see or touch my body. I felt like I was inadequate or incomplete as a lesbian. I felt like I must be a man to be legitimate, or I must have male parts before I can have sex. I felt like I was doing something wrong, like I was “converting” them to lesbianism, or “making” them lesbian. I felt as if it was awful to be a lesbian and it was all my fault, even though they were willingly dating me because they were attracted to me, and I had not fooled or coerced them in anyway. Read More Stop By Our SCREAMING Cat Shop Help Us Brand Awareness & Stop Childhood Medical Transition Books & Parental Resources Parents? The Cavalry Has Arrived Trans: by, Helen Joyce 'An intelligent, thorough rejoinder to an idea that has swept across much of the liberal world seemingly overnight...Open conversation about such fraught issues is the only realistic path forward.' New York Times Material Girls: by, Kathleen Stock Material Girls makes a clear, humane and feminist case for our retaining the ability to discuss reality, and concludes with a positive vision for the future, in which trans rights activists and feminists can collaborate to achieve some of their political aims. The Abolition of Sex: by, Kara Dansy Kara Dansky is a feminist, attorney, and public speaker. She serves as the Chair of the Committee on Law and Legislation for the global Women’s Human Rights Campaign (WHRC) and is President of the WHRC’s U.S. chapter. She served on the board of the Women’s Liberation Front from 2016–2020 and remains a member of that organization. She has a twenty-year background in criminal law and criminal justice policy, having worked at the Mayor’s Office of Criminal Justice in New York, the American Civil Liberties Union, the Stanford Criminal Justice Center at Stanford Law School, and the Society of Counsel Representing Accused Persons in Seattle. She also clerked at the U.S. District Court for the District of New Mexico and was a staff attorney at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. ​ T: The Hormone: by, Carole Hooven Through riveting personal stories and the latest research, Harvard evolutionary biologist Carole Hooven shows how testosterone drives the behavior of the sexes apart and how understanding the science behind this hormone is empowering for all. Since antiquity—from the eunuchs in the royal courts of ancient China to the booming market for “elixirs of youth” in nineteenth-century Europe—humans have understood that typically masculine behavior depends on testicles, the main source of testosterone in males. Which sex has the highest rates of physical violence, hunger for status, and desire for a high number of sex partners? Just follow the testosterone. Although we humans can study and reflect on our own behavior, we are also animals, the products of millions of years of evolution. Fascinating research on creatures from chimpanzees to spiny lizards shows how high testosterone helps males out-reproduce their competitors. And men are no exception. While most people agree that sex differences in human behavior exist, they disagree about the reasons. But the science is clear: testosterone is a potent force in human society, driving the bodies and behavior of the sexes apart. But, as Hooven shows in T, it does so in concert with genes and culture to produce a vast variety of male and female behavior. And, crucially, the fact that many sex differences are grounded in biology provides no support for restrictive gender norms or patriarchal values. In understanding testosterone, we better understand ourselves and one another—and how we might build a fairer, safer society. ​ The End of Gender: by, Deb Soh International sex researcher, neuroscientist, and columnist Debra Soh debunks popular gender myths in this scientific examination of the many facets of gender identity that “is not only eminently reasonable and beautifully-written, it is brave and vital” (Ben Shapiro, #1 New York Times bestselling author). Is our gender something we’re born with, or are we conditioned by society? In The End of Gender, neuroscientist and sexologist Dr. Debra Soh uses a research-based approach to address this hot-button topic, unmasking popular misconceptions about the nature vs. nurture debate and exploring what it means to be a woman or a man in today’s society. Both scientific and objective, and drawing on original research and carefully conducted interviews, Soh tackles a wide range of issues, such as gender-neutral parenting, gender dysphoric children, and the neuroscience of being transgender. She debates today’s accepted notion that gender is a social construct and a spectrum, and challenges the idea that there is no difference between how male and female brains operate. The End of Gender is conversation-starting “required reading” (Eric R. Weinstein, PhD, host of The Portal) that will arm you with the facts you need to come to your own conclusions about gender identity and its place in the world today. ​ Irreversible Damage: by, Abigail Shrier ​ Our Founder Scott Newgent “Blake” NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF 2021 BY THE TIMES AND THE SUNDAY TIMES Until just a few years ago, gender dysphoria—severe discomfort in one’s biological sex—was vanishingly rare. It was typically found in less than .01 percent of the population, emerged in early childhood, and afflicted males almost exclusively. But today whole groups of female friends in colleges, high schools, and even middle schools across the country are coming out as “transgender.” These are girls who had never experienced any discomfort in their biological sex until they heard a coming-out story from a speaker at a school assembly or discovered the internet community of trans “influencers.” Unsuspecting parents are awakening to find their daughters in thrall to hip trans YouTube stars and “gender-affirming” educators and therapists who push life-changing interventions on young girls—including medically unnecessary double mastectomies and puberty blockers that can cause permanent infertility. Abigail Shrier, a writer for the Wall Street Journal, has dug deep into the trans epidemic, talking to the girls, their agonized parents, and the counselors and doctors who enable gender transitions, as well as to “detransitioners”—young women who bitterly regret what they have done to themselves. Coming out as transgender immediately boosts these girls’ social status, Shrier finds, but once they take the first steps of transition, it is not easy to walk back. She offers urgently needed advice about how parents can protect their daughters. A generation of girls is at risk. Abigail Shrier’s essential book will help you understand what the trans craze is and how you can inoculate your child against it—or how to retrieve her from this dangerous path. Tomboy: Lisa Selin-Davis A “thorough and engrossing investigation” and “persuasive and deeply personal argument for moving beyond the gender binary.” —Publishers’ Weekly (starred review) ​ We are in the middle of a cultural revolution, where the spectrum of gender and sexual identities is seemingly unlimited. So when author and journalist Lisa Selin Davis's six-year-old daughter first called herself a "tomboy," Davis was hesitant. Her child favored sweatpants and T-shirts over anything pink or princess-themed, just like the sporty, skinned-kneed girls Davis had played with as a kid. But "tomboy" seemed like an outdated word-why use a word with "boy" in it for such girls at all? ​ So was it outdated? In an era where some are throwing elaborate gender reveal parties and others are embracing they/them pronouns, Davis set out to answer that question, and to find out where tomboys fit into our changing understandings of gender. In Tomboy: The Surprising History and Future of Girls* Who Dare to Be Different, Davis explores the evolution of tomboyism from a Victorian ideal to a twenty-first century fashion statement, honoring the girls and women-and those who identify otherwise-who stomp all over archaic gender norms. She highlights the forces that have shifted what we think of as masculine and feminine, delving into everything from clothing to psychology, history to neuroscience, and the connection between tomboyism, gender identity, and sexuality. Above all else, Davis' comprehensive deep-dive inspires us to better appreciate those who defy traditional gender boundaries, and the incredible people they become. Whether you're a grown-up tomboy or raising a gender-rebel of your own, Tomboy is the perfect companion for navigating our cultural shift. It is a celebration of both diversity and those who dare to be different, ultimately revealing how gender nonconformity is a gift. ​ Mission Investigate Trans children experiencing bone problems When Leo is 11 years old, doctors in transgender care start giving him puberty blockers. There are risks with the treatment, but his family are not informed of them. One day Leo says his body is aching. Mission: Investigate reveals what the doctors at Karolinska University Hospital knew, but didn't reveal. ​ ​ Critical Therapy Antidote - International (CTA) is an organization for talking therapists and allied mental health professionals who are concerned about the negative impact of Critical Social Justice Theory (CSJT). Founded in 2020, CTA has rapidly established itself as a significant international network and forum for discussion and action. Gender: A Wider Lens Podcast - International A podcast with top mental health professionals world wide - Stella O’Malley & Sasha Ayad Leading Mental Health Professionals. Genspect - International ​ Genspect is an international alliance of professional groups, parent groups, and others who advocate for a rational and informed approach to gender issues. ​ Across the world, clinicians and other professionals have serious misgivings about the “affirmative” approach. Parents are concerned that their kids are not receiving appropriate treatment and support. And many trans and detrans people share these fears, believing that a better model of care is possible. ​ Genspect unites these voices. We represent 19 different organizations in 17 different countries. We’re not just speaking for a few: we speak for thousands. Critical Thinking Board - International Parents speak freely. Our Duty - International Our Duty is an international support network for parents who wish to protect their children from gender ideology. Gender ideology is a set of ideas that is leading to many children to think that they are transgender. Adolescents in particular are prone to seeking refuge in a gender identity that is at odds with the reality of their sex. We are an evidence-based organization. ​ Primarily, we facilitate peer support for parents of children with what has been called ROGD . ​ Post Trans - International Hello, we are Elie and Nele, two female detransitioners from Belgium and Germany. Post Trans is a project we have decided to create as we realised that there was a big gap on the topic of detransition. We believe that it is increasingly important to address this issue and to give support to female individuals who stopped identifying as trans. Our goal is to provide a space for female detransitioners to share their experiences as well as giving an alternative narrative to the common discussions on transidentity. Genspect - International Is an international alliance of professional groups, parent groups, and others who advocate for a rational and informed approach to gender issues. ​ Across the world, clinicians and other professionals have serious misgivings about the “affirmative” approach. Parents are concerned that their kids are not receiving appropriate treatment and support. And many trans and detrans people share these fears, believing that a better model of care is possible. Genspect unites these voices. We represent 19 different organizations in 17 different countries. We’re not just speaking for a few: we speak for thousands. Detrans Voices - International Detrans Voices is led by two desisted women and one detransitioned woman. As a community, we saw a need for a website that could offer support and information to men and women wishing to detransition or desist. We hope that Detrans Voices can be a platform for detransitioners and desisters to share their stories and experiences. We believe that detransitioners and desisters are amazing and resilient individuals with valuable knowledge and insight that deserves to be shared. ​ Detrans Voices supports the right of all people, including transgender, detransitioned, desisted, gender-dysphoric, and gender-questioning people, to live lives free from discrimination and oppression. We believe that sharing the stories of detransitioners and desisters will benefit our society by helping to lift the social stigma against detransition and helping people who are going through this experience to feel less alone. ​ Our individual beliefs and perspectives range on the political spectrum from centrist to left-wing. We feel that it is important to show stories representing a wide variety of viewpoints, and so we plan to accept story submissions even if we as individuals disagree with some of the content or expressed views of the storyteller. As a result, the content that we present from submitted stories does not necessarily represent our values as individuals or as a group. 4th Wave Now - USA A community of people who question the medicalization of gender-atypical youth ​ Gender Health Query - USA A RESOURCE & COMMUNITY FOR PEOPLE CONCERNED ABOUT SAME-SEX ATTRACTED YOUNG PEOPLE HARMED BY MEDICAL TRANSITION FOR GENDER DYSPHORIA Partners For Ethical Care - USA Our mission is to raise awareness and support efforts to stop the unethical treatment of children by schools, hospitals, and mental and medical healthcare providers under the duplicitous banner of gender identity affirmation. We believe that no child is born in the wrong body Society for Evidence Based Gender Medicine: Our aim is to promote safe, compassionate, ethical and evidence-informed healthcare for children, adolescents, and young adults with gender dysphoria. Rethink Identity Medicine Ethic - USA We are a nonprofit education and research corporation dedicated to promoting optimal ethical care for gender non-conforming children and youth. We can be reached at Child & Parental Rights Campaign - USA Child & Parental Rights Campaign, Inc. was founded to respond to a radical new ideology overtaking families and threatening the well-being of children and the fundamental right of parents to direct the care, education, and upbringing of their children. Children are being led to believe a powerful untruth about their bodies – that they could be “born in the wrong body”. ​Canadian Gender Report - Canada We are parents and professionals concerned about the medicalization of identity and the erosion of sex-based rights. ​ Gender Dysphoria Alliance - Canada For a more evidence-based, less ideological conversation about gender dysphoria Detrans - Canada Detrans Canada is an independent and non-partisan advocacy organization that supports detransitioning, desisting, and re-identifying Canadians. We seek to fill the gap in research, resources, and platforms available to those detransitioning, desisting, and re-identifying. We believe those who are in the process of questioning, ending or reversing a gender identify or gender transition process should be offered support, access to high-quality research, access to informed medical professionals, and the ability to advocate for themselves. Resources

  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

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  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

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  • Trans Man Scott Newgent & Others Fighting To Stop Childhood Medical Transition

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  • TReVoices - Media

    SCREAMING In The Media This page is full of media from around the world collected to educate, help others learn how SCREAM to S.T.O.P. Childhood Medical Transition. ...The power of one voice? One Voice....Well...One Voice Can Change Everything... Please start using yours today to top the medical industry from butchering children under the guise of, love and human rights. Reach out anytime...I will never say no to help a child -Scott Newgent J. K. Rowling vs. Woke Supremacy National Review Much ado has been made of J. K. Rowling’s essay explaining her “reasons for speaking out on sex and gender issues.” She has been accused of transphobia far and wide. A school in West Sussex has dropped plans to name one of its houses after her as it does “not wish to be associated with these views.” Read More Children's Rights, Trans Realities | with Scott Newgent Boyce Of Reason Scott Newgent Is His Own Fire Brand Of Truth! Read More We Need Balance When It Comes To Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Know Newsweek This Newsweek article was one of the first published in the mainstream media and referred to people often. During my post-operation 17 months of sheer survival, I discovered that transgender health care is experimental and that large swaths of the medical industry encourage minors to transition due, at least in part, to fat profit margins. I was gobsmacked. Each day I researched more and became increasingly appalled. Read More Changer de genre, ce n'est pas une mince affaire Le Point Changer de genre, ce n'est pas une mince affaire Un homme transgenre témoigne des problèmes de santé liés à la transition de genre, et s'inquiète des effets à long terme des traitements hormonaux.... Read More 미 트랜스젠더 남성, 성전환 수술 이후 후유증 폭로…다음세대 보호해야 U.S. transgender man reveals sequelae after sex reassignment surgery... protect the next generation 조제 - GPM 뉴스위크(Newsweek)에 따르면 자신을 48세의 트랜스젠더 남성이라고 설명한 스콧 뉴젠트(Scott Newgent)는 6년 전, 자신이 여자에서 남자로 변할 수 있다는 말을 들었을 때 매우 기뻤다며, 그러나 (의료진은) 의학적 전환으로 인해 일어날 모든 멋진 일들에 대한 정보는 제공했지만, 부정적인 것들은 얼버무렸다고 설명했다. Read More Daily Surge Daily Surge In a surprising editorial published in the Washington Post, two transgender activists and psychologists, Laura Edwards-Leeper and Erica Anderson, are now advocating for “gender-exploratory therapy” for trans-identified youth before rushing into puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and sex-change surgery. Shades of what we conservatives have been saying for years! Read More “Blasphemous ideas and the silence dissent: A Review of Abigail Shrier's "Irreversible Damage" Feminist Current This review grew out of a discussion with a dear friend who, at the time, supported gender identity ideology. I, on the other hand, had become increasingly frustrated with the loss of women’s rights to female-only spaces and laws protecting us from sex discrimination, as well as with the silencing of dissent to transgender dogma, and had urged her to examine the available information for herself. Read More OPPOSING OPINIONS AROUND PEDIATRIC MEDICAL TRANSITION AND GENDER IDEOLOGY ​Genderhq Trans Opposition to Pediatric Medical Transition and Gender Activism Not all trans people believe in pediatric medical transition as the medical side effects can be intense, and surgeries and hormones have risks. Scott Newgent, an FtM trans person, has circulated a petition, “Adult Transgender & Non-Transgender People Against Medically Transitioning Children opposing medical treatment on minors.” Read More The Cowardly Republicans Of South Dakota National Review For proof that Republicans can be just as lazy, self-serving, and cowardly as Democrats, look no farther than the South Dakota Senate. As reported by my colleague Tobias Hoonhout, this week Republican senators Duhamel, Rusch, Steinhauer, and Soholt of the Health and Human Services Committee all joined the 5–2 majority that effectively killed a bill designed to make it easier for gender-confused minors to attain financial compensation later in life — should they realize, before age 38... Read More Statement on Buck Angel and “Trans Men Fight Back” Kitty Stryker On July 23rd, a letter was posted titled “Trans Men Fight Back”. Hosted by the Gender Dysphoria Alliance Canada and cosigned by TRans Educational Voices, it was signed by GDAC founder Aaron Kimberly, alongside TReVoices founder Scott Newgent, Buck Angel, Ken Pirie, Aaron Terell, and “those who don’t wish to be named”. In the letter, a series of wild, vague accusations were leveled at unnamed trans women, who the signatories claim they have been silenced by. Read More Bill C-6 needs more nuance: ​"Conversion therapy is wrong, but pushing kids to transition medically is worse​ - Published Brief Entered Into Evidence​ Canadian Parliament Read TReVoices Official Brief On File With The Canadian Parlament. Once again, transing kids hide right behind the 'actual bigotry' gays and lesbians teens have been dealing with for years. Read More Forget What Gender Activists Tell You. Here’s What Medical Transition Looks Like Quilette At a recent gathering, a daughter’s friend told us, “I’m probably trans because I don’t like female puberty.” This instantly got my attention, because I have known this child for years, and I never saw any indication of her being trans. I innocently asked her why she would say that. Was it a joke, perhaps? She replied, “I don’t like my boobs growing, and Reddit says I’m probably trans.” Read More Sex Change Can Destroy's One's Life, Biological Woman Who Transitioned Into A Man Reveals Christianity Daily "Scott" Newgent, a self-described 48-year-old transgender man, warns people of dangers from sex-change surgeries that she encountered first-hand. Six years ago, a hopeful Newgent was told by the medical community that she could turn from a woman into a man. But, Newgent adds, "all the negatives were glossed over." Read More Is the Left endorsing conversion therapy for trans children? The Christain Post In a surprising editorial published in TheWashington Post, transgender activists and psychologists Laura Edwards-Leeper and Erica Anderson are now advocating for “gender-exploratory therapy” for trans-identified youth before rushing into puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and sex-change surgery. Shades of what we conservatives have been saying for years! Read More Ativista trans se manifesta contra as políticas de gênero de Joe Biden Leia mais em: Trans activist speaks out against Joe Biden's gender policies Gazeta Do Povo Ativista trans se manifesta contra as políticas de gênero de Joe Biden Leia mais em: Copyright © 2021, Gazeta do Povo. Todos os direitos reservados. Read More Documentary 'TRANSMISSION' - What's the rush to reassign gender? CBC The Center For Bio-Ethics and Culture Network New Documentary "Trans Mission" Explores How Kids and Parents Are Caught in the Maw of Child Gender Medicine Programs Share now: #DeTransMission Read More #880 - A TRANSMAN’S UNEXPECTED THOUGHTS ON TRANS* RELATED ISSUES: SCOTT NEWGENT Theology in the Raw #880 Read More ​Twitter Bans Transman For Telling The Horrific Truth ​Freedom Updates This is what happens when you go against the liberal narrative, even when you are part of a group they put on a pedestal. Scott Newgent was originally Kelly King, a woman who underwent numerous surgeries to look like a man. But unlike other trans, Newgent has been warning others not to make the change. Newgent took to Twitter to warn others and was banned for it. You'd think that Newgent would be ok on the liberal platform but apparently, they don't want people to hear a voice of reason. Newgent explained the horrors associated with the sex-change surgeries and other treatments that Liberals don't want the public to know about. Read More Trans Get Twitter-Banned For Trying To Save Troubled Youth The Patriot Chronicles As the social media giants continue to crack down on those who violate their trans-activist talking points (see here and here), another perspective has been raised from an unexpected source. I'm talking about a powerful, deeply moving article posted in Newsweek and titled, "We Need Balance When It Comes To Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Know." The author of the op-ed is Scott Newgent, self-described as "a 48-year-old transgender man." What Newgent has written is courageous, deeply revealing, poignant and accurate. Read More ‘Gender transition’ regret deserves a voice, says former patient​” ​Catholic News Agency​ New York woman Grace Lidinsky-Smith said she regrets going through “gender transition” surgery, in a June 25 essay. Lidinsky-Smith wrote that she’s not the only person who feels wrongly prescribed hormone therapy and surgery by medical providers who operate under no commonly agreed standard of care. Her June 25 essay, “There's No Standard for Care When it Comes to Trans Medicine,” was published by Newsweek. Read More Why a Generation of Girls Is Fleeing Womanhood THE JOURNAL OF THE WITHERSPOON INSTITUTE Abigail Shrier’s new book is an outstanding investigative report on the diagnostic craze of rapid onset gender dysphoria that has swept over adolescent girls in the past decade. It is an invaluable resource for parents, educators, church and community leaders, and anyone else who cares about the well-being of young women.Abigail Shrier’s new book is an outstanding investigative report on the diagnostic craze of rapid onset gender dysphoria that has swept over adolescent girls in the past decade. It is an invaluable resource for parents, educators, church and community leaders, and anyone else who cares about the well-being of young women. Read More Interview with Trans Man & Leading International Phycologist On Childhood Gender Dysphoria Genspect Leading Psychologist Stella O'Malley & Our Founder Talk About Gender -Dysphoria Stop By Stella's Organization GenSpect Read More Interview with Scott Newgent Feminist Legal Clinic [T]ransgender health is the gravitative new revenue channel that is drawing in the horrible surgeons and physicians and mental health professionals. You can be dangerously terrible at what you do, jump into this arena, and you have a line of people wanting to see you, you have LGBT organisations protecting you from lawsuits and politicians that don’t have the guts to stand up and say this is wrong. Read More TReVoices Founder Stands Behind the Green Party "No, they are not transphobic; they just decided to plug in a few brain cells to analyze the situation and what's happening to kiddos...Let's hope ya'll will feel the same way after my speech." Georgia Green Party Testimony Legal Testimony Read More Letiltottak egy transznemű Scott Newgent férfit a Twitteren, mert kritizálta a gyermekek nemváltoztatását, és rávilágított arra, hogy a nemváltás és az azzal járó negatív hatások egy életen át tartanak V4 Agency Letiltottak egy transznemű férfit a Twitteren, mert kritizálta a gyermekek nemváltoztatását, és rávilágított arra, hogy a nemváltás és az azzal járó negatív hatások egy életen át tartanak, írja a V4NA. A New Yorkban élő 48 éves transzszexuális Scott Newgent egy életre kitiltották a Twitterről, miután figyelmeztetéseket tett közzé a gyerekek nemváltoztatásával kapcsolatban. A férfi kiemelte, hogy a pubertásblokkolók, és a hormonkezelések hatására a gyerekek fokozottan ki vannak téve a depressziónak... Read More Is The Washington Post Now Endorsing Conversion Therapy for Trans-Identified Children? Town Hall In a surprising editorial published in the Washington Post, two transgender activists and psychologists, Laura Edwards-Leeper and Erica Anderson, are now advocating for “gender-exploratory therapy” for trans-identified youth before rushing into puberty blockers, hormone treatments, and sex-change surgery. Shades of what we conservatives have been saying for years! Read More The case for deep-sixing Bill C-6 National Post Barbara Kay: The case for deep-sixing Bill C-6 Despite broad support in the House, the proposed law to ban conversion therapy reaches too far Author of the article: Barbara Kay Late last month, 306 members of Parliament gave approval in principle to “conversion therapy” Bill C-6, with only seven Conservative party votes opposed (leader Erin O’Toole supported it, but permitted his MPs a free vote). The House of Commons justice committee is reviewing public responses to it......... Read More Testosterone Prescribed-A Body Destroyed, But A Mind Awoken To Save Others TReVoices A true story that will help parents understand why so many gay and lesbian children gravitate to becoming trans. Not acknowledging the truth leads to a generation of gay and lesbians butchering bodies and minds that do not need to be fixed. Love and Acceptance is a must and only prescription required. Read More With Congressman Dan Crenshaw & trans Man Scott Newgent "Let's Talk About Transgenderism...Debate" Hold These Truth Hold These Truths | Episode 128 Listen on Apple: Listen on Spotify: Scott Newgent is a transgender man and the founder of TReVoices, an organization working with governments around the world to develop laws and guidelines which inform and protect individuals who are considering gender reassignment surgery. We talk about Scott's near-death experience with medically transitioning, the industry and ideology that is influencing LGBT adults and children to medically transition, and the how that ideology is attempting to radically change our politics, sports, military, and culture. Learn more about Scott's work at and follow him on Twitter at @ScottNewgent. Read More A Trans Campaigner Speaks Out against Biden’s Transgender Activism​ ​National Review Biden’s trans policies are ‘doing nobody any favors,’ says Scott Newgent. Scott Newgent is a 47-year-old transgender man and parent living in Texas. Newgent is the founder of TReVoices, a group of trans campaigners who oppose radical gender activism and seek to educate politicians and families about the reality of gender dysphoria. Here, he talks to Madeleine Kearns about the Biden administration’s transgender policies. Read More The Mess We’re In “Trans Day Of Visibility Graham Linehan Podcast The Mess We're In Ep. #44: Trans Day of Visibility! Read More Dysphoric (2021) - a four-part documentary series Lime Soda Films IN — Chennai, Tamil Nadu. Vaishnavi Sundar is an independent filmmaker, writer, and radical feminist from Chennai, India, whose filmmaking is unapologetically female-centered, despite men’s utterly entitled demands upon her. Her previous work includes direction of But What Was She Wearing?, shot by an all-woman crew, as India’s first feature-length documentary on the sexual harassment of working women. Contrasting first-world consumable narratives of white saviorism and poverty porn, Sundar’s film takes into account differences across caste, class, and religion among Indian women, focusing on women speaking collectively as women for women about women. However, the response to her radically feminist filmmaking has revealed the failures of a fundamentally superficial liberal feminism positioned on the politics of platitudes. “Our fight for rights today – despite the many lives that were lost in the process – remains toothless and cosmetic at best,” Sundar reflects. Currently, Sundar’s upcoming film titled Not My Cup of T will explore the unprecedented increase in young women in the Western world coming to clinics with ‘gender dysphoria’ and, in their desperation, seeking drugs and surgeries as ‘solutions’ to their distress. Drawing on the work of Dr Lisa Littman, Sundar considers what has been described as rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD). From a feminist point of view, then, Sundar will take a critical look at this psychological and sociological phenomenon and the profitable, global medicalization of gender nonconformity, notably as it pertains to female youth. Continue reading ‘Not My Cup of T’: Interview with Vaishnavi Sundar, Filmmaker Exploring Rise in Girls Treated for ‘Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria’ | Women Are Human. Read more at: Read More Let's Focus On Stopping the Transition of Children' Uncommon Ground Scott Newgent responds to assertions made in a recent article published on Uncommon Ground Media with a call to focus on the issue at hand. This statement will also be published on Scott Newgent’s website, Read More Wild West Of Transgender Surgery - It's All Experimental - Yee Haw! TReVoices Deciding to get a Phalloplasty is a personal journey. The surgery itself is a hot button in the transgender community, and, I believe it will continue to be for quite some time. I'm not a Doctor just a patient, so these explanations, experiences as well as opinions will be with my limited knowledge from a clinical perspective. Some incidents are mine, some I have read in medical malpractices cases, and others are ones I listened to over coffee with friends. Excuse the explicit account, but I want to put the complexities and expectations into a realistic viewpoint, it would have benefited me when I started this journey. Read More From a Christian Conservative to a Transgender Man: Love Calls Me to Action CHARISMA As the social media giants continue to crack down on those who violate their trans-activist talking points (see here and here), another perspective has been raised from an unexpected source. I'm talking about a powerful, deeply moving article posted in Newsweek and titled, "We Need Balance When It Comes To Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Know." The author of the op-ed is Scott Newgent, self-described as "a 48-year-old transgender man." What Newgent has written is courageous, deeply revealing, poignant and accurate. Read More Trans Man is Twitter-banned after speaking against gender transition of children ​The Post Millennial The gender mystics are winning social media battles, but the war will be won by the heroes who refuse to yield to their tyranny, who refuse to be silenced, and who find other pathways to make their case. Read More You need to know what the 12 leading complications of childhood medical Transition TReVoices 12 Leading Complications-Medical Transing Kids-USA Estimate Of Money Generated-312 Million A Year! The blog is essential to the transing kid's debate because it breaks down the finances and what it means for every child that is convinced they are trans....What does that mean from a profit perspective? This article is also frightening—the top 12 complications of medical transitioning and why it's no place for a child. Read More Trans activist: Serious concern over child reassignment surgery​ ​Catholic Weekly The Australian Catholic director for "Catholic Weekly" reached out to Scott and asked to publish an article. The director was surprised when Mr Newgent agreed. "To stop the travesty of medically transitioning children, we have to pull apart the protection they receive for people believing this issue is about human rights; it is not! It is not about money. I will work with anything that helps stop one of the catastrophic travesties histories will write about, the time when "People butchered children for profit. When all communities come together, it sheds light on the reality, light bulbs click on, and people instantly turn white when they understand what is being done to children. So yes, I work with all communities; we don't have to agree on everything; we can fight later. Right now, grab my hand. Children of the world need us to SCREAM in unity and Adult Better." -Scott Newgent Read More TRANS MAN PULLS BACK THE VEIL ON TRANS TREATMENTS​ ​BiNARY Scott Newgent was born a female 48 years ago. Today Scott has undergone radical, invasive, and destructive transitioning treatments. Scott now has some important warnings for anyone else, especially children, considering the same pathway. Read More France - Journal d'investigation - Tendance transgenre MISE AU POINT A showed compared to 60 minutes here in the US covering the medically transitioning children debate with Abigail Sheir and Scott Newgent in the segment. Watch Read More Scott Newgent, un trans contra el lobby LGBTI: «Eres lo que eres biológicamente. Eso no cambia» Scott Newgent, a trans person against the LGBTI lobby: “You are what you are biologically. I don't change Religionenlibertad AGS:TransexualidadCiencia e ideología de género “¡Has sido un héroe para mí durante tanto tiempo, Scott!”, le dijo J.K. Rowling el pasado 20 de julio en Twitter. A la creadora de Harry Potter, bestia negra del lobby LGBTI desde que se solidarizó con una mujer despedida de su trabajo por afirmar que el sexo es biología, ya no le importaba si ese tuit era pretexto para una nueva campaña de hostigamiento. Read More Abigail Shrier - Scott Newgent Chapter "Blake" Irreversible Damage Scott Newgent As "Blake" NAMED A BOOK OF THE YEAR BY THE ECONOMIST AND ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF 2021 BY THE TIMES AND THE SUNDAY TIMES "Irreversible Damage . . . has caused a storm. Abigail Shrier, a Wall Street Journal writer, does something simple yet devastating: she rigorously lays out the facts." —Janice Turner Until just a few years ago, gender dysphoria—severe discomfort in one’s biological sex—was vanishingly rare. Read More

  • Team2

    Trans Have Been Speaking Out AGAINST Medically Transitioning Children, Puberty Blockers & Using Opposite Pronouns To Birth Gender For Years. 2018 - Rene Jax Spoke Out Publicly Read More On Rene Below If You Believe That Adult Trans Agree With Medically Transitioning children: You Are Sadly Mistaken. Trans has been trying to stop this for years, but mainstream media only promotes the medicalization of children as a human rights issue. It is not; it's plain old-fashioned greed, and it's wrong! ...SCREAMING Louder ​ Rene Jax, a transwoman for 40 years, testifies in the California Senate Judiciary Committee against AB 2119, a bill to make sure foster kids have access to sex-change operations and puberty-blocking drugs to help them align their bodies to match their gender identity. Trans deserve rights and protections under the laws that govern, but we made a choice to transition. You create trans with synthetic hormones, surgery; it needs to be safe and no children. Trans health is currently not safe, it's experimental, and your kids are a massive study on what happens to a body when you medically transition long term. Right now? No one knows. The leaders within the rational side of the transgender debate are listed below. None of us agree on everything 100%, but we all embrace reality. We yearn to coexist without taking anything away from any other part of society and, most importantly, shield and protect kids, Get to know real adult trans. Blaire White Trans Woman Aaron Kimberly Trans Man Aaron Terrell Trans Man Eden Walker Trans Woman Rene Jax Trans Woman Claudia Mclean Trans Woman Buck Angel Trans Man Scott Newgent Trans Man Toni Roche-Simmons Trans Woman Dr. Debbie Hayton Trans Woman Todd Whitworth Trans Man Jenn Smith Trans Woman

  • Projects

    Projects Desert Wildlife Conservation This is placeholder text. To change this content, double-click on the element and click Change Content. Read More

  • It's Money Honey

    < Back Study & Facts It's Money Honey .............To date, there has not been one long-term study "over five years" on what the medication does or does not do to children, and it's not approved by the FDA to prescribe to gender-confused kids. ​ Cost For One Adult to Takes Hormone Blockers for One Year = $4400 approx. ​Cost For One Child to Take Hormone Blockers for One Year = $52,258 approx. We have no clue about the long-term effects, but we are starting to see early-onset osteoporosis in trans girls "biological males" in their early twenties. The company that makes puberty blockers. Lupron was sued in 2003 for bribery and false advertising, forced to pay 874 million to the US Gov and deemed a criminal enterprise. This is the company that is saying, "Yup, completely safe!" Really Now? ​ FACT: Profit eight times more prescribed to kids FACT: No long-term studies FACT: Company that makes puberty blockers deemed a criminal empire by the US government FACT : Not FDA Approved FACT: Hormone blockers were created to lengthen the life of terminally ill patients with cancer; no one was worried about long-term complications from this drug, and guess what? Studies & Facts - Every Study/Fact in Connected To a Link - Fact Check Medical transition does not seem to improve mental health outcomes - August 2020 Puberty blockers seem to provide no psychological benefit - July 2019 Puberty blockers appear to increase mental health complications - June 3, 2020 Transition surgery seems to increase suicide risk long-term - February 2011 Puberty blockers do not appear to alleviate negative thoughts - 2021 Kids with GD seem to have higher rates of psychiatric and neurodevelopmental conditions - 2018 Many remain highly distressed/suicidal after transgender surgery - 2004 Many Human brain does not fully mature until around age 25 (studies at end of article) - July 2021 UW Medicine Misleading Research Stating Medical Transition Helps Children Mental Health - Debunked - Retracted "oopsie." Stats? Do you need stats for a school meeting, political rally, or doctor's office? Do You Want Stats? Medical Transition? Mental Health? Demographics? Numbers? Facts? The Call Is Coming From Inside The House - Must See Documentary Puberty Blockers SEGM - Misleading Distorted Facts Aligned With The Truth - Malone - Clayton - Clarke - Mason - D’Angelo Dr. Jack Turban's Study "Raving Review" Children Who Mentally Transitioning Analyzed - by D'Angelo, Sasha Ayad Lies all lies, suicidal facts with gender confused kid Clinical and ethical considerations - David Schwartz - kids who are depressed or suicidal need mental health interventions, not physical ones. Study Review - Serious Flaws - Child and Adolescent Mental Health The Model Is Failing Kids - Washington Post by, Laura Edwards Leeper & Erica Anderson I am Jazz is lie - Dr Malone - the massive misinformation in this children's book ​ Donate Today

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