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  • Canada Sept 20th Winsor - Million March SCREAMING Louder W/Trans Scott Newgent 'STOP Transing Kids!'

    To SCREAM Louder, to make a difference to save gender-confused children faster, we rely on the support of generous donations from individuals and businesses like you and yours. We would be most grateful if you would consider a donation to cover travel and other expenses, enabling Transman Scott Newgent to speak at the Canadian Million March in Windsor, ON, on the 20th of September. Donation Link Order T-Shirts Today The journey will start on the 19th with a flight, travel expenses and hotel accommodation from the 19th to the 22nd. In addition to the Million March Speech, Scott will be giving speeches on the 20th, 21st and 22nd in the Winsor and Toronto, Canada areas and interviews with local media. Your support is critical to the attendance and speeches Scott will provide. Scott's speeches inject an urgency of attention and jolt energy, forcing mainstream media to pay attention. Scott ignites passion, causing people to pay attention. Please consider a donation to save gender-confused children faster! Scott is not receiving any monetary gifts for speaking or travel. Scott will attend solely on the donations received from this letter and this letter alone. Again, Scott needs to be paid a penny, and the travel cost is also NOT COVERED! If the donation amounts are insufficient to cover the expenses, the trip will be cancelled, and all donations will be returned! Please use this direct link for donations: Flight: $600 Hotel: $850 Bags, Parking, Taxis: $350 Food & Misc: $600 ---------------- $2400 Winsor, ON Donation Link

  • SWEDISH Doc Flattens The Transing Kids Debate - Too Bad US Can't Watch it in CA or US. Now you Can?

    Translated to English! I have been asked to repost this video. Here you go! This documentary has been banned in several countries, and the US has limited access. The video uploaded is the original with English translations. Download it and keep it. I do not doubt that I will be forced to take it down. I say as often as I can that "We are witnessing the biggest medical scandal in modern history", for a reason. I believe it!" Big thank you to Iris El for translating and updating worldwide news regarding the medicalization of gender-confused kids for the profit of pharma. Scott Newgent Íris Erlingsdóttir Nýlega sá ég sjálfa mig í verkefni sem bandarískur læknanemi sagðist hafa fengið til mismunagreiningar og deildi á Twitter: “Móðir kemur með 15 ára gamla dóttur sína til læknis. Hún hefur áhyggjur af því að dóttir hennar þroskist ekki eðlilega. ’Sjúklingurinn’ spilar fótbolta, klæðir sig í hefðbundin strákaföt og neitar að vera í kjólum. Að sögn kennara dótturinnar.....Translated below as well as the documentary! SCREAM Louder -Scott Newgent by, Íris Erlingsdóttir One of my best friends, Scott Newgent, was 42 when he underwent sex reassignment surgery. He has been disabled ever since and has dedicated his life to fighting against youth sex transitions. Scott, who has three children, says "no" is one of the most important and under-utilized words in the parenting vocabulary. “You are not your child’s friend,” Scott says. “Your job is not to shield your kids from ‘feeling bad’. It is to protect your children from the consequences of their own worst impulses. And it’s a job at which we’re failing miserably.” Recently I saw myself in a differential diagnosis project that an American medical student shared on Twitter: “A mother brings her 15 year old daughter to the doctor. She is worried that her daughter is not developing normally. The 'patient' plays football, dresses in traditional boy's clothes and refuses to wear dresses. The daughter's teacher says the girl wants to use male pronouns at school. Her periods are regular, and she is otherwise healthy. The physical examination is unremarkable. What is the next step in this patient's treatment?” The poor medical student chose "refer to a psychologist/psychiatrist." But that was "wrong." The "correct" answer was to "affirm" the girl and refer mother and daughter to various alphabet-mafia organizations. I was younger than this "patient," maybe 10 or 11 years old, when I wanted to be "George," because I was a big fan of Enid Blyton's Five Books, and I wanted to be like one of the protagonists. It never occurred to me or my parents that I was “queer” or gay. In my childhood neither schools nor parents believed that children's imaginations were reality, and my parents – if they even noticed my “George” period – did...nothing. Fortunately. Today I could have ended up like "Leo", the 15-year-old featured in the Swedish National Television documentary “Trans Kids” (Swedish National TV report: Transbarnen: Tvärvändningen – With English subtitles). The film begins with the frightful news that Leo's parents have received regarding their youngest child, who has been complaining of constant body pain for months and has difficulty standing and walking. Support TReVoices Work - Donate Today Leo was eleven years old when she told her parents she wanted to be a boy. They took her to the Karolinska University Hospital in Stockholm, where they were informed that "the sooner Leo starts puberty suppressing drugs, the better," despite the fact that no reliable research supported the “medical treatments” that Leo [and many other children] would receive at Karolinska. The few studies available were, in fact, of “extremely low…poor quality.”* Leo has now been on puberty blockers for four years and her health is getting worse. “He was better for a while [after treatment began], but then his mental health deteriorated… He tried to take his own life several times...and he wasn't very old." Leo's family has received no information about the safety record or possible harm of anti-puberty drugs and hormones. "We couldn't understand why, we thought he would get better. Everyone said what brave parents we were...We thought we were doing the right thing." Leo complains of pain daily, and her parents take her to Karolinska. Leo is now 15 years old and has been on puberty blockers and hormones for four years. Leo has difficulty standing and moving and complains of pain in shoulders, back and hips. Examination and tests reveal that Leo has osteoporosis and spinal vertebral damage and fractures, caused by the puberty blockers and hormones that prevent normal metabolism and absorption of minerals necessary for healthy skeletal growth and strength. Leo is also much shorter than her peers and will not grow more. Leo’s mother Natalie: A healthy skeleton has been destroyed by this medicine…"We trusted the doctors.” "We really don't know how long it's safe to give these drugs [puberty blockers and hormones] but two years is maybe defensible,” one of Karolinska experts is quoted in the film. Puberty blockers and hormones actually have "serious side effects", and on May 1, 2021, The Karolinska Hospital bans all such treatments in minor children and reports itself to the Swedish Health Authorities for an investigation of the serious injury that children have suffered at its Transgender Youth Clinic. In February 2022, The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare announces that prescription of puberty blockers and other hormonal treatment to trans persons under the age of 18 will no longer be allowed in Sweden. The significance of undergoing "medical" treatments based on "very low…poor quality" data and research is rarely discussed with patients and families. The rating "very low quality" means that the “negative effects of the treatment are quite certain.” For example, anti-puberty drugs and hormone treatments cause infertility, osteoporosis, increased risk of heart disease and risk of brain damage. Breast and genital removal are, of course, permanent. Other health risks are uncertain, but "the results of studies on the consequences of these treatments are alarming."** 24 year old woman post sex transition surgery. Her breasts have been removed, and a “neophallus” has been sewed onto the supra-pubic area. r/Transgender_Surgeries Phalloplasty techniques: Forearm skin and flesh is harvested to construct a “neophallus” to be sewed on the patient’s suprapubic area. We, who oppose the Trans ideology are often asked why we bother – and dare – to fight this religion. The answer is obvious. We are the mothers and parents of the Trans generation that the Trans cult wants to poison, castrate, and mutilate. If we do not fight for our children, truth and reality, no one else will. Our children, however they want to "identify" themselves, are perfect. We don't give them TransHeroin, even if they say all the other kids get it. It doesn't matter if the drug dealers are ministers, members of Parliament, doctors, or Trans activists. And we don't much care if our children call us "transphobes”, haters and every bad name in the book. "That’s nice dear. Now go study." by, Iris EL *[“Evidence for puberty blocking and cross-sex hormones is of ‘very low quality’ and ‘very low certainty’, which signals that the benefits of these interventions is highly unreliable. In contrast, several negative effects are quite certain.” NHS, National Institute for Health & Care Excellence, 2020”]. *“Reconsidering Informed Consent for Trans-Identified Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults” Stephen B. Levine, E. Abbruzzese & Julia W. Mason Pages 706-727 | Published online: 17 Mar 2022 Íris Erlingsdóttir Nýlega sá ég sjálfa mig í verkefni sem bandarískur læknanemi sagðist hafa fengið til mismunagreiningar og deildi á Twitter: “Móðir kemur með 15 ára gamla dóttur sína til læknis. Hún hefur áhyggjur af því að dóttir hennar þroskist ekki eðlilega. ’Sjúklingurinn’ spilar fótbolta, klæðir sig í hefðbundin strákaföt og neitar að vera í kjólum. Að sögn kennara dótturinnar vill hún nota karlkyns fornöfn í skólanum. Blæðingar stúlkunnar eru reglulegar og hún er að öðru leyti heilbrigð. Líkamsskoðunin er eðlileg. Hvert er næsta skrefið í meðferð þessa sjúklings?” Vesalings læknaneminn valdi “vísa til sálfræðings/geðlæknis.” En það var “rangt.” “Rétta” svarið var að “staðfesta” stúlkuna og að vísa móður og dóttur á hin ýmsu stafrófssúpusamtök. Ég var yngri en þessi “sjúklingur,” kannski 10 eða 11 ára, þegar ég vildi vera “Georg,” því ég var mikill aðdáandi Fimm bókanna eftir Enid Blyton og ég vildi vera eins og Georg, ein af söguhetjunum. Það hvarflaði aldrei að mér eða foreldrum mínum að ég væri hinsegin eða “kynsegin” og í minni bernsku töldu hvorki skólar né foreldrar að ímyndanir barna væru veruleiki og foreldrar mínir gerðu…ekki neitt. Sem betur fer. Í dag hefði ég getað endað upp eins og “Leó” sem greint er frá í sænsku heimildarmyndinni Transkrakkar (sem ég skil ekki að RÚV skuli ekki vera búið að sýna). Myndin byrjar á “slæmum fréttum” sem foreldrar Leós hafa fengið varðandi Leó, yngsta barn þeirra. Leó er hættur að vaxa. Hann á erfitt með að standa og hefur stöðuga verki í öllum líkamanum. Leó var 11 ára þegar hún sagði foreldrum sínum að hún vildi vera strákur og þau fóru með hana á Karolinska Háskólasjúkrahúsið í Stokkhólmi. Þar var foreldrunum sagt að “því fyrr sem Leó byrjar á kynþroskabælandi lyfjum, því betra,” þrátt fyrir að engin rök eða rannsóknir séu að baki þessara meðferða sem Leó og fleiri ungmenni fengu á Karolinska. Það eru í raun “alvarlegar aukaverkanir” af kynþroskabælandi lyfjum og hormónum og 1. maí, 2021 bannaði Karolinska sjúkrahúsið allar meðferðir kynþroskabælanda lyfja og hormóna á börnum undir 15 ára aldri. Einn sérfræðinganna í heimildamyndinni segir að “við vitum í raun ekki hve lengi er óhætt að gefa kynþroskabælandi lyf…en tvö ár er kannski ‘verjandi’”.p Leó hefur verið á lyfjunum á fjögur ár og heilsa Leós síversnar. Fjölskylda Leós fær engar upplýsingar um skaðsemi þeirra. „Hann var betri í smátíma [eftir að hann hóf meðferð] en svo versnaði andleg heilsa hans…Hann reyndi nokkrum sinnum að svipta sig lífi ... og hann var ekki mjög gamall. Við gátum ekki skilið hvers vegna, við héldum að honum myndi batna [á hormónunum]. Allir sögðu hvað við værum hugrakkir foreldrar...Við héldum að við værum að gera rétt.” Leó er nú 15 ára og á erfitt með gang og að standa. Leó kvartar um stöðuga verki í öxlum, baki og mjöðmum. Það er vegna þess að lyfin sem Leó fékk á Karolinska koma í veg fyrir eðlileg efnaskipti og upptöku steinefna sem eru nauðsynleg fyrir heilbrigðan vöxt og styrk beinagrindarinnar. Leó er miklu lægri en jafnaldrar hans og mun ekki vaxa meir. Segulómun og röntgen myndir sýna ennfremur skaða í hryggjarliðum Leós og beinþynningu. “Heilbrigð beinagrind Leós hefur verið eyðilögð vegna þessa lyfs.” Natalie, móðir Leós. Sjaldan er rætt við sjúklinga og fjölskyldur um þýðingu þess að undirgangast “læknis”meðferðir byggðar á gögnum og rannsóknum sem eru af „mjög lágum gæðum“. Einkunnin “mjög lág gæði“ merkir að neikvæð áhrif meðferðarinnar eru nokkuð örugg. Til dæmis valda kynþroskabælandi lyfja- og hormónameðferðir ófrjósemi, beinþynningu, heilabólgu og aukinni hættu á hjartasjúkdómum. Aðgerðir til að fjarlægja brjóst og kynfæri eru að sjálfsögðu varanlegar. Óvissa er um aðrar heilsufarsáhættur, en “niðurstöður rannsókna um afleiðingar þessara meðferða eru skelfilegar.” 24 ára stúlka eftir “kynbreytiaðgerð. Brjóstiln hafa verið fjarlægð og “rúllutertu”gervilimur gerður úr handlegg stúlkunnar saumaður á kynbeinið. ” r/Transgender_Surgeries Svona lítur handleggurinn út eftir að holdið er fjarlægt til að búa til gervilim. Við andmælendur Transhugmyndafræðinnar, erum oft spurð hvernig við nennum – og þorum – að standa í þessari baráttu. Svarið er augljóst. Við erum mæður Transkynslóðarinnar sem TRAlíbanar vilja senda í (eitur)lyfjagjafir, ófrjósemisaðgerðir og limlestingar á læknastofur Transensteins, Frankensteins & Mengele. Við getum bara lagt upp laupana ef við ekki berjumst fyrir börnunum okkar, sannleikanum og raunveruleikanum. Börnin okkar, hvernig sem þau vilja “einkenna” sig, eru fullkomin. Við gefum börnunum okkar ekki TransHeróín, þó þau segi að allir hinir krakkarnir séu á því. Sama hvort dópsalarnir eru ráðherrar, þingmenn, læknar eða TRAlíbanar á Netinu.Og okkur er alveg sama þó börnin okkar kalli okkur “transfóba” og “hatara“ og öllum illum nöfnum. “Já, elskan. Farðu að læra.” Einn besti vinur minn, Scott Newgent (transman) sem undirgekkst kynbreytiaðgerð fyrir 5 árum og er örkumla síðan hefur varið lífi sínu í að berjast gegn kynbreytiaðgerðum á ungmennum. Scott, sem á þrjú börn, segir “nei” eitt mikilvægasta orð foreldraorðaforðans. “Við notum það allt of sjaldan,” segir Scott. 0 Scott Newgent (Kellie King) er heimsfrægur fyrir baráttu sína gegn kynbreytiaðgerðum á ungmennum. Ég á þrjú börn og barnabarn sem tók sín fyrstu skref fyrir fjórum mánuðum. Guð hjálpi þeim sem telur einhverju minna afkvæma trú um að þau geti aðeins verið “sín réttu sjálf” ef þau taka inn hormónadjöflasýrur og láta limlesta og afmynda sína fullkomnu líkama. Höfundur er fjölmiðlafræðingur

  • A inside look at Gender Ideology CRAZY! -accidental HERO of 'What is a woman' Trans Scott Newgent

    By, Transman Scott Newgent Suuport Scott's Work Link Here we go again! If insanity is doing the same thing, expecting different results, I rank at the highest scale of insanity, a doctorate perhaps. Yes? Yes! No, perhaps about it! Speak clearly, Kellie; I mean Scott <--- See perfect example, I am nuts! I should be giving lessons on how to be insane, capitalizing on the vast magnitude of my crazy. Five years now in four months. Let me say that again: five years in four months of peeling my chest wide open, not because I want to, but because of a promise I made and because as a professional communicator, an information transferencer (if that's not a word, I am coining it!) doing transference of information, helping people see the other side of a product, my whole life has left me fruitless, embarrassed really. Who uses talent restriction for monetary purposes? I do, until? Until what? Until I know better, then I do better! It is a cycle that I know well, yet each time, it sneaks up on me, and as crazy as I probably am, it's not the sole reason! While a considerable portion is from the world of crazy, the other part? The majority of the basis? Understanding what is coming for these kids, as I pilgrimage into the activism woods, I meet few sincere, a lot after a means to an end that ends smack dab on top of the head of the person faking sincerity. Or perhaps my devotion elevates to a level others cannot achieve due to a crazy thing called sanity? Perhaps! Who lives in the world of sanity? Because I sure as hell don't! Remember, I once thought I was born in the wrong body! But the truth is that MOST  people you follow, the leaders, don't care unless what they promote feeds them financially, emotionally, or spiritually, and I judge! Shame on me. Indeed, I need to be better. Do better! As I catch  my breath from my last infection, I realize I am like Britney Spears, "Oops, I did it again!" I learn a minuscule amount each time, but the response is always a duplicate, "I am outta here; done with activism." Anyone in their right mind would be, the way I do it! Activism, that is. One of the first  questions  from anyone who works with me   usually is something like this: "Wow, you are sincere; how do you work this hard without reward?" My response is always the same: I almost died from transgender " health care"! I made a deal to live for my children and fight for yours. No matter the want, I cannot give up activism; pulled in a million places and obliged to be in all of those places. Why? Is the reason "why you?" You believe me because you feel me. No one would do this like I do unless there was a payoff. Ah...HA! A payoff, my payoff, my children. Seeing my judgment of others while I believe I live at some higher morality plane, not admitting my yield is internal defiance of what I judge. I have a gain; it's not the expected payoff to which we see others fight in the open. Mothers usually fight in the darkness; the completely unselfish fight of a mother is not seen or heard. It's just DONE because that comes from carrying life – from being a mother! Others who have given life yet feel no different are a rare, disgusting reminder of the absurdity of what should NOT be. It is why we judge bad mothers harshly; it should not be. A bad mother, that is! SHOP NOW Take me with you at your next school meeting! I'll SCREAM for you! A mother is a fierce animal in the kingdom who does not take the warrior title or celebrate the honor of her victories. There is no time to celebrate because it's a constant battle; for a mother, protecting her young never ends! Endless for a mother! My young? I have three of my own, but mothering to a sea of children is exhausting! I will repeat it until the gravity of reality is known! I do NOT sign up with any subtribe: Femininsts...NO Conservatives......NO Evangelicals....NO Liberals.....NO To maintain activism, it's essential to claim a subtribe; I do not! This is why I struggle so; that and my craziness, the constant ebb and flow of infections, financial and spiritual survival are always at the tip! This last infection was a doozy for many reasons. The first physically? Each time, it's the same: I am shocked at the arrival, refusing to admit, "Here we go again!" Each time, the same: not having insurance and losing my job after my speech with Matt Walsh meant I have no health care. Still trying to figure that out: Doctors? I don't trust them, but at least I could see one to treat  infections before they develop into  requiring IV antibiotics. But each time, I rant in my head: "I AM NOT GETTING AN INFECTION!" Each time, I get punched right in the nose with, "Yes, you are whether you like it or not!" I curse a lot as I go round and round with myself, and I inevitably fail. The good news? The infections are getting further apart! The bad news? For some reason, I cannot emotionally rationalize around them. Why is this? My mind always goes to mush. I have no one to force me to see a doctor or anyone to trust, so I count on myself when I cannot be charged with myself! My distrust of all leaves me worse off, so where are the boundaries of sanity? Nowhere where I reside! The emotional side was an even bigger sock in the nose! My firstborn started college, and as all parents, I drove him and helped him move into his dorm. My son wanted what all kids wanted: for his parents to help. Right in the middle of my infection, relenting none, pushing through, and being there was not enough for my son, as it should be; I am his mother! "I need groceries!" Off we went, I said NO to nothing, how could I? He was asking for mayonnaise, boxed noodles, and shampoo! At the end of the trip, I kissed him, told him how proud I was, and cried the entire way home, knowing I now had .37 cents in my account! But, I had a project coming, one that would pay for my speeches, one I had be perfecting, relentlessly, pouring my heart into; I went to PR classes, told me and showed me how to handle media. The struggle was to become less financial, and purchasing mayonnaise for my son would not be a triumphant battle to survive! I screwed the pooch on this one! It fell through as my infection took over my body once again! I could tell you the story, but the reasoning lies within the realm of destiny, my insanity or the lack of sincerity of others? Probably a little from all, but the majority lies with me, no one else! Sincerity was there from others, but my beat-up, tattered five years in activism have made me a nonbeliever ofin others! My fault, my fault alone! I own this lost battle! Throwing my hands up once again, I start to look for a job to get my career back, not a flimsy job to maintain existence, but to live again, really live without the war-torn worries of purchasing mayonnaise! Ah, HA! I contacted an old colleague who offered me a position with a sign-on bonus five months ago, but I had to GIVE UP activism; I turned him down. The offer has been sitting on my mind like a perfect backup plan! Turns out the last go around with 'What is a woman?" The Elon Musk Twitter endorsement flipped the switch to my name and face? Known, too known now for business sales, and the offer was rescinded! I started to sift through local business sales jobs; I found one perfect for me and them. I began the entire process and was the leading candidate until the end! The Elon Musk endorsement that will/is saving children worldwide was too much to protect my children's financial future—ghosted at the end, once again! As I sat with my pity, my poor poor me, which is pitiful in itself, I tried to figure out what to do. Where do I go? Back to activism? Sure, I am great atd changing hearts and minds if you get me in front of people, but the dinner party chatter that sickens me is something I SUCK at! It's times like these and only these that I miss my ex-wife. Why? She is the master at the fake BS needed to prosper in activism, a perfect shield so many people have, but I'm too wounded to trust anyone, and to trust someone would be to trust someone I already trust, and they are nowhere around! What should I do? What I always do. Tell the truth without the lights and glamor; it cuts through the BS. I turned to you, asking you, "Why do you support me? Why do you or have you donated to me? Why do you believe I matter in the activism of STOP the butchering of an entire generation of children?" I asked a few people who had been there for me the entire time; their responses told me everything I needed to hear. See for yourself: You are fighting the good fight, Scott. Thank YOU! J Scott, I donate to you because you're honest. You're RAW. I donate to you because you've got skin in the game and you're not politically affiliated. Politicians and businesses are milking this country for all it's got with no regard for those they employ or govern. I'm sorry it's so hard and I wish I could give more. Thank you for what you've done and continue to do. I wish I knew the answers on how to end the madness. I do know your voice matters. Thank you, M Wow, Kellie/Scott, Here is my first thoughts as to why I give to support you. My answer is I give you a donation to support you as you fight against allowing children and teens to make forever life-altering decisions regarding their being able to have children, their physical health and their gender identities before they are adults. I'm a therapist and I have worked with hundreds of kids throughout my career, kids are very innocent and vulnerable. The psychological truth is "We all, adult, adolescent, and children, want to belong " Period, end of sentence. And in adolescence, our main goal in life is to belong with our peers. There was a researcher named Erik Erikson who studied psychological struggles of each life phase. For adolescence, the stage is called Identity vs Identity Confusion. This is very true in my experience of myself, my own kids, and all the kids I have worked with. When you are an adolescent, all you want is to fit in and belong to a group of peers. Adolescents do crazy things to fit in, from the comical to the dangerous- from dying their hair blue, to wearing crazy clothing to starving themselves to be thin enough to cutting themselves to fit into a group, and any myriad of strange antics in between. So, why do I give to you, because I care about the kids and instinctively think it is wrong to confuse them by offering what they most want - to belong- through harmful hormones and surgeries. I listen to stories about people like Chloe Cole and Daisy Chadra, and I think let the kids grow up and then they can make such life-altering decisions themselves as grown adults. This is a social experiment on children, we don't have longitudinal studies about the long term effects in America yet. It is my understanding that the Danish have the best longitudinal studies out there, and their studies indicate that most of the kids who go through a gender dysphoric phase, grow out of wanting to be the opposite sex and end up same-sex attracted. I believe it was through your website, that I saw studies that the Danish and Swedish have the longest research out there and they have banned hormones and surgeries for kids. This shows that those with the most data, are choosing to ban these procedures for kids and adolescents. When we look at child and adolescent brains, we see that they are not fully formed. They don't completely understand the long term effects of choices. This should be common sense. When you think back, when I think back, when any honest adult thinks back, to how they were thinking when they were 13, 14,15,16,17 years old. I think we would say, thank God, I wasn't allowed to make life -altering decisions. Thank God, because I would have made very immature, stupid and uninformed decisions. Actually, research shows your brain isn't fully formed until you are 25 years old. Also, as a mom, when I hear your story, it seems to me, that you have a mother's heart for her children and the children of the world. You want to protect children from horrible medical decisions of taking hormones and surgeries. You want to protect children from what happened to you. You have lived experience of what these hormones and surgeries do, because you have life-altering ongoing health issues from them. Also, I am a Christian, and I believe that protecting children is part of God's work, so I believe you are doing God's work. I see you as a very brave person, I give for the above reasons. I don't have much money, but yours is an important cause. Please note that when I leave comments in your blog, I leave them as a guest. As a mental health professional, I am afraid to be labelled transphobic. I work in California and my work is my livelyhood and supports my family. I think there are many professionals in health related fields that agree with you. We are trying to figure out how to manuver through the ever-changing waters of ethics in our professions. So, my thoughts and prayers are with you, as you fight against the allowing kids and teens to get hormones and surgeries. L KELLIE SCOTT ( CAPS CAUSE I CAN SEE BETTR, AND TYPE FASTER) SINCE THE FIRST TIME I GOT A SIGNAL POST OF YOUR 9 MIN. VIDEO, I WAS AS OUTRAGED AS I COULD BE. LAST DEC. I GOT KICKED OUT OF THE SCHOOL BOARD FOR SPEAKING OUT AGAINST THEIR SEL DEI ETC. AND THE TYRANNY OF ATTACKING A BOARD MEMBER WHO WAS AGAINST IT ALL. THIS WAS BY A GROUP OF 3 SUPPOSED CONSERVATIVE MEMBERS. BUT I HAD BEEN ACTIVE LAST TWO YEARS IN CITY COUNCIL, COMMISSIONERS, AND HEALTH BOARD, AND OUR LOCAL GROUPS. SUBJECTS: ELECTION INTEGRITY, FRAUD, COVID LIES, HOAS BIOWEAPON, AND THE WHOLE GROOMING INSIDIOUS TRANS/MARXIST SET UP. MY FAMILY HAS THOUGHT ME INTOLERANT, AND HATE CRIME, FOR STANDING UP AGAINST CRT, AND THE BASICALLY WHOLE BULLSHIT FEST SCHEISSE CAACA MIERDA GOWNO GAVNO HOVNO MERDE I AM A 73 YEAR OLD GRANNY GREAT GRANNY, AND I AM PISSED OFF. I JOINED THE GROUP FEC THAT JOE OLTMANN STARTED, MET TIG TIEGEN, FROM 13 HOURS AND UADF AND JOINED THEM TO LEARN SOME SELF DEFENSE, AND WHO KNEW I COULD AIM. LOL. ANYWAY, I SAW THE 2020 RIOTS, AND KNEW SHIT WAS FLYING WORLDWIDE. MY FAMILY SAID LAST WINTER, TO ME, SHOW US INFORMATION. OK I TOOK AN OLD SCHOOL, OLD LADY, INFORMAL DIVE. AS YOU OBVIOUSLY KNOW FIRST HAND, MY BRAIN WAS EXPLODING. THERE WAS SO MUCH. MY FAMILY WAS MAD FOR MY FACEBOOK POSTS, MY RANTS, AND SO MUCH = BUT I HAVE SOME SKIN IN THIS GAME. A FAMILY MEMBER WHO WAS TRAUMATIZED, HARMED, HAS STEPPED INTO THIS ARENA. I HAD TO HAVE A FILE SEALED, AND PROTECT. MORE TO THIS. ANYWAY, AS I WAS CONNECTED TO THE LOCAL GOP, THE NOT ESTABLISHMENT, GRASS ROOTS ROGUES, AND THE OTHER GROUPS I BECAME A BIT MORE VOCAL. ANYWAY, I DECIDED TO MAKE AN INFORMATION NOTEBOOK FOR JOE OLTMANN WHO ALSO RUNS CONSERVATIVE DAILY, AND HAS BEEN POISONED, THREATENED WITH DEATH, DUE TO HIS RUNINS WITH MANY FOLKS. ANYWAY, I SENT A NOTEBOOK OF ABOUT 450 PAGES (YES RIGHT?) TO JOE AND THEN I PICKED OTHERS, LIKE KIM MONSON, TRENT LOOS, RANDALL LOCALLY IN CO. SP., (HE IS NOT ALWAYS WITH US GRASS ROOTS) MIKE LINDELL, BAZZAL BAZ (ASSOCIATION FOR THE RECOVERY OF CHILDREN) TIM BALLARD (GROUP OPERATION UNDERGROUND RAILROAD) HANDED ONE TO ERIN LEE AS SHE SPOKE AT A GOP LUNCHEON, AT WHICH HALF WERE CLUELESS, OR WOKE OR BOTH. SENT OR GAVE TO LEGISLATORS, OUR LOCAL GROUPS, DOING SOME UNDERCOVER WORK, SOME SCHOOL BOARD FOLKS, CITY COUNCIL GUY ON OUR SIDE, ETC. I HAND MADE THEM UNTIL I GOT A PAY CHECK, AND HAD 15 PRINTED ($200 FOR 5) THEN I WOULD COMPILE THEM, DEVIDE THEM, OH AND SOME LARGE CHURCH PASTORS, BRAVE IN DENVER, AND ROCK IN CASTLEROCK, AND OUR BLACK ROBE PASTOR AT FERVENT. ANYWAY, I SENT YOU AN EMAIL TO OFFER TO MAIL YOU ONE, FOR IN CASE, YOU COULD USE IT . THE BEGINNING HAS DATA ON BILLIONAIRS, THE NETWORK PROMOTING, FUNDING THIS MESS FOR TWO DECADES, AT LEASE, AND ALSO 1994 CASEL STARTED THE SEL CRAP. I HAVE GREAT GRAND BABIES, HALF PHILLIPINE, INUIT INDIAN GRANDKIDS, AND I WAS BORN IN GERMANY. HAVE FRIENDS WHO ARE GAY, STRAIGHT, ETC. I SIMPLY AM FIGHTING UNTIL I DIE FOR THE MUTILATION, DESTRUCTION OF CHILDREN BEFORE THEY ARE PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY OF AGE OF REASON, CONSENT, AND NOW WE ALL KNOW THIS IS A MUCH BIGGER PLAN TO DEPOPULATE (WHO WEF UN ETC) ANYWAY, I JUST STEPPED IN AND AM SHARING WITH GROUPS OR FOLKS WITH SOME SPHERES OF INFLUENCE. YOU OBVIOUSLY KNOW WAY MORE THAN ME, BUT I DID NOT EVEN KNOW ABOUT YOU, WHEN I STARTED. SO SORRY, NOT MUCH IN IT ON YOU, BUT I AM EXPANDING GOT THE STUFF ON PITT, THE NO WAY OUT FILM I WATCHED, WHOSE CHILDREN ARE THEY, AND GOT GROSSMAN, SHRIER, BOOKS, ETC. SEND THEM TO OTHERS TOO, AND WELL, OLD LADY FRIED TODAY. BUT I AM KEEPIN ON. I SENT THE BOOK TO MY FAMILY, AND ONE OF THEM HAS THE HARMED KIDDO. ANYWAY, THEY ARE REACTING AS I THOUGHT, BUT WELL, I AM SO SO HOPING THEY WILL GAIN SOMETHING FROM THIS, DIG DEEPER, ETC. ANY WAY WE HAVE AND WILL KEEP FIGHTING THE SCHOOL BOARDS ALLOWING THIS AND MORE. I WISH I COULD HUG YOU AND MAKE THE PAIN GO AWAY, AND I REALLY ADMIRED YOUR VIDEO, AND ADMISSIONS. YOU GOT GUTS FOR SURE. LOOK I AM UNIMPORTANT, NOT WEALTHY, AS I WALKED AWAY FROM ALL, AND SOMEDAY I CAN EXPLAIN, NOT ANYTHING I DID, BUT RIGHTING A WRONG SOMEONE ELSE DID. ANYWAY, IMAGINE AT 73 STARTING OVER. LMAO 32 YEARS IN REAL ESTATE, COMMERCIAL, RESIDENTIAL, CONSULTING, ETC. ALL REFERRALS. I DID A BUNCH OF FREEBEES FOR OURVETS, ETC. SHHHHHH NOT FOR PUBLIC VIEW. WAS ON YOUTUBE SINCE IT STARTED, TWITTER, AND FAKEBOOK, I HOPE MY VIEWS DONT INSULT YOU, I AM CONSERVATIVE, BUT NOT EXTREME RIGHTWING. WELL I DONT THINK SO. HAVE SOME HEAVY DUTY HEALTH PROBLEMS AND HENCE SELF DEF. AND CONCEILED BECAME PART OF MY MO. SORRY I RANT TOO MUCH, BUT WELL YOU ASKED. WEE WOO CRAZY GAMMY I DONT WANT TO IMPOSE, OR TAKE CONFICENCE FROM YOU, BUT I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE TO MAIL YOU THE NOTEBOOK, IT IS MINE, INFORMAL, AND WELL ALL I COULD THINK OF WHEN I STARTED TO BATTLE THE MESSES, AND EVEN OUR SCHOOL BOARD STUFF IS IN IT. MAYBE IT INSPIRES OTHER WELL OBVIOUSLY THERE ARE LOTS OF OTHERS COMING FORWARD. I WOULD LIKE TO SEND A BIT MORE, ONCE I GET MORE. I HAVE SPENT $1600 ON THE NOTEBOOKS. THE PRINTED ATTEMPTED TO PDF, ETC, BUT SCANNED TOO MANY PAGES IN CROOKED. ANYWAY, LET ME KNOW. MY CELL, IS 719 246 3885 MY NAME IS JEANY RUSH, AND THEY CALL ME GAMMY SPARKLES, AND WELL SINCE I COULD NOT TRAVEL TO DENVER, NO INTERSTATE FOR ME, UNLESS SOMEONE DRIVES MISS DAISY ( LIKE WHEN WE INFILTRATED A DRAG SHOW) IMAGINE ME LOL BUT YOU GET THE DRIFT. I DONT GET TO GO TO ALL THINGS, BUT I WROTE LOTS OF LETTERS TO THE PIT DENVER LEGISLATORS MARXIST CRAZIES ALLOWING 12 YEAR OLDS TO BE GROOMED WITHOUT PARENTAL PERMISSION. GRRRRRRR BY THE WAY, YOU CAN CALL ME ANYTIME YOU WANT, IF YOU GET BLUE. I GOT THAT WAY FROM BEING LEFT OUT ALOT BY FAMILY THAT I TOTALLY RAISED, AND ON MY OWN MOSTLY. WAS MARRIED TO A PAST CHRISTIAN LEADER, BOOKS WORLDWIDE, MYRON RUSH, BUT FULL OF SCHEISSE IN THE END. I CHOSE BADLY A FEW TIMES. BUT ENOUGH OF MY GARBAGE, YOU ARE A HERO TO ME, AND WELL I STOP NOW. AGAIN, HUGGS GAMMY HERE G Hi Scott, I'm the one honored to receive your email. Here's my answer to why I donate. In the summer of 2022, and after watching the TV show The Blacklist for years (7 seasons), I searched online for fellow viewers who wanted to solve the main mystery of the show, which was who the main character really was. It was revealed that our beloved master criminal wasn't really Raymond Reddington, so I devotedly tackled the challenge of figuring out his real identity before it was revealed. That challenge got me through many bad times, including the pandemic. I watched each of the 22 episodes of each season 4-5 times, trying to guess his identity, taking hundreds of notes and putting them on a wall first and then on a board accordion. The producers kept pushing the reveal to the next season, and then the next, and then the next... However, I found a website in which a fan explained that Raymond Reddington was in reality no other than the infamous Russian spy Katarina Rostova. In other words, that Raymond was a transman. I rejected that theory for multiple reasons. The storytelling seemed to contradict it (I had many notes to prove it), and I couldn't come to terms with the idea that my favorite male character of all time was really a woman. Biologically speaking, it was impossible for him to have such a successful sexual life without anyone saying anything, right? That's how I saw it. I was troubled, to say the least, because I had never been exposed to transgenderism, except for the news about Jenner, so I knew nothing. My social media experience was almost nonexistent, too. That's when I joined Reddit, looking for answers. Reddit's Blacklist fans were divided into two major camps, one of which defended that Raymond was Katarina. The theory was known as Redarina or Rederina. Fights and insults were constant among some users; others just expressed their opinions calmly. I gave my opinion several times, still hoping that the reveal was going to be somewhere in between. At some point I encountered someone who identified as a trans. Soon enough the replies coming from that user became violent, vicious, and I pushed back questioning their sincerity and their position. After reading their third reply or so my head shook briefly, which I attributed to a change in my blood pressure. Afraid of being at the brink of a stroke due to my anger, I panicked, so I decided to leave Reddit, the show, the podcasts, NBC and anything else related to The Blacklist. No TV show is worth it. Nonetheless, I remained troubled, angry and sad.* Sometime later, I started searching for inspirational videos to help me heal. I found a sweet and smart master buddhist, a few self-help YouTubers, science documentaries, etc. At some point I found Jordan Peterson, and through him, I found The Daily Wire and What Is a Woman. Your appearance in that documentary was what touched me the most. I cried heavy tears, not only because of what happened (is happening) to you, but because I saw that there is a trans world out there where people are suffering, people who have been deceived horribly and who are paying with their emotional and physical lives while the monsters get wildly rich. I decided I had to do something, but I didn't know what. I'm not known, I don't have a podcast, I'm not extroverted, but there had to be something I could do. I have spent many, many hours online trying to understand what's going on in the world. It's been a real quest and I've been very confused. I have exposed myself to painful truths that were hidden to me so I could toughen up a little. I joined Twitter carefully and, at some point, I saw your account. I believe that's the order of events. I have watched many transitioners tell their stories, confirming what you said in the documentary. I learned through Kathleen Stock that even LGBT's are vulnerable to the current ideologies. I see what our government is doing and where we are heading. And most importantly, I feel for the innocent children who can't defend themselves from the monsters, many of which are in their own homes. I donate because you speak up on their behalf, because no one can tell you that you don't know what you are talking about, that you don't know what it is like to transition only to feel your body tear into pieces. You do what I can't. I support you because you tell a truth I'm just starting to comprehend (maybe). They can try to silence you, but others are speaking up, so your story is not going unnoticed. I hope this answers the question and that it motivates you to continue. However, nobody is in the position to judge you if you are not receiving the support you need to keep screaming and you take a break or a leave. Your health is important too. Your children need you and they deserve to have their mom. I will email you again to tell you about the time I wore the Rainbow Rebellion t-shirt in a woke-friendly town in Maine... Blessings, L I give to encourage you and help in a small way your effort. I am also fighting the left starting with my program to make the world carbon negative while we still use oil and gas which defeats the left's irrational and destructive program. see ttp:// I have also started to take on a lot of issues as i gain support. I would love to do some content on the horrors of the mutilation agenda with graphic content and lots of talk about the high rate of suicide. God has a plan but sadly lets the Devil dominate the world and we are in a very dark place disobeying God and disrespecting him. I have included my publishers email of my book. They were a huge help in getting me published at a reasonable price. It is non an anomaly that the same folks that want babies killed up to birth and even after are in favor of sterilizing children and making them more likely to kill themselves. Cash is real tight for me right now which is why my donations were not larger and more often but I do appreciate your bravery and wish you success. I don't know how many on on your email list but am currently raising money to do more to fight evil. I have a good email marketing firm that I hooked up with in a meant to be way that could promote you more. Keep up the fight... I pray you continue and have support to make it easier. D Good afternoon Scott, I am pleased to hear from you again after some time. As for the reason I donated to you, the reason is both simple and complicated. Simple: Because I believe in what you say and your crusade. Complicated: Because I want to do anything and everything possible to protect people (especially children) as well from this gender madness. You could say I have suffered on a personal level the effects of gender ideology in my life. A childhood friend of mine (Rebecca) socially transitioned in 8th grade (This was in 2016-17-ish) to present as male in order to deny that she was indeed attracted to women. She had a crush on a classmate of ours and in so decided that if she were a man, she would be accepted. This led her to socially transition, distance herself from people who didn’t affirm her, cause her to have a bandwagon of people affirming her, and now take hormone blockers/testosterone to further her transition. Although we drifted apart by High School, I felt something was wrong in her pursuing this identity. Of course, I couldn’t say anything due to me being a social pariah at the time and the fear of being “transphobic”. I still pray that Rebecca can find her path to the truth. However, the worst scar gender ideology has given my life is of what happened to my online friend Jessica. She was one of the sweetest, honest, caring, bright, and intelligent young girls I’d ever known. Being a teenage girl, she suffered from feelings of anxiety, had ADHD, suffered bouts of depression, suffered feelings of isolation at school, and had body image issues that led her to have an eating disorder (Bulimia, if I remember). She had all these problems, problems that vulnerable girl confided in me with and I did my best to guide her and show her that she is an amazing person. Despite all my efforts, the promises that gender ideology offered her managed to seduce her and slowly she broke. She identified as Agender, put on “they/them” pronouns, wanted to be called “Sky” and not her “dead name”, and started spending more time with other kids who had similar backgrounds and problems. It was Rebecca all over again. I tried to pull her back from that cliff, especially after I found out more about the concept of “transgender” and saw it for the absolute dangerous farce it is. I read studies, read articles, journals, blogs, and accounts from hospitals about the procedures, culture, guidelines, everything on both aisles. I was already on the side of truth (“Transphobes”) from my own investigation, but after hearing about Abigail Shrier’s “Irreversible Damage”, seeing videos from Eric July, and eventually stumbling onto Matt Walsh and the documentary “What Is A Woman?”, I made up my mind. I tried my best to steer Jessica away from that identity, to help her truly love herself rather than hate it, to see that there is nothing wrong with being the young woman she is, that even though things are bad right now and she feels lost, it’s going to be okay. Unfortunately, I was just one man, one man on the far side of the world going up against a group of friends, family, and an addicting promise preying on that poor girl. I didn’t stand a chance. I wish I could have saved her, helped her see the dark path she was on, and helped her truly love and accept the life she has, but I failed. Gender Ideology is destroying the lives of struggling individuals, including vulnerable teenage girls like Jessica. After I lost her, I swore, I promised, that I would do everything in my power to stop another person, be it child or adult, from falling into its hands. I don’t give one single iota as to what the soulless advocates, medical quacks, or idiotic banshees with their “Trans Rights are Human Rights” mantra have to shout, I know where I stand. Few situations are black and white in life, but this is one of them. I empathize with those struggling with their gender confusion, I couldn’t imagine the despair and agony it brings. But to the people supporting the chemical castration, sexualization, and mutilation of people, especially children, have no shred of sympathy from me. This is why I support voices like yours, Matt Walsh, Chloe Cole etc. Because I have suffered and seen suffering from this movement, and I want to help end it. That is my answer. I hope you can scream louder and not let your voice be in vain. Kind Regards, A Hi Scott, I have a daughter who I am fighting for who is autistic. This is a Huge deal within the autistic community and what I call radical autistic advocates that’s are sadly promoting and accepting this . Just recently and author and advocate named Heidi Mavir from the UK, took her daughter to have a mastectomy. I purchased her book and in it she speaks about her Son. At that time I had no idea her son was really a daughter. As far as I’m concerned her book was falsified. I ripped it up and unfollowed her. There are LOTS like this within the actual community. My eyes are open. Feeling like a fish out of water is common amongst our autistic youth but this does not mean we should promote self hate and affirm our kids to change. Society does this enough with autistic kids. I’m seeing some desisting happening in my daughter but I am watching things closely. The internet was the evil being that created the questioning in my child in 2021 during the lockdown. She is now 14. I have time. After some bad text messages and awful internet conversations with disgusting individuals, caused us to contact the authorities. It was horrible. My husband and I got rid of All devices, internet and her phone has no web browser. She’s not even allowed to bring her school computer home. I can see every text on an app and approve every number. She is going to a youth church group every week as well. I do need to be careful with that but so far the youth leaders have been fantastic and they know her story and have taken her in just as she is! My daughters hair is growing, she is now wearing her earrings and she is wearing uniform skirts to school. I pray for her Daily! I was truly inspired by your story and feel you Not re-transitioning back to Kellie, is powerful because you can use your voice as you are. It’s incredible. Your knowledge and up to date statistics on the dangers of medications and medicalization are valuable. If things start to get serious with my daughter, I have already planned on showing her your interviews as well as the interviews of Chloe Cole and other de-transitioners. This is the most powerful way to reach our kids as they will not listen to us. I run a Free women’s support group for neurodivergent children in Southern Calif. we have not touched on this subject yet, but I plan to. It needs to be brought up because our autistic children are at risk for this ideology. I just need to collect the proper information and make sure it’s done right. It’s extremely difficult. I don’t want to mess this up. I have over 400 members and I’m sure I will lose a some but hey, Truth is Truth. I write quite a bit and one of my posts was about the Mixed Up Chameleon by Eric Carle. We used to read these books about self love to our kids and now we are doing the opposite by promoting self hate and telling them they should change because they are not good enough as they are. Keep up your advocacy Please!! We Need your voice! You were put in these circumstances for a reason. I know you have and continue to go through hell, but I honestly feel it was meant to be and you are being used for Good! Bless you and all you do! J

  • A Project Fell Through, But We Still Have To Save Kids! -Transman Scott Newgent

    Recently, I had a project fall through that would have sustained me within activism and supported my family. The project fell through. This campaign was created to help keep me active 24/7, but $60 was raised. I want nothing more than to stay in this fight, but I cannot sustain the stress. I have to look outside of activism due to the constant stress emotionally, financially & spiritually. Please let me know if you have any ideas on how I can remain. If you want me to continue, consider donating or purchasing merchandise. People appreciate my voice, but I don't belong to a subtribe within activism. It makes me affective to change hearts and minds but ineffective from a PR standpoint and support. Appreciating my voice is quite different from promoting or supporting it. I have been forced to say NO to a couple of documentaries and popular podcasts due to the travel demands; the flights and hotels are paid for, but not the miscellaneous parking fees, taxis, food or bagging charges. These trips usually cost me about $250, which I can no longer afford. Campaign Below: Donate Campaign Created by: Kevin Tuttle Kevin Tuttle will receive the funds from this campaign. Monthly Goal: USD 5,000 Raised this month: USD 10 Total Raised: USD 60 Scott Newgent is the accidental star of Matt Walsh's "What is a Woman" documentary. His goal is to protect children from the dangerous trans ideology that is permeating our culture and destroying children's innocence in the process. As a trans man, Scott endured medical complications after medical complications due to transgender "healthcare." Scott has lost everything he'd ever worked for: his home, car, savings, career, spouse, medical insurance, and most importantly, his faith in himself and God. Through this campaign of love, this community can show Scott that God loves him and hasn't forsaken him even for a moment. In a battle to survive, Scott went from ER to ER, trying to solve the mystery of why his health was failing. He learned firsthand the truth about how dangerous medical transition is. He realized that if you get sick because of transgender health, you will be deserted by the medical field, who might also gaslight you. Scott's mission in life is to expose the dangerous lies that medical institutions, psychologists, and others are espousing that ultimately robs the innocence of children. But he needs funding to do so as he can no longer support his family without our help. Please prayerfully consider helping Scott so he can work full time doing interviews on podcasts and other media nationwide, as well as all over the world. His message is vital. Please consider a donation: Donate

  • Parents walk your child through puberty not around it. - Scott Newgent

    The power of a mother is insurmountable to a child. Parenting is a verb; it's something you do. A 14 yr old boy wakes his mother up in the middle of the night, "I can't sleep, Mom!" The mom escorts her child back to bed & asks, 'Why do you think you can't sleep? You've never had issues before!" "Mom, when I close my eyes, I can't shut my brain off. Images of what's coming, what I need to do won't stop; I think I might have ADHD!" Mom wipes the hair away from her son's head and says, "No, son, you are in the middle of childhood-adulthood & you are dealing with life with miraculous hormones that will someday make you a father. You are learning what it takes to survive, to care for people, protect, provide, and the innocence of childhood is wearing off. All this is normal but perfect with you, my child. Support The SCREAMING To STOP Childhood Medical Transition Close your eyes and tell your brain you know you have things to do, coming, to figure out & you will... TOMORROW when you are rested. Now, tell your brain I need rest to accomplish what you worry about. Let me rest & trust I will figure it out... TOMORROW! Now close your eyes, knowing you are growing AWESOME. No diagnosis is needed other than growing into a remarkable man! So proud of you!" The boy closes his eyes as his mother sits close, resting her hand on his shoulder, repeating, "You are doing so good, son; you're going to be an awesome husband, father, provider, leader, follower, and bring so much joy to so many!" Within minutes the boy falls asleep! Parent better! Talk your children through puberty, not around it. -Scott Newgent On Sale Now

  • "Why do you still present, male?' Good Question. Allow me to answer:

    By Transman Scott Newgent I recently had someone ask why I still present as a male on Twitter. Now, I have received this inquiry many times in an attacking state so so so many, and it hurts deeply! It does. Most of the time, I scan over because if people knew the truth? The faultfinders? If they are not sociopaths, they would feel awful! Yet I have found that when you respond to attackers, even in agreement? They still attack, don't listen, and it's like a shark-feeding frenzy! The computer screen has made us a level below awful form! It's heartbreaking, at least for me, because I am genuinely trying to save children! Am I perfect? No. But am I open to learning and growing? Yes. I wish I saw this more in others, and it makes me want to clam up at times and revert to F You's...But I started activism that way, and it doesn't work! So I adjusted for more people to hear my message. But a question came in recently that felt kind. The question came in the form of a tweet that seemed sincere, so I answered as I always do. RAW. REAL. TRUTHFUL. even if it hurts because our children deserve us to ADULT Better. Original Tweet Here Accidental Star of Matt Walsh's 'What is a woman' answers with raw, forthcoming frankness. "Why do you still present, male?' Good Question. Allow me to answer: I am not offended by questions or statements of disagreement if they are not done in malice. This was not done in wrath so I will answer. I am not representing myself anyway. I wear what I want; if you think it's masculine, that's on you. I took testosterone for a prolonged duration, and synthetic cross-hormones are potent and permanent. You can't say that 'medical transitioning is permanent' and expect people to 'PROOF' look like their biological gender. I have forever altered my genetic chemistry. What 'Watch What Is a Woman' Streaming Free In my interview with Matt Walsh's in 'What is a woman?' I had not taken testosterone for nearly two years, not a drop. That is DETRANS, but I never declared detrans because I was beginning to see the distress of the push for these young people who altered their bodies to return in a monumental shift representing absolute femininity as detrans females and the contrary with the males. I noticed and still do a tremendous backlash of more pain these young people are going through to discover they didn't fit, never will fit and making them believe they can with overtly feminine or masculine appearance to receive praise is just as damaging in reverse. We need to love people at the place they are at! What I said in the post that you are commenting on outlines what I am trying to communicate with glaring red lights and partly to blame for why we are in this chaos, gender ideology. People are not black and white, yet this definite view makes people feel good; they know what to anticipate. People are not black/white we are all a myriad of distinctions. Yet, on the other hand, stereotypical male and female roles have continued because they represent the majority, not all...Ah...HA! Voices are limited within this debate. Help ensure we continue to fight and stop childhood medical transition. Donate Today In the majority, 70% of males and females fit into the stereotypical roles; what happens to the 30%? The 30% have been since the beginning of time, yet survival was at the forefront, shoving anxieties to the back. This analysis on gender is proof we have TOO MUCH time on our hands. But since we do, and it's here, let's discuss it and become better! What happens to the 30% My question to you? What would make you feel comfortable? How should I present to you? I know I am a woman. I know I will never look like one, and putting a ribbon in my hair to soothe your anxiety makes me feel bad. So where is the line, the love and kindness for both? The truth. I will never fit ANYWHERE, and I am ok with that. Why are you not? SCREAM Louder -Scott Newgent

  • Something is COMING...Almost There. Wanna Help STOP Transing Kids? - Transman Scott Newgent

    Donate Today Well Hello! Long time no talk. If you follow on Twitter, you can see some things change. My tweets are different, and my tone and my strength have transformed. So what is changing? For over four years, I have been SCREAMING alone in a dark, moldy basement to STOP transing kids! What got me here in this basement after losing everything? By the way, I do mean everything! At 42, I started medically transitioning and was told it would make me fit, that I was born in the wrong body at 42! Do you realize how embarrassing that is to say? The utter and total egg on my face, "Yup, I'm a complete nincompoop; please don't allow your children to be as stupid as I was because medical transition is experimental, dangerous and doesn't cure anything. It makes mental health worse!" Think about that. Could you do that? Mix into the recipe the fact that getting to that basement came after I had One pulmonary embolism One life flight helicopter ride Stress-induced heart attack Sepsis Cut Bladder Lost four teeth 26 rounds of antibiotics PIC IV antibiotics for over a month before work Passed out from pain three times Arm reconstructive surgery Lost my job House Wife Career Car repossessed Not able to take care of my children alone One ankle 'Not long to live tag.' Failed phalloplasty 17-month reoccurring infection Discovering trans health is experimental; forced to figure out what I was dying ALONE! & I can go on, but you don't have the time! I found myself without a car, in the moldy basement with the other parent to my kids being the only human being on the face of the earth that said, "You are not doing well, Kellie; I got you," then picked me up and put me under her house, with my kids above me, "Not doing well," but alive, with my kids! I was pissed and for good reason! Four years later and four weeks ago, I decided to start to LIVE again! I had an opportunity, and I have had many, but always projects, that helped others gain, losing the message needed to save children from being heard sifted out, leaving accomplishments for others but losing the information required to educate the realities of the medicalization of gender-confused children. I was never ok with that, and I am still not! Long Story Short? I NEVER sold out and have suffered for it! A Speaking Tour Is Coming! But it's not here YET! Late September! Announcing Soon! Until then, I still need help! Finally, I will get a small monetary payment for each speech I give. But today? Every podcast I give, every parent I write, every politician I help, every video I make, everywhere I travel? I am NOT paid. I have said NO to book deals that wanted me to tell my story their way, a way that would make money but NOT save kids! I have said NO to politicians because it's taking my voice away. Get paid! YOU BET! Help kids! NO WAY! When I travel? Sometimes it's paid, but not the cost to park my car, not the car ride to the airport, not the meals, not the $30 to check my bag or the last trip to DC where they lost my bag and the $130 I had to spend to buy supplies. I have always worked from home, a little job but enough to keep afloat while I fight. I was fired after speaking at a Matt Walsh Rally. I have been able to do this because of donations, and it's embarrassing, but it's the reality, and I know we are ALMOST there where people will hear us; you are a part of that! But not quite yet! Thank you for your donations! I am here doing this because of people like you who have donated! Thank you & we are: Almost there! -Scott Newgent Donate Today! Everything helps!

  • Wanna Hear What DOCS Have to Say About Transing Kids When PC Police Are Out of Room!

    Support The Rainbow Rebellion Donate Today By, Dr. Silenced I Wonder: "What Do Docs Really Think About Childhood Medical Transition? Dr. Silenced Fills Us In! An email I received from a physician. The physician is remaining anonymous, but has verified that this is a real physician. Hold Tight Dear Scott, I wish I could come out in public support of your work (Jane is my political pseudonym), but as a physician I feel that the issue of pediatric transgender care has become so political that I would face cancel culture and career annihilation should I speak out. I read the article you published in Newsweek and it very much enlightened my practice as a physician and I would like to thank you for bringing to light an issue that is historically unquestionable in medical circles. I also wanted to share my small part of the story as I hope it will encourage you in your work. First and foremost, as a former family medicine resident physician, I would like to apologize for the grave injustices you faced going through your gender transition process. It sickens me to know that even as an adult no one truly gave you INFORMED consent for your procedures and also required you to go back to the same physician who mistreated you for ongoing care. You are most correct that transgender hormonal and surgical therapy is experimental (for children and for adults) and your physician was oath-bound to ensure that you understood what consequences were already known, what were still theoretical, and what was still unknown. Your physician violated their Hippocratic Oath to "first do no harm" and I am so very sorry that you had to pay such high consequences for their actions. Secondly I wanted to share with you my physician experiences of the medical culture surrounding transgender care. I am a heterosexual female physician and while I do not pretend to know all the social issues surrounding LGBTQ+ care, I do not think that pediatric transgender hormonal delay and surgical therapy is appropriate for the very same reasons you outline in your article -- it's experimental, we don't know the long term consequences, it is unethical to experiment on a child who cannot fully consent to the procedure due to lack of understanding, and we have not sufficiently ruled out other psychological co-morbidities or even let the child's psyche fully develop before we present them with a absolute decision about their gender. I have interacted with the pediatric transgender clinic system only peripherally, but what I have found has largely been disturbing. Occasionally a transgender pediatric patient will be admitted to the hospital, usually due to a psychiatric crisis, and as their primary physician in the care team I feel it is my duty and my professional right to know everything about them as it pertains to their admission to the hospital. However, often as I search their chart, the only documentation I find for their transgender care is a sparse note from the endocrinologist. There are no psychological assessments, surgical planning notes, or any other detailed information on where the child is in the process of their transition despite the fact that the pediatric transgender clinic is a part of the same system as the hospital itself (i.e. they should share the same documentation system). Additionally, supposed transgender psychologists visit the patient while they are in the hospital, but I have yet to even see one of these elusive professionals on the floor nor see one of their inpatient care notes despite my nurses saying that they visited the patient. The secrecy surrounding these pediatric transgender clinics, even to other physicians who are supposed to be looking out for the best interest of the child, disturbs me to my core. If the pediatric transgender clinic thinks it is really doing what is best for the patient, why do they feel they have to hide information? SHOP Our Merchandise Additionally, before I approve ongoing transgender care to the patient, I want to know that the patient has had a full and un-biased psychiatric evaluation and ongoing assessment to rule-out comorbid psychologic conditions or alternative diagnoses. There are many things that can masquerade as gender dysphoria, my main concern being Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD is a condition that causes the patient to seek attention in increasingly extreme ways -- through increasingly elaborate suicide and self-harm schemes or through claiming gender dysphoria and seeking transgender care when they are not gender-dysphoric. Personality disorders cannot be diagnosed in children because the child's personality is still forming, but as a physician you develop a sixth sense for predicting which teens are likely to manifest BPD in adulthood. Since BPD cannot be diagnosed in childhood, but GD can, it poses a problem that a child can undergo hormonal and surgical therapy before their psyche is fully developed and can be properly evaluated. Psychiatric evaluations exploring other possible diagnoses are rarely documented and it is my belief that in the fervor around seeking gender-affirmation, such possible diagnoses are overlooked. In my residency program, I have faced consequences for standing up for what I (formerly) believed to be best for pediatric transgender patients. For example, I had a 17yo transgender patient on my outpatient panel who had completed both hormonal and surgical therapy by the time they became my patient. As they were a pediatric patient, I could not ethically support their transgender treatment plan and yet nothing could be done to change it as they had already completed therapy. I did not feel that I could sign prescriptions and consults or coordinate their care without ethical distress. Therefore, I felt the most ethical thing to do would be for my residency program to transfer the patient to someone who was supportive of the transgender treatment plan and could sign the necessary orders without ethical distress. I subsequently received severe backlash from one of my supervising physicians who was (or claimed to be) a transgender advocate. He stopped using my name, questioned all of my work, gave me bad evaluations, and told me that he didn't think I should be a physician. After reading your article, I wish I had made a different decision than to have my patient transferred, because I now realize that I essentially fed my transgender patient to a wolf who was going to continue a dialog of toxic affirmation rather than let the patient fully explore their identity in an unbiased way. So I want to thank you for changing my practice of medicine and making me a better doctor for the future. Also, I want you to know that there are many in medicine who share your same goal but without a voice to do so. There is a growing "elitist" group of physicians in medicine who pretend to understand LGBTQ+ issues and look down on those they think do not understand the LGBTQ+ community as they do. These "elitist allies" can often be identified by rainbow buttons on their lapel, an over-affirming attitude toward any gender issues, and a disgust for anyone who does not also wear a rainbow button. They often think bigotry is any sort of disagreement with them and they have a considerable amount of power in silencing dissent. While you likely have at least 50+% of the medical community who think the way you do about pediatric trans therapy, I fear that you will have a hard time getting statements from individual physicians due to their fear of job loss from this elitist faction (as you can see, I didn't use my real name either). Additionally, groups of physicians will want to preserve the reputation and influence of the organization they represent and in today's political climate ward off accusations of institutional bigotry. Cancel culture in medicine is not unique to transgender issues (notice the COVID-19 lab-leak theory is very quietly not gaining any traction), but it is those of you on the outside of medicine who are poised to make the biggest difference and unsilenced the true state of science around transgender care. I thank you so much for your bravery. I wish I had a magic bullet to make cancel culture go away, but do know that there are secret allies on the inside of medicine covertly working toward the same goal of protecting our gender questioning youth. I wish you all the best in the fight for truth and justice and hope that one day I too can break my relative silence. Dr. Silenced

  • Are you disgusted with what the NEW LGBTQ+ is doing to kids? Are You Straight? Wanna Help!

    Gays, Lesbians & Transgender Adults Leading a Counter-Pride Protest This Saturday - Saint Louis & We NEED Straight People TOO!....YOU! Everyone Welcome & Needed to 'Get The New LGBTQ+ AWAY from Kids!' Join us for a historical event - The Rainbow Rebellion is HERE! Time to TAKE BACK our Community! Special Guests & Speakers: Jaimee Michell, CEO Sasha Leigh HR / Executive Assistant - 'Lesbian' Chris Barrett Co-Director of Chapters 'Gay Man' Rocky Rodriguez Wisconsin Chapter Leader 'Gay Man' Micki Cutler - Tennessee Chapter Leader - 'Lesbian' Chelsea Colton - Member 'Lesbian' Taylor Conner - Member 'Transman' Scott Newgent - "Transman' This Saturday - 10:30am - Meet @ 10am 16th& Market in Downtown Saint Louise at the Memorial Plaza Corner Download Telegram - Email Handle To: & I will add you to the chain for updates on this event! Put our differences aside for one day, grab our hands, and let us lead you to save our children from being medically transitioned and sexualized and get the LGBTQ+ OUT of our school systems; we don't belong there! Are you frustrated and livid about the new LGBTQ+ targeting children but called a 'BIGOT' if you speak about your concerns. Do you need help with how to help? Let us help! Join Us This Saturday! Grab gays, lesbians and transgender hands leading the charge to take BACK our community, get the perverts, podophiles & money mongers away from kids. 99% of all appearances on podcasts, speeches, posts, and published articles are NOT paid. Donations Keep The SCREAMING Going & I will continue as long as I can stay afloat! Rainbow Rebellion This Saturday In Need Of Audio Equipment $600. Donate Directly To The Audio Rental Company - Email Today This Month 'Yearly Website Dues' Donations Totally $ 1867 Costs, Money Out $2345 Consider a Donation Today

  • Thanks, Elon. “Grifters gonna grift.” Transgenderism The 6th Sign of Modern Medicine & The Lie

    When you are going viral it is like being caught in the middle of a violent tornado that sweeps up everything around you. You can’t control it. It’s nearly impossible to keep up with the tweets, the DMs, the quote tweets as they come in rapid-fire. Elon Musk had just done something extraordinary. He changed the course of the culture war forever by amplifying a documentary I was in where I broke down in tears (it was my first time I had mentally had the courage to leave the house in three years if we’re being honest) and the messages coming at me felt overwhelming and hard to keep up with and or even take in. But I definitely caught that one. Grifters gonna grift. Something surprising happened. I didn’t cry. I laughed. The absurdity of it all came completely crashing down. I was nearly in tears laughing at how far away from reality these people attacking me were. Did they think it was easy speaking out against a collusion of the most powerful, trillion-dollar industries that seek to silence anyone who dares challenge the cash cow of gender medicine in pumping out permanently medicalized patients like I now was? Ah yes, grifting. I have $427 to my name. I live in a basement, have sheets as room dividers at me ex's home. My “non-binary” manager who is married to a transman just fired me from a job because I speak out to prevent what happened to me from ever happening to children. Support My Work - Donate Today But I don’t care what anyone says about me anymore. There is an incredible peace that comes with facing death and with speaking out against a crowd of people who say that acknowledging the medical butchery you personally experienced is “hate speech.” You realize how little lies matter. Having “openness” to other people’s lies is what got me here in the first place. When you accept the first lie, something incredible happens. You give up a part of yourself. You lose a part of who you are. You start doubting everything. Common sense drifts away…like a hazy dream. You want to please the people who are feeding you the lies because the cognitive dissonance causes your brain to hurt. It opens a loop. You want the pain of the first lie to stop. And like an abuse victim who wants to heal from the first act of violence by returning to the abuser himself, you get more and more and more lost. I’m not lost anymore. And I have nothing to lose. Nothing. I will never let anyone intimidate me into giving up on my grasp of reality again. Never again. And what’s more, I have a vengeance now. I have a soul mission. I will never let what happened to me happen to another child. It’s not about preventing someone from pursuing the surgeries and sex mimicry that constitutes transgender medicine–I’m all for grown adults doing whatever they want–but there is nothing, no way in the manner of informed consent right now for people to make intelligent decisions about the mind-bending illusion and mirage of transgenderism. If I, a successful sales executive who understood intimately the methods of psychology that are used to sell something, could be sucked into this con, let me tell you something that everyone knows but is too terrified to say. The kids don’t stand a chance. Not against billions in predatory marketing. Not against society-wide ridicule. Not against mind control techniques that make MK Ultra look like a walk in the park. Not against emotional whiplash con man tactics where the truth is so controverted and distorted that you’re willing to do almost anything to just…make it stop. I have three kids. Carried life. I am a MAMA Bear X million. You don’t mess with kids. Call me a bigot. Call me–a trans man (for many victims of gender medicine you have to take hormones the rest of your life–either estrogen or testosterone–to have your now damaged body be able to even function)--a transphobe. Yes, yes. I’m a bigot against myself. Sure. That makes sense. And absolutely, call me a grifter. I don’t care if you call me Hitler at this point because lies hold no power. You see? The only thing that matters is reality. And facing ugly piss-filled, blood-stained, wrenching-pain death forced me–gifted me in a way–a reconciliation with reality that I will never, ever lose again. I became, through coming to peace with being not long for this world, like a detective, determined to figure out how in the hell so many in society could be pushing these surgeries which are enriching pharmaceutical corporations in a manner that mimics what have been termed the “webs of influence” that were pushed by the Sackler family in advertising “pain relief” to millions in order to increase corporate profits. Pain. It’s the fifth vital sign. That sign was added into doctor’s offices everywhere thanks to how easy it is to corrupt the medical establishment with inordinate amounts of power and money. Why? To make the Sackler's rich. In The Rise And Fall Of The Sacklers' Opioid Empire, An American Dream Turns Toxic The Genuis of The Fifth Sign Strategy You know what today’s fifth vital sign is that is being pushed by doctors everywhere including the ones that sold me on more than $1 million in surgeries and drugs that nearly took my life? Transgender. The Sixth Sign! Join Us RSVP Today

  • Gender. LGBT Pushing Back Against the Dylan Mulvaney's of The WORLD What is woman Hero Continues.

    I'm excited to share that I have created a new group called the Rainbow Rebellion to fight against the medicalization of gender-confused children. For our upcoming Pride counter-protest in St Louis. More and more of us are DONE with this evil agenda being pushed on children in our name. Join us in the FIGHT to save our children! We welcome you to the launch of the 'Rainbow Rebellion' counter pride protests. These events are organize by gays, lesbians, bisexuals transgender adult's with all others to our right and left to support, everyone coming together to save our children from what the new LGBTQ+ has became, a recruiting agency. June 24th 10:30 Saint Louis Missouri Counter Pride Fest "LGBTQ+ Get away from kids, we don't belong there; we are a soft place to fall for adult's and adults ONLY!' Please attend - RSVP Here Get Involved One Person - Here Organizations? Want to Join - Here Email: Subject: Please Pick - ATTEND - INVOLVED - ORGANIZATION - SPONSORSHIP I am rarely paid for interviews, and my activism comes from my soul, but unfortunately, money is needed to fight this mess. Every dollar, whether $10 - $20 - $30 - $40, $100 or $1000, will have my total dedication, blood, sweat and tears on every dollar! I do this activism because I know that truth and have carried life! In 2015 the LGBTQ gained all the rights we fought so hard for; we WON! This is where we faltered! We won these rights with grace and perseverance & helping society understand; we were not a recruiting agency for children, just a soft place to fall for adults & adults only! The LGBTQ+ has now become a recruiting agency, and they MUST be STOPPED! In 2016 a massive partnership merged between LGBTQ+ organizations & organizations focused on medically transitioned children like Mermaids. These partnerships took LGBTQ+ from the brink of bankruptcy due to the lack of donations to soaring profits tipping the scale at 32% year-over-year fiscal recovery. My name is Scott Newgent. I am a lesbian, and I decided to become a transman. I am also the unintended HERO in Matt Walsh's documentary 'What is a Woman.' Despite altering my body surgically and with hormones to look like a man, I am a woman. Only women can bear children, and I was blessed to carry life and have three beautiful children. So I know quite a bit about kids and transgender treatments. The human rights want and desires of all, whether straight or gay, is the right to love another consenting adult and to be respected and protected under the laws of every country. These are moral rights, and we had many righteous gays and lesbians fighting for these rights. Your stance on homosexuality is of NO concern to me; it's ok to disagree. It's ok for adults to disagree on issues; disagreements are the platform at which a balance is achieved within society. Without checks and balances, we sit in vulnerable places where a generation of children can be butchered by transgender medicine, mind, body and soul while an ignorant society cheers...Not understanding the truth! If you go after my rights to live, love and work due to my sexuality, this is the ONLY time you will concern me. Disagreements and differences of opinion are healthy, and views do not make someone intrinsically evil if they don't agree with you or a saint if they do. We must rise and adult better! Stonewall (LGBTQ+) was founded in 1989 with these rights in the future view, not had, yet worth everything to us gays and lesbians, and the fight was righteous, and the warriors within this fight were righteous. In 2002 Adoption rights for same-sex couples - won! This was a righteous right! In 2003 Employment equality - won! This was a righteous right! 2013 Marriage Act - for gays & lesbians This was a righteous right! The rights of human dignity to love whom we love, to be recognized in the eyes of the law, protected with dignity within this great land in Britain, the USA & abroad…WON We WON….& This is where we faltered….This is where my community, the gays and lesbians, fell. You see, we won, and the righteous fighters, the righteous gays and lesbians fighting for the right to love whom we loved, to visit and be entitled to our partners in sickness, in life achievement & death. The dignity of protection within this great land and the laws…WON! We won for lesbians and gays like Janice Langbehn, a lesbian denied the right to visit her same-sex partner in the intensive care unit at Jackson Memorial Hospital in Miami, Florida. Her partner, Lisa Pond, suffered an aneurysm. At the hospital, nurses and doctors refused to let Langbehn or her children see Pond, and they did not provide them with any updates. Pond slipped into a coma while her life partner and their children cried to be at her bedside, denied, and outside the room, outside was the echoes of calling Pond's weeping family never heard by Pond. Pond died alone. These were the righteous fights….For Pond and all others to die with dignity, surrounded by the love of family, without question. Without question. The righteous fights were WON And so the beginning of a new activism business model, had by the STONEWALLS & LGBTQ+ of the world's & this is where our children were sold down the river, exchanged for the NEW activism business model, a successful new profitable model elevated and began to be maintained by skipping on the heads of odd fitting; children are most vulnerable, used….Our plight to protect future same-sex attracted children highlighted for a profitable business model of transgender medicine, included into the mix were all odd fitting children, the autistic, mentally gifted, mentally ill, abused, served on a platter to the donation gods as the new "righteous right" twisted with an evil filled ending to a righteous…bottom line. And STONEWALL/LGBTQ+…..lived on after moral, righteous rights were won. Medically transitioning children was the side step, the business strategy to evolve & continue an org, an activism fight that was won yet lived on, but not without strategic evil thought. In 2015 Stonewall filed for bankruptcy but never pointed to fruition. In 2015 the battle was won, the donations dried up, and a righteous organization lost funding, dwindling into the excellent night. One final curtain call and standing ovation lead to BANKRUPTCY, but before the last curtain call or bid into the Goodnight, a glimmer of hope & this glimmer of hope not only revised but injected radical success. STONEWALL went from bankruptcy, yet 12 months later, it reported a 32% year-over-year growth. A tagline of this success would have sparked an investigation for any government-funded organization in the US…whether the funding received was five government-funded dollars to 1 million. This staggering year over year would have sparked a question and started a USA investigation. What happened from 2015 to 2016 within STONEWALL? STONEWALL signed to promote Mermaids and the medicalization of children! MEAWW.COM / NEWS / HUMAN INTEREST Inside the Mermaids scandal: Celebs and money flow into trans charity despite horrifying allegations Regulator escalates investigation into trans charity Mermaids Activism is a business; being a business sales executive was lost to me as I entered activism five years ago. My plight was as a mother—a woman who had given birth, carried life, an obligation of righting a wrong. SIDE NOTE: In 2017, Trevor Project, an org focused on state bills to promote medically transitioningg children, faster, younger and include experimental and dangerious surgerues as well as infiltrate public school systems received $477,000 In 2022, 12 million My voice is breaking through average donations=500 dollars a month. What do you think I could do if I was supported? Trevor Project Fiscal Links To Verify Let me explain. I will start with the money. Each child who is transitioned is worth more than 1.5 million dollars at a minimum. It begins with the psychosocial intervention of social transition in which all the adults affirm the kids' delusion that the child can change sex. This is cruel. Because it is telling the child that everything - absolutely everything - is wrong with the child's body. They were born wrong. It moves to puberty blockers - the same drugs used to castrate sex offenders chemically. Drugs that have a long list of known severe long-term effects - such as permanent loss of bone density, brain development issues, risk of blindness, underdeveloped genitalia, and cardiovascular issues - to name a few and a whole host of unknown risks. There are over 10,000 complaints lodged against the manufacturer of the puberty blocker Lupron. It is funny how Kaiser reported on the harms of puberty blockers for precocious puberty but then promoted it for gender-confused children as if the known horrible side effects won't affect gender-confused kids. An 18-year-old died during a vaginoplasty because puberty blockers resulted in his penis being too small to flip inside out to make a cavity. A piece of his colon was needed for the surgery. The result was necro-titis. Males on puberty blockers at young ages and then cross-sex hormones - and about 95% continue on - will never experience an orgasm and be sterile. Another effect of estrogen on males is that it keeps their appearance looking young, with high voices, soft skin and tiny genitals. Remember what I said about paedophilia? Step 3 in the Mengele-style (Men - Ge- Lay - For Your information - a nazi doctor that performed horrible experiments on Jewish kids) treatments are cross-sex hormones. Estrogen and testosterone are being handed out like candy. With no-zero - studies, these drugs resolve gender dysphoria, alleviate companion mental health issues or prevent suicide. Suicide increases POST TRANSITION. Post-transition, transgender people are 19 times more likely to commit suicide. A National Institute of Health study published a couple of months ago showed that 2 of the 315 kids took their lives within one year of starting hormones - more than 50 times the national average. The best gender doctors purportedly treating these kids were screened for severe mental health issues and in affirming families. Donate $10 - $20 - $30 - $1000 - $10,000 everything helps. You see, Story Time Drag show, medically transitioning children was the head on which stepped to evolve & continue an organization that won! STONEWALL WON & selling children's health… Support Today Online sellers of these drugs are darlings of private investors. These groups are partnering with community kid's groups to peddle to kids. These drugs ultimately result in sterility - in as little as four months for males and within five years for women. But don't worry - these hormone sellers have partnered with fertility groups who - for a price - will try to get their sterile kids a baby later. They create the problem and then solve it as long as you can pay. Long-term cross-sex hormones cause heart issues, joint pain and increase cancer risks - hell, girls as young as 17 get fatal liver cancer from testosterone. Does this sound life-saving to you? Listen to the detransitioners - even when they stop the hormones, their physical body continues to atrophy and suffer from the effects of the drugs. They have pain that no doctor knows how to treat. Because this is a giant experiment on Kids. Kids who are developmentally unable to comprehend the risks or what they are giving up. Now for the surgeries. Vaginoplasty - I already talked about one of the risks to a healthy boy - death. Now let's get gross - shall we? Hair growing in the cavity, odor of bowels, sleeping with a wound expander inserted to prevent the hole from closing. Remember we are doing this to healthy bodies and minors in the name of authentic self. Males are having their gonads removed. WPATH and its President, Marci Bowers promotes eunuchs as a gender for children. It shouldn't be allowed for adults. It's insane. For the females, it's breast removal - let's not call it top surgery and make it sounds like a no-big-deal. It is - it is enormous. Besides the complications which occur In the majority of the surgeries, there are no takebacks. Once the breasts are gone, they are gone forever. So is the ability to breastfeed a child. The holy grail of surgeries, and the most expensive and least successful, is phalloplasty. Look at my arm - this is a deformity I show the world almost daily to get something that resembles a penis that is hidden in my pants. Some women carved up their thighs to get a facsimile of a penis that carries a substantial risk of severe complications and long-term effects. The surgeries are a growing market that is so lucrative that it is tracked so people can invest in it. In the US, surgeries were worth $1.9 Billion in 2021 and is expected to grow at a compounded rate of 11.23% annually. This is better than most stock and bond returns. No wonder there are more than 400 pediatric gender centres in the US now when 10 years ago, there were just a handful. Again to interject the human rights angle again, Stonewall moved from being a gay rights group rewriting its history to becoming the UK's most prominent influencer in pushing children and young adults to reject their bodies, monetizing itself by rewarding corporations to deny biological reality. How Stonewall superglued the T to the LGB, erasing the LGB on the way. Stonewall was founded in 1989 for a very laudable purpose - to win equal treatment under the law regardless of who one loves. Many righteous gays and lesbians fought for these fundamental human rights. The gay and lesbian community's human rights were won. Instead of celebrating and going about our lives, which is what we wanted - we wanted to live freely, raise families, have lasting partnerships, and be able to nurse our partners. Instead of just living and disbanding all of the charities that reached the righteous goals, charities like Stonewall had grown so big that they needed to move the goalpost - they needed a new battle to wage. There was money at stake; the machine needed to be fed. The charities forgot the the golden rule that charities' ultimate goal is to go out of business because they achieved their objective. And so began a new activism business model based in queer theory - where everything that was accepted as normal must be turned upside down. This is when Stonewall and other activist groups targeted the gay community itself, like me - convincing me that I was not a lesbian but a man trapped in a woman's body - and more sinisterly, the LGBTQ groups turned to the children. Yes, these alleged human rights groups are here to take the children from loving parents, remove their innocence, rob them of their bodies, erase biology and trick gay and lesbians kids into transitioning. The righteous groups turned into predatory groups. With the gay rights goals having been met, the funding for Stonewall dried up. In 2015, it was facing bankruptcy. But Stonewall wanted to live on, so it pivoted and signed on to promote Mermaids. Mermaids is a charity that advocates for the gender transition of children. Mermaids is currently under investigation for child safeguarding failures. Susie Greene stepped down as CEO of 6 years, a woman who transitioned her son because her husband id not want a gay son - That's what Iran - the most homophobic country does. Stonewall sold out its gay and lesbian members. Instead of protecting gay and lesbian kids, its need to stay financed tarnishes its name. By the way, Greene contributed to the so-called standards of care for WPATH. This homophobic mother, who profited from kids, with no medical background had an actual say. WPATH despite its name, is just another Frankenstein Organization. Children are the new revenue stream. They are also being used as cover for depraved and fetish behavior. It goes like this - if they can normalize the transgenderism of children - they can claim being trans is natural, immutable and normal. It is none of these things. This new agenda will open access to children, sex positivity, and normalizing the sexualization of children. This is where Drag Show Story Time comes in. Men with garish makeup, scantily dressed, simulating sex moves in front of children. Having young children listen to books being read aloud designed to confuse children about their bodies, normalize sexual language, and desensitize them to adult behaviour is grooming. First, it was reading books to kids, but that was not queer enough so it moved to perform sexual drag shows for kids at libraries and schools, but that was not boundary-breaking enough - now it's let's teach the young boys and girls to spackle on makeup, wear barely-there clothing and dance for the US - the adults - for money. Yes, let's have them split their legs apart, shake their bottoms, and shimmy their chests, while we place money in their clothes. But that is not queer enough, let's remove all safeguards about sex with children - as the United Nations just stated in March. So long as the child consents, sex with them is fine. So, I ask you - is this transgender movement about human rights? No - It's about pedophilic's rights, fetish's rights and depravity. It's about robbing children of their innocence and profiting from their bodies. Every lesbian and gay man, parent and grandparent, woman and man should be standing up and saying no. Keep your hands of the children andvulnerable adults who are being used to feed the machine. NO ONE HASTHE RIGHT TO HARM A CHILD - NOT THE PARENTS, NOT THE DOCTORS, NOT THE TEACHERS, NOT THE GOVERNMENT. _____________________________________________________ UN STATEMEN - QUOTE "With respect to the enforcement of criminal law, any prescribed minimum age of consent to sex must be applied in a non-discriminatory manner. Enforcement may not be linked to the sex/gender of participants or age of consent to marriage. Moreover, sexual conduct involving persons below the domestically prescribed minimum age of consent to sex may be consensual in fact, if not in law. In this context, the enforcement of criminal law should reflect the rights and capacity of persons under 18 years of age to make decisions about engaging in consensual sexual conduct and their right to be heard in matters concerning them. Pursuant to their evolving capacities and progressive autonomy, persons under 18 years of age should participate in decisions affecting them, with due regard to their age, maturity and best interests, and with specific attention to non-discrimination guarantees. CITATION - THE 8 MARCH PRINCIPLES FOR A HUMAN RIGHTS-BASED APPROACH TO CRIMINAL LAW PROSCRIBING CONDUCT

  • What Is A Woman? Documentary by Matt Walsh Watch Free On Twitter

    NOW WATCH FREE - 1 Year Anniversary - Buckle Up Butter Cup! Link Watch ,lĺRight now? You are mainstream stream media! People don't know the truth about the medicalization of children. If you have a child, love a child, I beg of you to watch this, then retweet, repost & SCREAM Louder. Without reservation. If someone calls you a transphobe, tell them that a transman begged me to retweet.

  • Attention All Straights-We Need You! This Saturday 10:30AM Counter Pride Protest STL, MO

    Gays, Lesbians & Transgender Adults Leading a Counter-Pride Protest This Saturday - Saint Louis & We NEED Straight People TOO!....YOU! Everyone Welcome & Needed to 'Get The New LGBTQ+ AWAY from Kids!' Join us for a historical event - The Rainbow Rebellion is HERE! Time to TAKE BACK our Community! Special Guests & Speakers: Jaimee Michell, CEO Sasha Leigh HR / Executive Assistant - 'Lesbian' Chris Barrett Co-Director of Chapters 'Gay Man' Rocky Rodriguez Wisconsin Chapter Leader 'Gay Man' Micki Cutler - Tennessee Chapter Leader - 'Lesbian' Chelsea Colton - Member 'Lesbian' Taylor Conner - Member 'Transman' Scott Newgent - "Transman' This Saturday - 10:30am - Meet @ 10am 16th& Market in Downtown Saint Louise at the Memorial Plaza Corner Download Telegram - Email Handle To: & I will add you to the chain for updates on this event! Put our differences aside for one day, grab our hands, and let us lead you to save our children from being medically transitioned, sexualized and get the LGBTQ+ OUT of our school systems, we don't belong there! Put our differences aside for one day, grab our hands, and let us lead you to save our children from being medically transitioned and sexualized and get the LGBTQ+ OUT of our school systems; we don't belong there! Are you frustrated and livid about the new LGBTQ+ targeting children but called a 'BIGOT' if you speak about your concerns. Do you need help with how to help? Let us help! Join Us This Saturday! Grab gays, lesbians and transgender hands leading the charge to take BACK our community, get the perverts, podophiles & money mongers away from kids. 99% of all appearances on podcasts, speeches, posts, and published articles are NOT paid. Donations Keep The SCREAMING Going & I will continue as long as I can stay afloat! Rainbow Rebellion This Saturday In Need Of Audio Equipment $600. Donate Directly To The Audio Rental Company - Email Today This Month 'Yearly Website Dues' Donations Totally $ 1867 Costs, Money Out $2345 Donate Today The Story Behind Controversial Documentary 'What Is A Woman' Twitter owner Elon Musk said the company’s reported rejection on the streaming of Daily Wire’s documentary Read More   I Underwent Gender Transition Surgery: Here’s What The Media Doesn’t Tell You At 42, when the medical industry told me I could be born again, male, I believed them. Most Read Article Of The Month Read More “I Will Call You Kellie Because That is How God Sees You…Have You Talked to Jesus Lately?” I worked in sales the majority of my adult life. Killed it in sales. Ever seen that hilarious Jeremy Piven movie The Goods in 2009 back when comedy was still legal? He’s a legendary car salesman closer.......  Read More Thanks, Elon. “Grifters gonna grift.” Transgenderism The 6th Sign of Modern Medicine & The Lie When you are going viral it is like being caught in the middle of a violent tornado that sweeps up everything around you. You can’t control it. It’s nearly impossible to keep up with the tweets, the DMs, the quote tweets as they come in rapid-fire. Read More Judge blocks Arkansas ban on gender-transition care for transgender minors - Supreme Court Here We Come! LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — A federal judge struck down Arkansas’ first-in-the-nation ban on gender-transition care for children as unconstitutional Tuesday...  Read More

  • Podcasts, Unicorn Farts & Transition Memoir. "Rocking The Foundation of Transgenderism."

    Unicorn Fart: When someone says something that is not true but wishes it was and demands that you play along with the delusion as if you are obligated to soothe someone's fantasy while throwing kids under the bus...AKA Unicorn Fart. Beware of unicorn farts, they are silent but deadly! Donate I have been writing a memoir. The problem is that publishing houses are unwilling to publish an authentic, raw, unpretentious, heart-wrenching account of why I medically transitioned and why it has led me to become a fierce activist fighting to STOP childhood medical transition. What to do? Throw my hands up and quit? Or ask for help? Or quit? People deserve the truth regardless of who it offends. If you feel the same, help publish a memoir that will tilt the foundation of gender ideology! This memoir will clarify in agonizing detail what led me to transition medically and guaranteed to shock people out of the current comatose state where internal fires have been squashed and replaced with robotic monotone talk tracks of "Left/Right" and "Woke/Unwoke." Our brains checked out, unable to think critically, substituting people's fire for talk tracks that have made a handful of social media stars billionaires while tying the balance of our society and brains into tense knots we can no longer untie, unable to recognize simple truths of biology. Or understanding biology yet brow whipped to remain muted, to challenge nothing for dread of being dubbed a BIGOT! SNAP out of it, people, and feel, ponder and think for yourself! Once again, I am a trailblazer, standing alone. But I can't stand alone on this one. I cannot do this alone. I need you, people, and I hate needing others! Not my comfort zone, but saving kids is worth it all. Don't you agree? I am willing to go all in, as I always do. If this weighs on your soul, please donate! Every dollar helps, and they add up. I will keep everyone up-to-date on the changes and where we are with a donation thermometer on all my social media! Every person that enters adulthood does so with a carved-out sense of self, an invisible stamp placed on every person that combines all the physical, emotional and spiritual experiences from our childhood. Everything fantastic and everything wretched can be retro backdated to childhood. All our behaviors are tied to DNA and what we experience or learn in childhood. Childhood is pivotal to all! Childhood is the most consequential element in why we do, do not do, prosper or wither into a ball too scared to fight. $625 Raised So Far Donate Everything goes back to childhood. Childhood is sacred, and internally, our feral side understands this; it's why we gravitate to save a child in a crisis before an adult; our emotions take over our brains when we hear a baby cry; the baby doesn't have to be ours, just the sheer agony of listening to a baby cry is like chalk screeching on a chalkboard, makes us explode into action. Guarding children is innate to being a human being. We understand this either blatantly or sub-conscience, but our spirit knows that the foundation is being laid for every child. As adults, it's our responsibility to ensure we do everything we can for every child entering our sphere; it's a human obligation! The silencing of information concerning the medicalization of gender-confused children is a deliberate endeavor to mute the agony of these children being targeted by pharma as cash cows. Silence, blended in with billions of dollars, a comatose society has led us to a place where we are butchering an entire generation of children with a process called medical transition. A process that is 95% experimental; all seven studies that said it was beneficial to have been retracted; the only long-term studies tell us they will reach the heightened state of suicidal ideation seven to ten years after they complete medical transition and will suffer from lifelong medical and mental health complications! & ......... society cheers! What I will guarantee to you is that any donation that comes in to publish my memoir will be respected and tunneled to save these children. It's my obligation as an adult and now yours to do something! Do whatever you can but do something to soothe the invisible crying baby that now sits out of your subconscious, and you can envision in your conscience what just popped into your mind as you read that last paragraph. That baby! Do something for that child, a child you have never met but could change everything for them without them knowing you existed. Care because caring is needed now more than ever! Explode from your seat as if the baby crying was your own; this is how a society should act. Protect children's innocence and help them graduate into adulthood knowing they were worth...Well, they were worth everything! Love more, remain quiet less, SCREAM Louder, push back more, ask questions, demand answers and by all means, when someone feeds you a 'Unicorn Fart", not saying anything, remaining silent when you know something is wrong, saying nothing and leaving a grey cloud above your head knowing if you speak up, you will be called a bigot so thus you remain mute...Yeah, at those times? Please STOP doing that and SCREAM because children deserve us too adult better! Unicorns are NOT real people...SNAP, SNAP and wake up! Thank you Transman Scott Newgent Shop TReVolces Record views on the GBNews Video Sometimes the truth is needed regardless of who it offends! It has been a good analogy in the UK.! "We are medically transitioning children because of money and to ensure straight men with sexual fetishes don't lose erections!" Follow Scott on Twitter @NotScottNewgent

  • UK-Trip-What it means to the FUTURE for fighting to save gender-confused kids! Health Update!

    Recently, I went into activism 100% but have to scale back, unable to support my travel and survival needs to SCREAM Louder; I need to put some activism down. I don't want to. It's the LAST thing I want. I want to fight. I wish I was sponsored; I would travel from city to city, speaking to whoever would listen. I understand my voice is required. But the emotional, physical and spiritual toll of caring for my family while stressing about survival is too much. I acknowledge that everything I touch turns into new eyeballs and ears to what is happening, just like in the UK. This video has received record numbers at GBNews. "What is a woman" was not a one-off; everything I do, I do with 100% heart, commitment and one goal. To save kids from this gender ideology garbage! No other purpose, none, but to protect kids from a life like mine with complications, yet unable to achieve what I have, a family and a life because I transitioned at 42. These kids? They have no idea what is coming, no one does, and that's the crisis. I don't belong to a sub-tribal unit; I refuse to be corralled by any community. This is what makes me effective. But it's a constant scrabble and war, and I am usually alone. I do not receive much support because I refuse to be housed in a sub-tribal unit within this new activism structure, which I call 'cult activism'. I remain in this territory as a trailblazer because it's the speediest way to save these kids. The easiest? no, No, NO...If I wanted easy, I would slap on a 'Detrans' badge and circle dance with the nearest evangelical or feminist org, and viola...SUPPORTED. Listen, for some, that is the right thing to do, and it's the best way for some to get the message out. But, for me, it's selling out these kids. My way is hard, but my way is the most effective with my message. The UK trip was a toll, and little did I know I was developing a massive infection. It's strange; I never see them coming; somehow, life becomes completely overwhelming, and all the signs are there, yet I don't notice them. All I sense is overpowered and pulled in a million different directions but lacking the vitality and grit to accomplish the tasks. It's devastating, and each time feels the same, almost as if I am stuck inside a paper bag that I cannot claw out of. It's horrid, and I do the same thing, recoiling to realize, "Hey, genius, you have an infection!" These infections are life suckers, literally. But so is life, and I just finished the last round of IV antibiotics and am feeling better, getting my head screwed back on straight! Few people have the guts to do what I am doing and have all the puzzle pieces and the background to evoke enough emotion in people to shock them awake. Saying this has been a weighty burden would be a light version of the truth. The accountability hangs on my heart, never to release because I know what's coming for these kids. People think they know, but few have all the angles. I am among the few with the components and the carnal scream only a mother carries. Each time I speak in public, if you are around me, you would see someone who takes all this seriously; I meditate, beg, cry and plead with whoever is above to give me the words I need to rescue these kids. I beg and plead to deliver what I must convey to anyone watching and hearing to comprehend, find their fight and make them SCREAM. This is beyond profound what is happening to kids. "Hey Scott, let's go get a drink; try this restaurant", is met with a odd look. I can't comprehend on my travels how anyone can site see when we are butchering kids under the guise of love. Yes, I am intense and thank God I am! We are, after all, experiencing the most significant medical scandal in modern history, and I believe we should act accordingly. By no means should this be used as a political game. Many other areas to tease into becoming a known person in social media stardom, but this is not one. The medicalization of children is not a game, career choice or political maneuver; we are butchering an entire generation of children, and again, and again I will say, people need to act accordingly. The weighty shoulder pads of knowing how many cannot comprehend is daunting, but what is the choice? Give up? Mothers don't give up. All of you mothers out there? I hear you daily, the emails, calls, tears, I hear all, I read all, I ingest all! Although I can no longer reply to all, I read, listen, and take in every word sent to me! I will continue until the ONE infection hits that I cannot fight back from. I will fight until then. Please forgive me for recoiling. That happens each time I get another infection and it will probably happen again; it's been years now; you would think, as a perspective person, I would have figured it out!...WOW, much easier to analyze the crazy of another, right? So, as I sat recovering for that last week, I have been thinking about the best way to get the BIGGEST SCREAM out, and how I can coney to more, faster and I am going to listen. Finally! Ok, so here is the crowdfund raiser for my memoir! I acquiesce I am not going to get a publisher; it doesn't matter how good the biography is; it's taboo right now...You know, the whole trailblazer thing! Donate Today Donate Today If anyone wants to sponsor, anonymously or not, please reach out! Anyway, to save these kids faster, I am ALL IN! The average cost to self-publish is between $15,000-$60,000 Crowd Fund - Transman Scott Newgent Memoir The current trend of mainstream media and publishing houses worldwide is to avoid the truth. Unfortunately, the facts would save a generation of children from being butchered by the medical and pharmaceutical industry. I am almost done with my memoir, but I have yet to find a publisher brave enough to take it on as is! The truth is raw, frank and required to uncover the travesty of slaughtering a generation of gender-confused children. To help save these kids? You have to make people feel first. I believe I have the memoir to wake up a generation of parents to protect these kids. I have the memoir, the story, the life and the strength to tell the tale parents need to hear. You may think you know my account, but you haven't heard 10% of it, and it's required earth-shattering truth to save these kids. I do, I do, I have a substantial wake-up key! My type of activism does not align with any sub-tribal community. To align would be instant support; the negative is that my voice would be restricted to SCREAM the truth. I travel, give speeches and most of the time, the cost lies with me and donations. I can no longer shoulder this. If you feel like my voice matters, please allow me to continue to use it and let's find a faster way to save these kids! I will give you my heart, the embarrassment of the truth that will help save these kids. As much as I hate to admit it, I need your help! Please consider a donation today! -Scott Newgent Transman

  • Finally Happened! A Child Dies (Killed) 1 Media Outlet Publishes - London Events - Events SCREAMING!

    Also, GBNews Debate Sunday - Ireland Speech coming. I will post an article in leading media in the UK and three other news media events soon! A tornado is coming to the UK! FYI, this is almost 100% funded by donations! I will receive $250 for a speech, and that's it! If my voice matters and wants me to continue, please donate! I am straight to the point about everything! Donate I have turned down 'Let Women Speak' requests...I am sorry, I work with everyone but KJK; she talked about my children, which is a line; I am sorry, but she is the only HARD no for me. FYI...Feminists are always welcome; everyone is welcome, just not KJK. She owes me an apology! PERIOD! Trans teen died from vaginoplasty complications during landmark Dutch study used to justify child sex changes Major complications began within just 24 hours of the surgery. Link New Podcasts I'll keep going have support: Donate Newsletter content below - Lots of Stuff Below - Link To The PURTY one here Link Not playing here marketing works. I have these at cost $11.50 Only have day left to order for London Rally 29th 10am Shop April 29th Turning Point & TReVoices Merge Forces in London Find out more Find Out More Parliament? I have been working with politicians for five years to ban childhood medical transition. The first quarter of the year for the last five years has been hell for my family and me. Raising three teenagers, having a full-time job and being at the beck and call of politicians is a tremendous weight. Not to mention that I have NEVER said NO to any parent that has ever reached out to me for help, NEVER! Oh, I almost forgot, still fighting reoccurring infections that knock me flat both physically and emotionally; not feeling well is all the time is soul-sucking!.... Lord, I forgot about helping journalists research and network...I don't doubt that people would be shocked by my effort to save these kids! It would astonish you, I guarantee. If you dig into this debate, you will see talk tracks I have created and coached politicians on, how to spin this debate out of the idea that this is about human rights, more importantly, not gay rights! I get emails saying, "I saw so and so, and they said this." It's an honor to aid with something so sinister happening to kids for the sake of a dollar. I feel fortunate. Also, it's mind-boggling how my whole career has equipped me to do what I am now doing. Puberty Blockers Are Not Reversible Link Facts About Childhood Medical Transition ------------------------------------------------------------------- Decreased life expectancy - Link Premature death from heart attacks - Link Sudden death from pulmonary embolisms - Link Bone damage - Link Possible liver damage - Link Brain development stunted during hormone blockers - Link 12 complications of transing kids More than doubles - New Study Debunked Link When 2023 clicked over, I was in a place of weariness, and the thought of doing all of this work, being pulled in millions of directions again, was too much, so I had a decision: Do I NOT help to exhaustion again or ask for help to sustain my family while I help with these bills? I have received aid focusing on these bills; and took a 60-day sabbatical from work: Thank you! Now? I am a Tasmanian devil twirling up skirts everywhere I go. In prior years I was running at 25% to maximum speed. Right now, I am on 100% 24/7, and let s say lots of dresses are being twirled up. Thank you for your belief in me; this has been hard. Working on these bills does not warrant a paycheck; sometimes travel is a pain, and sometimes it's not, but I believe in what I am doing 1000%. Take a look at what running on a hundred per cent yields! Until 2023, only one bill has ever passed banning childhood medical transition: ARKANSAS, run by the powerhouse politician Robin Lunstrum. Robin is one of three politicians that I truly admire. I'll let you guess on the other two ;) Before 2023, there was one bill. Now? Eleven bills, eleven states have passed bills to BAN childhood medical transition! I have 9 days left on my sabbatical from work and 6 more state bills and people wanting me to help all over the world. I will do so 100% as long as I am able to. If you feel my voice is crucial, matters and yields more at100%, help me continue to do so and consider a donation today! Future of Child Transgender Surgeries to Be Decided in Pivotal Trial! 39 states take sides in challenge of Arkansas ban on transgender treatments of minors.  LinkDocumentary halting ALL Med-Transing Kids Translated US Parents Link 11 - State Bills Passed Banning Childhood Medical Transition --------------- ------------------------------------------------------ Last Year: Zero The Year Before: One Arkansas SB 199 Passed into Law Georgia SB 140 Passed into Law Idaho HB 71 Passed into Law Indiana SB 480 Passed into Law Iowa SF 538 Passed into Law Kentucky SB 150 Passed into Law Mississippi HB 1733 Passed into Law South Dakota HB 1080 Passed into Law Tennessee SB 1 Passed into Law Utah SB 16 Passed into Law West Virginia HB 2007 Click on the blue bill numbers for direct links to the exact bill. How Activist Teachers Recruit Kids - Link Interested in volunteering with a state bill? Please Email: In Subject: State Bill Volunteer Arizona SB 1702 Advancing Florida SB 254 Advancing Hawaii HB 891 Advancing Kansas HB 2263 Advancing Louisiana HB 463 Advancing Montana SB 99 Advancing Nebraska LB 574 Advancing New Hampshire HB 417 Advancing North Dakota HB 1254 Advancing Ohio HB 68 Advancing North Dakota HB 2177 Advancing Oregon SB 452 Advancing Pennsylvania HB 138 Advancing South Carolina S. 627 Advancing Texas HB 4754 Advancing West Virginia HB 3097 Advancing State Bills Defeated! Virginia, Wyoming & New Hampshire Three states have enacted bills to become sanctuary states. This will become a monumental legal war for circumstances like a divorced family, one against transition, one for...Flee to the refuge state, and viola, INSTANT medicalization of gender-confused children! California - Minnesota & Now New Hampshire Minnesota will soon become “sanctuary state” for people fleeing trans healthcare bans “Families who have fled are already here, and many more are planning to come,” the state's only out trans lawmaker said. Link California Becomes First Sanctuary State for Transgender Youth Seeking Medical Care Democratic lawmakers across the country have committed to passing state refuge legislation similar to a bill proposed Link Ban on gender-affirming care comes before N.H. lawmakers today. Health providers warn of 'catastrophic' impact on youth Link 'Ask Scott' 1st Edition - 'Scott, is my son just gay?" 2nd Edition - "Scott, who am I? What am I? I am so lost after medical transition, please help me?" School Personnel are not Qualified to Diagnose/treat my Child for GD Especially Without my Consent or Knowledge- But they are-link The second edition is a MUST READ for any parents agreeing with their child to medical appease. READ THIS Parenting is a verb; you must fight to save your child. If not, read this. This blog post is heart breaking! Do you have a question for Scott about transgenderism or the transing children debate? It's hard to find anyone who comprehends the studies from emotional, physical and biochemistry viewpoints, has experienced the validity of medical transition, and is a parent on the other side of transition. 'Ask Scott' Do you have 30 minutes? Would like to understand the emotional toll these young adults face that were medically transitioned as children, how alone they are, and how NOT ok they are. Read this, but you need to know that once you read this? You cannot unread; you cannot unknow, and you will be obligated to STOP the biggest medical scandal in modern history. Read  Ask Scott! A fifty-year-old transman with three teenagers and the realities of what medical transition does and does not do. Very little truth in the medicalization of children's arena. Here you will hear the truth. Have a question for SCOTT? Email today: #ASKSCOTT #TReVoices #ScottNewgent #SCREAMLouder Read The BIGGEST IMPACT Who knew? 5 million View Without the mainstream Media! Retweet Speech  Yet, in mainstream media? Crickets? Accept this broadcast journalist who made fun of me on Twitter and had the audacity to tag me. Is this what we have become? Does the mean girl stage last into women's 50s? Brittany Bailey - Bio A mean girl. Is this, ok? I have reached out to her channel without receiving any communication, not a "Hi" or "Sorry this happened!"  Bio Epoch Times Article "Tide May Be Turning For Minors, Crusaders Say" -------- This article was picked to be published in the Epoch Insight Print Magazine by Janice Hisle STOP Transing Gay & Lesbian YouthLink TReVoices YouTube SCREAMING . . . . . . . . Louder Subscribe Unfortunately, there is not much truthful information concerning childhood medical transition. I have devoted my life to S TOPPING this most significant medical scandal in modern history. Subscribe and be the KNOW about transing issues! Transgenderism is plastic surgery- Doesn't Cure Anything Tide May Be Turning in Battle to Halt Gender-Transition Procedures on Minors, Crusaders Say Focus shifts to proposed law in Missouri amid investigations of whistleblower's claims! Scott Newgent is finally sensing a shift in the war against medical gender-transitioning of children in America. About 4 1/2 years ago, Newgent became one of the nation’s first transsexuals to voice strong opposition to gender-changing surgeries and drugs for minors. Newgent, a 50-year-old mother of three, nearly died after a 2017 gender-reassignment surgery. Link Transgenderism is plastic surgery- Doesn't Cure Anything Missouri WOW! - Passed & Signed Into Law This One Hits My Right In The Heart Heart Swelling Missouri hits me right in the heart. I have been working with Missouri for over two years un successfully. I shoot from the heart and with radical truth, so here it is, Senator Moon - I love him, and I had told him and his team many times, "Moon, I don't think you could do any better at Fu&$in% up this bill if you got a PhD from Oxford! in "How NOT to pass bills to BAN horrid procedures on children!" <--Did I say I love Moon? I do, a from-the-heart guy, genuine. With the 'Whistle Blower' at the St Louis Gender Clinic, they thought they had it in the bag. They did not, and I told them so and it's why I pushed to get kicked out of the courtroom when I challenged 'Mr. Gay Senator' because I knew the tactics here would not render a passing bill. So, I thought, I'll give it a go; let's see if I can get into mainstream media by challenging 'Mr. Gay Senator' <----Senator Razor. Senator Razor seems to rely on the fact that he is homosexual and does nothing above and beyond; when he is backed into a corner, he cries, "I'm a gay man!" Before I gave testimony, what you don't see in this video is Senator Razor, AKA 'Mr. Gay Senator' ripping Senator Moon to pieces about not understanding how Senator Razor would have been six feet under if homosexuality was not accepted, how these kids know who they are. Osteoporosis and Bone Health in Transgender DEEP Dive - Link I am double-quoted on the rainbow. You don't see me crying out loud every two seconds; I'm a biological woman attracted to women...Woe is me! It's not fair... "Tito, could you give me a tissue?" GET A GRIP, PEOPLE! 7 Studies That said transing kids was a miracle cure-All 7 have been retracted & or modified; LinkTReVoices YouTube SCREAMING . . . . . . . . Louder It's About Money HoneY! - See For Yourself LinkSomehow children knew they were born in the wrong body...It was thick, my friends thick, but what got to me? It was how Senator Razor would not even let Senator Moon talk and treated him with no dignity or respect...YET SCREAMING for all the grace and dignity in the world for him, 'Mr. Gay Senator' , is hypocritical and that is WORST human condition and should always be nipped. So I let Senator Razor, AKA 'Mr. Gay Senator' have it right back! The following day I said to Senator Moon's team, "When this bill goes south, and it will....reach out," and they did. We put together a rally that included the ENTIRE rainbow of people, all people, gay, straight, trans, religious, conservative, liberal, and people who were high fiving after the speeches. The following day I said to Senator Moon's team, "When this bill goes south, and it will....reach out," and they did. We put together a rally that included the ENTIRE rainbow of people, all people, gay, straight, trans, religious, conservative, liberal, and people who were high fiving after the speeches. I want you to imagine the most evangelical woman in your mind, passionate, faith-filled, genuine heart, loving, trying to do the right thing, mom that has never been around gays/trans in her life. Now imagine this woman, with an open heart putting together a rally with me, trans/lesbian, gays against groomers; it was hilarious, but wow, what a woman to take that on, right? And...Boy, did she! One afternoon I didn't know an answer to something Jodi asked, and I said, "Let's call Mario from gays against groomers, Jodi; he's great wears stiletto heels into school board meetings yelling at people to get the LGBTQ out of schools!" Jodi cleared her throat, "Oh, Ok, let's call Mario!" Ring Ring Lupron (Puberty Blockers) Depot falls into category X Link If this drug is used during pregnancy, or if you become pregnant while taking the drug, be aware of the potential risk to the unborn child. Mario answers, but we can hardly hear him because people were yelling in the background, "Hey, Scott, what's up?" Mario asks. I proceed to say, "Mario, where are you, are you at a protest of some kind?" Now remember, we have Jodi on the line, the evangelical who has never genuinely spoken to a gay person, just filled with all the stereotypes of who we are. I kid you NOT, Mario says, "Oh, I am at a protest against planned parenthood, trying to STOP abortion with my religious straight buddies!" I asked the question, and Mario answered and hung up. "Well, now, Jodi, never thought you would call a gay man at a protest with other evangelicals trying to STOP abortion, right?" Regardless of your belief in abortion, try and look at the complex situation, the many stereotypes of people shattered in one three-way call. The point I want you to take is who you think people are and who they are, more often than not, are the same. We must invest time in relationships and go beyond our beliefs. Jodi did that and made no mistakes if this rally went terribly wrong. It would look bad for one person and one person alone, JODI! But she did it anyway! True hero! Jodi Grace Blog The truth is that we are medically transitioning children for money Period! Drop the mic nothing more to be said or argued...To STOP this? We have to be united, and I have been saying this for five years, and to watch this unfold was moving. So much so that when they announced my name to speak, I took the stage in tears, thanking the gays, lesbians and trans there who said before me, declaring that I wasn't alone anymore! As if in a movie, ANTIFA came out of nowhere to rush the stage while I was crying and thanking the rainbow for coming forward to fight and do what's right for kids. The New LGBTQ+ Grooming your kids? You Betcha - see for yourself - link I noticed Antifa and, for some reason, decided to thank them for coming, welcomed them and asked others to do the same. I stated something about our country being founded on freedom of speech and ask ed if their leader wanted to speak, we would make time between the senators. "Fall out" was heard on the walkie-talkies, and ANTIFA left for the rest of the day Something happened on that day in Missouri. If you had followed me that day, you would have heard me take Jodi aside halfway through the rally, sayings: "This isn't working; I don't believe the politicians, I hear them saying all the right things, but I don't feel it; this isn't going to pass." I fluffed it off on the fact that these politicians were fake, but the reality was that as much as they wanted to believe what they were saying, there was something missing. They didn't 100% bel ieve what they were saying. Riding the idea that medically transitioning children on gay and lesbian rights is a long and hard battle already won. The countless heartbreak stories about homosexuality and not being accepted are still f resh in everyone's brain. Even though these politicians wanted to believe what they were saying about the medicalization of gender-confused kids, they didn't believe what they were saying 100%. How can you convince anyone of anything that you don't believe 100% yourself! Missouri Chapter Leader - Gays Against Groomers Chris Barrett Bio & Contact Once the gays/lesbians and trans spoke? After they watched a gay man Chris Barrett give a speech, watching him quiver, how frightened he was, but he did it, and every word he spoke at the podium strengthened him, almost as if we saw a significant speaker evolving right before us. A transman follows, a transwoman after, and another homosexual, all imploring these politicians to save these kids that "No one is born trans, you create it," one after another, these politicians learned we gained nothing but mockery to be there, be there because we knew transing kids was wrong! We were doing what was right to do the honorable thing, and it was felt! After this Rally? The Missouri politicians developed a relentless determination, and you can notice it if you follow the news; these politicians in Missouri were injected with what all politicians need...The facts without the uneasiness of any part of it being wrong. Because let's face it, "Better an Alive daughter than a dead son" is a powerhouse assertion, and no human being on the face of the earth wants to be responsible for this. On that day? These Missouri politicians gained a determination that only comes from noting you are right 100%, and this is what is needed for all leaders worldwide to feel. I have so many stories like this, and I will get to them, but let's move on to other exciting things coming. I will not discuss what states I am still working on and when; due to the violence, I have been instructed it's best not to announce when and where the rest of the states are conducting hearings. But understand the battle is immense, and the donations people are giving to this time? I am giving 100% 24/7 .... I have never worked harder in my life! I am honored that people believe in me at a time when I thought so little of myself. ....Thank you for your belief in me! Latest Blogs - Speeches - Bills & What These Kids Are Really Like Entering Adulthood! UPDATE on Transgender Violence - Tour USA/UK & Guest Post by Journalist Iris El Link  5 million views-Mainstream Media= 1 Made Fun of Me-Why Behind the Video-Violence-Death Threats Link  Ok. Enough is Enough. People Are Now Being Killed! Link  Evangelicals, LGBT, feminists, right, left come together for a historical RALLY to STOP Transing Kid. Link 2023 UNCUT Tour We are up against pharma, billions and billions of dollars & a society that believes transing kids is bout human rights. Love and tolerance! Donate Today Nebraska - Started this post 3 weeks ago & much has changed SCREAMING Louder-UNCUT 2023 Tour Watch  A Baptist Minister & A Transman/Lesbian. Who's The Bigot! Both! .....OHIO.... On the road again Watch Violence - World Wide & The Mainstream Media Is Not Covering IT! Shock move after anti-trans activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull attacked during her own women’s rallying anti-transgender campaigner has been attacked at one of her rallies, saying she thought her children ‘would lose their mother.’ Link Nashville school shooter fired 152 rounds during the attack, which was planned ‘over a period of months,’ police ladykilling six, three children aged nine & three adults. Link Transgender’ man brutally murders Portland taxi driver on Easter Sunday A video of the incident reportedly shows 30-year-old Moses Lopez getting into a cab with ‘a tiara and women’s clothing’ before stabbing his cab driver to death. Link <---This was not covered in mainstream media until a twitter influencer found it! WATCH: Left-Wing Protesters Storm TN Capitol, Insurrection Reaches the Legislative Chamber Link Transsexual activist accused of butchering a Portland taxi driver on Easter Sunday A 30-year-old male transsexual has been charged with fatally stabbing a taxi driver in Portland on Easter Sunday. The Orego nian reported that the victim was a longtime driver with Radio Cab. Link ‘Billboard Chris’ assaulted in Vancouver by angry trans activists; police officer says he was ‘inciting violence’ with his speech The investigating officer for the incident claimed that Chris had "incited violence" by screaming at activists, and that the assault was a "mutual fight." Link Conservative Matt Walsh cancels college talk after ‘threats’ amid Nashville shooting Link I was assaulted by a transgender mob and this is what I plan to do next As a former All-American swimmer, I know women’s sports are under threat from the transgender mob Link Transgender teacher is removed from school after threatening to 'shoot some students' days after seeing social media posts discussing her sexual orientation: Police remove three firearms and ammunition from her home Transgender Teacher Fired After Allegedly Threatening to Shoot Students Link Yet the reality is that in the last five weeks? Nine incidents of transgender people attacking and killing people, and Twitter influencers must find, i nvestigate and report these attacks that the mainstream media either ignores entirely or modify articles and remove 'Transgender Identity' but only if it looks terrible on trans. Counter Culture airs on Wednesdays from 10 am to 1 pm. This is a show that takes a look at Critical Social Justice, colloquially known as ‘woke' ideology and how it applies to an everyday context. Hosted By Maree Buscke Australia Transman Scott Newgent on Propaganda & Protecting Our Children Watch  Woman who ‘transitioned’ at 42 calls transgenderism an ‘epidemic’ targeting vulnerable children Jonathan was one of the first people I spoke to that comprehended the emotional toll it takes for trans people to come forward & admit what they did; they were wrong & don't permit kids to be as ridiculous as them. Jonathan was the first to acknowledge that. I applaud that compassion. WatchWatch  Woman who ‘transitioned’ at 42 calls transgenderism an ‘epidemic’ targeting vulnerable children Jonathan was one of the first people I spoke to that comprehended the emotional toll it takes for trans people to come forward & admit what they did; they were wrong & don't permit kids to be as ridiculous as them. Jonathan was the first to acknowledge that. I applaud that compassion. Watch

  • Top Secrets Concerning the Transing Kids' Controversies-Updates-State Bills-London -Violence

    STATE to STATE Bill to Bill UNCUT TOUR Update Wow, what a roller coaster since 2023 clicked over! Some fantastic things with some scary stuff! 2023 started like the four prior years, with my phone lines flooded from politicians and orgs in the USA who needed help passing bills to ban all childhood medical transition. But this year, it was different; I could hear it in the voices; things had changed! A sense of righteousness was present that had been absent, not the righteousness of inflated ego but rather a sense that they were righting a wrong, no longer purely political. it had seeped to right verse wrong and not the political kind, the righteous kind <---again with that word, why? Because righteous is the right word. In prior years I had taken on these calls and bills while working a full-time job, three teenagers and activism. I realized I could not do it any longer. I took a sabbatical from work, believing that enough donations would allow my 100% focus without worrying about feeding my family. I'm glad I did. Take a look at the progress. Until 2023, only one bill has ever passed banning childhood medical transition: ARKANSAS, run by the powerhouse politician Robin Lunstrum. Robin is one of three politicians that I truly admire. I'll let you guess on the other two ;) Before 2023, there was one bill. Now? Eleven bills, eleven states have passed bills to BAN childhood medical transition! Future of Child Transgender Surgeries to Be Decided in Pivitol Trial 39 states take sides in challenge of Arkansas ban on transgender treatments of minors. Link State Bills Passed Banning Childhood Medical Transition: State Bills Still Working: State Bills Defeated: Let's take a look and see what has been done on the 100% 24/7 sabbatical to work solely on stopping the medicalization of gender confused kiddos! The UNCUT Tour is 95% Driven by Donations - I have been able to say yes to states that do not have travel budgets and others that do have these budgets or a % covered. But make no mistake; NO one is being paid to do this, or at least NOT that I am aware of. People would be astonished at how much of this is driven by people investing their own time and finances. TReVoices Is a Single-Note Organization Devoted 100% to STOPPING Childhood Medical Transition World-Wide. All Donations Will Go to This Single Mission, With Passion & Dedication That Is Rarely Seen! Why? Because transing kids is wrong on every level and from every angle, and there is no grey area to be had. It's black and white, wrong! SCREAM Louder-Scott Newgent Donate Today Ohio conference with representative Gary Click. Gary, a Baptist minister, was one of the first politicians to bring a bill to ban childhood medical transition. I watched from afar several years ago as the Ohio media dragged this man over the coals for being a BIGOT! It was terrible, awful! This year Gary reached out to me to introduce the bill a second time to soften the blow that he was a horrid human. These attacks hurt people. How this mean-girl reality is ok for adults is beyond me, it truly boggles my mind. Or course, I said yes, and this video is the result! Entirely unplanned, but I had HAD it listening to these reporters bash him! This video taken at an Ohio press conference and has received over 5 million views on all social media platforms. The messages are always the same, "OMG, I had no idea about medically transitioning children?" The BIGGEST IMPACT - Who knew? 5 million View Without the Mainstream Media! Retweet Yet, in mainstream media? Crickets? Accept this broadcast journalist who made fun of me on Twitter and had the audacity to tag me. Is this what we have become? Does the mean girl stage last into women's 50s? Brittany Bailey - Bio A mean girl. Is this, ok? I have reached out to her channel without receiving any communication, not a "Hi" or "Sorry this happened!" NOTHING! As I was writing this, I was sent the second media outlet speaking about this video calling me a PORNSTAR! Can't make this up! This Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. is going to be terrible for Ohio’s trans youth and their allies There will be a rare confluence of two anti-trans bills being heard at the very same time. Here’s what you need to know.BY KEN SCHNECK (HE/HIM), EDITOR ● ANALYSIS ● APRIL 16, 2023 - Link "What to epect: First hearings of bills usually consist solely of testimony from the sponsor, in this case: Representative Click. Thus they typically are relatively short hearings. That said, when he introduced a similar bill in 2022, Click brought with him a former porn star who said the c-word on the floor of the Columbus Statehouse. So there was that" RECOGNITION TIME The 2023 UNCUT Tour Made It in The Epoch INSIGHT Magazine Tide May Be Turning in Battle to Halt Gender-Transition Procedures on Minors, Crusaders Say by Janice Hisle Focus shifts to proposed law in Missouri amid investigations of whistleblower's claims Link cont... The reality is that mainstream media is not covering the truth. The fact is that YOU, the person who is reading this. You are the new mainstream media; your network is whatever social media platform you use. Be brave and retweet this video; it opens people's eyes and any social media friends you lose for telling the truth? Is it worth it to save one child? What if that one child you were holding was your own? RETWEET modern mainstream media warriors. Hit to RETWEET button. Missouri hits me right in the heart. I have been working with Missouri for over two years unsuccessfully. I shoot from the heart and with radical truth, so here it is, Senator Moon - I love him, and I had told him and his team many times, "Moon, I don't think you could do any better at Fu&$in% up this bill if you got a PhD from Oxford! in "How NOT to pass bills to BAN horrid procedures on children!" <--Did I say I love Moon? I do, a from-the-heart guy, genuine. With the 'Whistle Blower' at the St Louis Gender Clinic, they thought they had it in the bag. They did not, and I told them so and it's why I pushed to get kicked out of the courtroom when I challenged 'Mr. Gay Senator' because I knew the tactics here would not render a passing bill. So, I thought, I'll give it a go; let's see if I can get into mainstream media by challenging Mr. Gay <----Senator Razor. Senator Razor seems to rely on the fact that he is homosexual and does nothing above and beyond; when he is backed into a corner, he cries, "I'm a gay man!" This tactic doesn't work with me because I'm homosexual too and trans, so I am double quoted on the rainbow and older! Anywhoo....I got kicked out of testimony, successful with one goal, I suppose. Before I gave testimony, what you don't see in this video is Senator Razor, AKA Mr Gay ripping Senator Moon to pieces about not understanding how Senator Razor would have been six feet under if homosexuality was not accepted, how these kids know who they are. Somehow children knew they were born in the wrong body...It was thick, my friends thick, but what got to me? It was how Senator Razor would not even let Senator Moon talk and treated him with no dignity or respect...YET SCREAMING for all the grace and dignity in the world for him, Mr. Gay Senator, is hypocritical and that is WORST human condition and should always be nipped. ...So I let Senator Razor, AKA Mr. Gay Senator have it right back! The following day I said to Senator Moon's team, "When this bill goes south, and it will....reach out," and they did. We put together a rally that included the ENTIRE rainbow of people, all people, gay, straight, trans, religious, conservative, liberal, and people who were high fiving after the speeches. I want you to imagine the most evangelical woman in your mind, passionate, faith-filled, genuine heart, loving, trying to do the right thing, mom that has never been around gays/trans in her life. Now imagine this woman, with an open heart putting together a rally with me, trans/lesbian, gays against groomers; it was hilarious, but wow, what a woman to take that on, right? And...Boy, did she! One afternoon I didn't know an answer to something Jodi asked, and I said, "Let's call Mario from gays against groomers, Jodi; he's great wears stiletto heels into school board meetings yelling at people to get the LGBTQ out of schools!" Jodi cleared her throat, "Oh, Ok, let's call Mario!" Ring Ring! Mario answers, but we can hardly hear him because people were yelling in the background, "Hey, Scott, what's up?" Mario asks. I proceed to say, "Mario, where are you, are you at a protest of some kind?" Now remember, we have Jodi on the line, the evangelical who has never genuinely spoken to a gay person, just filled with all the stereotypes of who we are. I kid you NOT, Mario says, "Oh, I am at a protest against planned parenthood, trying to STOP abortion with my religious straight buddies!" I asked the question, and Mario answered and hung up. "Well, now, Jodi, never thought you would call a gay man at a protest with other evangelicals trying to STOP abortion, right?" Regardless of your belief in abortion, try and look at the complex situation, the many stereotypes of people shattered in one three-way call. The point I want you to take is who you think people are and who they are, more often than not, are the same. We must invest time in relationships and go beyond our beliefs. Jodi did that and made no mistakes if this rally went terribly wrong. It would look bad for one person and one person alone, JODI! But she did it anyway! True hero! Jodi Grace Blog The truth is that we are medically transitioning children for money Period! Drop the mic nothing more to be said or argued...To STOP this? We have to be united, and I have been saying this for five years, and to watch this unfold was moving. So much so that when they announced my name to speak, I took the stage in tears, thanking the gays, lesbians and trans there who said before me, declaring that I wasn't alone anymore! As if in a movie, ANTIFA came out of nowhere to rush the stage while I was crying and thanking the rainbow for coming forward to fight and do what's right for kids. I noticed Antifa and, for some reason, decided to thank them for coming, welcomed them and asked others to do the same. I stated something about our country being founded on freedom of speech and asked if their leader wanted to speak, we would make time between the senators. "Fall out" was heard on the walkie-talkies, and ANTIFA left for the rest of the day! Something happened on that day in Missouri. If you had followed me that day, you would have heard me take Jodi aside halfway through the rally, sayings: "This isn't working; I don't believe the politicians, I hear them saying all the right things, but I don't feel it; this isn't going to pass." I fluffed it off on the fact that these politicians were fake, but the reality was that as much as they wanted to believe what they were saying, there was something missing. They didn't 100% believe what they were saying. Riding the idea that medically transitioning children on gay and lesbian rights is a long and hard battle already won. The countless heartbreak stories about homosexuality and not being accepted are still fresh in everyone's brain. Even though these politicians wanted to believe what they were saying about the medicalization of gender-confused kids, they didn't believe what they were saying 100%. How can you convince anyone of anything that you don't believe 100% yourself! Chris Barrett Bio & Contact Once the gays/lesbians and trans spoke? After they watched a gay man Chris Barrett give a speech, watching him quiver, how frightened he was, but he did it, and every word he spoke at the podium strengthened him, almost as if we saw a significant speaker evolving right before us. A transman follows, a transwoman after, and another homosexual, all imploring these politicians to save these kids that "No one is born trans, you create it," one after another, these politicians learned we gained nothing but mockery to be there, be there because we knew transing kids was wrong! We were doing what was right to do the honorable thing, and it was felt! After this Rally? The Missouri politicians developed a relentless determination, and you can notice it if you follow the news; these politicians in Missouri were injected with what all politicians need...The facts without the uneasiness of any part of it being wrong. Because let's face it, "Better an Alive daughter than a dead son" is a powerhouse assertion, and no human being on the face of the earth wants to be responsible for this. On that day? These Missouri politicians gained a determination that only comes from noting you are right 100%, and this is what is needed for all leaders worldwide to feel. I have so many stories like this, and I will get to them, but let's move on to other exciting things coming. I will not discuss what states I am still working on and when; due to the violence, I have been instructed it's best not to announce when and where the rest of the states are conducting hearings. But understand the battle is immense, and the donations people are giving to this time? I am giving 100% 24/7 .... I have never worked harder in my life! I am honored that people believe in me at a time when I thought so little of myself. ....Thank you for your belief in me! UPDATE on Transgender Violence - Tour USA/UK & Guest Post by Journalist Iris El Link 5 million views-Mainstream Media= 1 Made Fun of Me-Why Behind the Video-Violence-Death Threats Link Ok. Enough is Enough. People Are Now Being Killed! Link Evangelicals, LGBT, feminists, right, left come together for a historical RALLY to STOP Transing Kid Link Nebraska - Started this post 3 weeks ago & much has changed SCREAMING Louder-UNCUT 2023 Tour Link A Baptist Minister & A Transman/Lesbian. Who's The Bigot! Both! .....OHIO.... On the road again Link Second Edition of 'ASK SCOTT' Do you have 30 minutes? Would like to understand the emotional toll these young adults face that were medically transitioned as children, how alone they are, and how NOT ok they are. Read this, but you need to know that once you read this? You cannot unread; you cannot unknow, and you will be obligated to STOP the biggest medical scandal in modern history. -Trans Scott Newgent Read Post Watch 1st Edition of 'Ask Scott' Scott, Is My Son Just Gay? Read Post UK London UNCUT Tour - Inspired by GBNews appearance on NANA AKUA April 29th Turning Point & TReVoices Merge Forces in London Find out more - Link I was planning on speaking parliament but was quickly removed due to "The King's Coronation!" I will speak to MPs but not in an official engagement with international news present. <--- Which is a shame because I guarantee if international media was there? I would ensure my speech would make the news and light it up! ...Listen, I will say YES to anything that will help educate people to save these kids faster, ANYTHING! This trip is solely due to donations except for $250, I found a cheap flight, staying in someone's home, and we are doing this cheaply...Here is the thing. I will be there from the 26th to the 1st. Your time UK; email: I am working with GBNews and will be unavailable on the 30th; other than that? Light up my schedule so I can SCREAM Louder... Limited time to get T-Shirts These Shirts have been taken down to cost - Marketing works and we must market to get people to understand what is happening! Shop Today - Limited Time - ON SALE at Cost - Marketing Works! Podcasts - What's Out & What's Coming It’s time for a REALITY CHECK. Transgender Aggression, Violence! Recently trans radicals have been attacking many people worldwide, and again, most don't know WHY? Mainstream media is not covering it. The Nashville shooter, unfortunately, is not the only trans radical causing riots, killing and attacking people! Shock move after anti-trans activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull attacked during her own women’s rally An anti-transgender campaigner has been attacked at one of her rallies, saying she thought her children ‘would lose their mother.’ Link Nashville school shooter fired 152 rounds during the attack, which was planned ‘over a period of months,’ police say Killing six, three children aged nine & three adults. Link Transgender’ man brutally murders Portland taxi driver on Easter Sunday A video of the incident reportedly shows 30-year-old Moses Lopez getting into a cab with ‘a tiara and women’s clothing’ before stabbing his cab driver to death. Link <---This was not covered in mainstream media until a twitter influencer found it! WATCH: Left-Wing Protesters Storm TN Capitol, Insurrection Reaches the Legislative Chamber Link Transsexual activist accused of butchering a Portland taxi driver on Easter Sunday A 30-year-old male transsexual has been charged with fatally stabbing a taxi driver in Portland on Easter Sunday. The Oregonian reported that the victim was a longtime driver with Radio Cab. Link ‘Billboard Chris’ assaulted in Vancouver by angry trans activists; police officer says he was ‘inciting violence’ with his speech The investigating officer for the incident claimed that Chris had "incited violence" by screaming at activists, and that the assault was a "mutual fight." Link Conservative Matt Walsh cancels college talk after ‘threats’ amid Nashville shooting Link I was assaulted by a transgender mob and this is what I plan to do next As a former All-American swimmer, I know women’s sports are under threat from the transgender mob Link Transgender teacher is removed from school after threatening to 'shoot some students' days after seeing social media posts discussing her sexual orientation: Police remove three firearms and ammunition from her home Transgender Teacher Fired After Allegedly Threatening to Shoot Students Link But if you google transgender violence what will come up is this website that speaks about attacks in 2021 & 2022 against transgender people! Yet the reality is that in the last five weeks? Nine incidents of transgender people attacking and killing people, and Twitter influencers must find, investigate and report these attacks that the mainstream media either ignores entirely or modify articles and remove 'Transgender Identity' but only if it looks terrible on trans. Yes, I am transgender and a homosexual, but I am a MOTHER first and always! It's not right; it doesn't matter how you look at it. Hold the media accountable to tell the truth! The rally above that I wrote about in Missouri where evangelicals, gays, lesbians, conservatives, and liberals came together to speak about why they are against childhood medical transition. This was the headline, so it's no wonder society has no clue what's happening. I believe this is criminal! Link The headline should have read: Evangelicals, gays, lesbians, trans, conservatives, liberals and many other people from different societies holding a rally to explain why they are against childhood medical transition. Feel free to contact the journalist at the Saint Louis Post Dispatch. I've emailed and called but have yet to hear back. Email So, when Maree Buscke from Reality Check In Australia wanted to do a podcast together, I said - A B S O L U T L E Y! Check this out, apparently it was lit on fire in Australia & New Zealand It’s time for the narratives, agendas, and conflicts of interest to be challenged! It’s time for the bullies, cowards, and name-callers to be exposed. It’s time for accountability. It’s time to hear the other side of the story.. It’s time for sound minds, rational thought, and reasonable debate. It’s time for a REALITY CHECK. And so we’re super excited to welcome you to Reality Check Radio. Reality Check Radio is your brand new online radio station where we WILL cover the issues the establishment won't, and we WILL challenge the voices the mainstream media don't. And we believe you’ll be able to discern fact from fiction for yourself when given the full story. RCR is the antidote to the last two years of craziness. Jonathan was one of the first people I spoke to that comprehended the emotional toll it takes for trans people to come forward & admit what they did; they were wrong & don't permit kids to be as ridiculous as them. Jonathan was the first to acknowledge that. I applaud that compassion. Good podcast worth a listen Donate to Scott's Voice: Donate JONATHON VAN MAREN A columnist, author, speaker, podcaster, and activist. Jonathon’s writings have been translated into more than six languages and published in the National Post, National Review, First Things, The Federalist, The American Conservative, The Stream, the Jewish Independent, the Hamilton Spectator, Reformed Perspective Magazine, LifeSiteNews, and LifeNews, among others. He is a contributing editor to The European Conservative. .....Coming Soon Entering the ring with professional wrestler and podcaster 'Goldy's Closet' The Story Box Podcast About Story Box Podcast Stories are incredibly powerful. As humans, we are surrounded by them every day. Stories are part of who we are, they inspire us to become better. Stories challenge us to do more. Stories motivate those who are feeling low and needing a boost to keep going. Stories are a powerful resource of education, whereby we can learn and grow from them. We all have a story to share and every story matters. The Story Box exists to unbox stories of people from all walks of life and experiences to help anyone listening or watching to realize their worth and reach their greatest potential in life. "Be persistent to remain consistent" - Jay Fantom Jay's Bio -Transman Scott Newgent

  • Scott, who am I? Or a better question is "What am I?" I am lost, will you please help me!

    Ask transman Scott Newgent! A young adult transman reaches out to me who medically transitioned as a child and enters adulthood with a question many of us trans have but often keep to ourselves. Why? Because we believe that we are probably the only one that struggles with the fundamental question of "Who am I after the medical transition?" Or a more accurate question would be: "Where do I belong?" Allow me to bring you into a struggle so many transgender people have with no answers out there to be found. Two days ago, I received several voice messages from a young adult transman, a total of 56 minutes of talk time. I pressed the play button on the first message, and it began, "Scott, I know you probably won't listen to these, but I'm lost, and I don't know where to turn. Will you please help me?" As I pressed the last voice message, I heard an echoing of a battle I had been dealing with, as if a parrot was in my ear, regurgitating my thoughts into words from another's mouth. What he was asking me was something I had been asking myself for nearly two years, and somehow his question raised in a third party aided me with something I have been grappling with! This transman was started on puberty blockers at age 11 and then progressed to cross-sex hormones, advancing to the top surgery, then bottom and to 100% medically transitioned. He recently left his teenage years to wander into adulthood and is beginning his twenties. The last voice recording stunned me; this is the recording typed out precisely as it can be heard in the recording. I asked to use this and decided only to use typed words to hide this child's adult identity—still a child to me. I chose to hide his identity because he is fragile, and of course, he is who wouldn't be? "Scott, my problem is that I am not a natural man,`11` that I am neither a natural man, nor a natural woman...I was a natural woman, but I destroyed myself.... OK sorry...I cannot, I, sorry, I'm really bad at getting to the point. So, the only thing I wanted to know from you is how you cope with this, what's you do, what pronouns you use, do you want to be called she or uuu or do you want to be called, and umm him, he and ummm (long pause) yeah, ummm. I think that, umm that, I think I had another question, but I already forgot it...I arr yeah umm I ar umm. The other question is, is that do you believe that nobody is really born in the wrong body? So don't you believe that it's possible that someone has a male brain?" Recording ends My response: My precious new young friend, I listened to them all. First, the emotions you are having are had by many trans and normal. Congrats, you passed normal with flying colors! Whoop! The best advice I can give you is to consider yourself a soul and embrace what you have done & how you feel. The answers will come. But you are correct; you are not 100% male, you are a biological female, and because of the testosterone, you have altered your body, and you will never be the healthy woman you could have been, which is a hard pill to swallow! You are NO mutant, you were a child, and your parents did the best with the information they were given. You cannot expect your parents to see around all the corners of childhood medical transition if they are not there to be had. The truth about transition is hidden carefully, and public relations dance around the unknown facts because the medical transition is 95% experimental. has a program called Beyond De-Trans. This organization has developed a program to help deal with your feelings. No books or advice abound; it's a solitary struggle until this program, created. Please reach out to them; I trust them to allow you to navigate where you need to go to be OK because you being OK is the most crucial thing! To answer your inquiry about male and female brains, my apologies, but I believe this is all hogwash, and I'd gamble on it! The problem is that feelings are not quantifiable; facts, feelings and cemented truths don't go together. Feelings are fleeting, they change from one minute to another, yet why they change is not understood, it is an enigma. Because of this, the sentiment that people are born with a faulty brain cannot be proven or denied. The definition of an unproven belief based on ideas is just that an ideology, unable to be confirmed and destructive, in the wrong hand, causes massive chaos if deviant intent is to be had. A human being can be convinced of anything if delivered consistently and strategically. Just look at history, and my point is made. The facts are we have two sexes, males and females. Who males are and who females are having been defined into a tiny box that most people don't solely fit 100%. Some fit better than others, but these rigid ideas of what women are, and men are again unprovable! The truth is males and females come all different ways, and therein lies what the problem is within today's popular ideology and hot topic, transgenderism. Transgenderism takes us back in time; there is no progress or enlightenment within transgenderism. Transgenderism, or the idea of 'being born in the wrong body,' is old fashion, stereotypical, chauvinistic, and demeaning to women and men! The idea that men don't feel deeply, have no style, are not able to nurture young, care deeply or be able to put a fabulous outfit together is ridiculous and NOT true. Some men do all these things, and some men don't. Some men who do these things are attracted to the same sex attracted, and some are not! Again, boxes. The only truth is that men come all different ways! I decided to pull apart male stereotypes because we seem tormented by the embodiment of who and what a woman is supposed to be. But pull this apart from what binds around the idea of a man, and it casts a light bulb. We are female-chauvinistic, with men at the same level as women! Men are not just burly beings meant to open jars, open beer bottles, scratch balls and grunt and point when they want something. Men are diverse, different and come in all different extraordinary ways. You see, transgenderism doesn't extend the box of understanding; it limits, and boxes are not meant for a human being, only cereal! Being transgender is a choice, no different than any other plastic surgery; it doesn't cure anything; for some, it might help them walk lighter in life, but wrapping the idea that it heals people that do not fit in is NOT progress. It's the opposite. What we end up with is confused young adults like yourself that didn't fit into the stereotypical box or much less than others, and instead of grabbing your 11-year-old hand and saying, "You are an incredible little girl, your grit, desire to lead, aggression, strength, longing to be heard are all things that make a girl turn into a mighty woman that society needs. But right now, at 11? All these extraordinary traits are disguised as being different. But what you don't know, and I do, my feisty daughter, is that your differences are superpowers...Let me show you what that means and how to use them, sister!" I do not doubt that they would have done differently if your parents had been told what I just conveyed to you. But what is done is done, and now you have a precious life filled with marvels, a future and decisions that will lead you down roads of adventures, falling in love, and building your family; however, that looks. All the dreams you dreamed of being are still there for you; you have to commit to them and make them happen. Remember, you are a robust and aggressive woman. So, what, you look like a man who cares. Grab your dreams with the same strength that made you and others believe you were male! Use your gifts regardless of what your shell looks like. You have so many things waiting for you, but if you obsess about a box that fits no one, well, well? Isn't that the exact definition of wasting precious time? I am fifty and I could swear yesterday I was 20! Leap for life, my young new friend. What pronouns people use are none of your or my business. People will use what they see and hear, and you do not have the self-importance to correct people from what has taken thousands of years to ingrain into our sub-conscience for survival. Instantly, when we hear someone speak or see someone, pronouns are selected for us, the work is done, no need to labor over a chore already completed. Who are you to go against thousands of years of evolution? It's self-righteous, a waste of time, something you can't control and quite frankly, should not allow anyone to burden you with, "What pronouns do you want to be called," are always answered the same way by me, "Use whatever brings you comfort. I decided to transition medically, and my choice should not have to burden you. Use whatever pronouns you like." PS. You touched me with these recordings, such emotion felt and given to me to care for is quite a gift of trust. Thank you for allowing me into who you are and your struggles. This is true strength, and believing I could help you is a great honor. I hope I have helped. Thank you for trusting me! Here is my number 469 XXX-XXXX. Reach out anytime! -Scott/Kellie These recordings made me weep at the end because I have been struggling with who I am, what I am, and what I have done has been weighing on my mind every night before I go to sleep. As I change clothes for bed, I pass the mirror and say inside my head, "Who are you, and what have you done?" My dirty little constant rant to myself before bed was outed by this precious young person and inspired this. I hope it makes sense! My rainbow is the human rainbow. by, Scott Newgent I learned from a young age to see past differences in beliefs, sexuality, social and economic status. Empathy has always been an important instrument in my emotional toolbox. This tool comes with positives and negatives. When you feel intensely, the teeter-totter of life is a rollercoaster, and I have found that I have closed myself off from many opportunities, hiding to survive. Sensing the feelings of others tips the teeter-totter to ache inside people more often than ecstasy. Feeling that in others is potent, and for me? It makes me feel indebted to help improve it! Knowing something is an obligation; hiding from people helps lessen my burden. Still, the ticktock of the grandfather clock of time as your only companion leads to a lonely yet unobligated life. As I recover from the carnage of medical transition, both physically and emotionally, it has been a rocky road! Staring in a mirror, not recognizing whom I see, the name change, the pronoun change, the expectations of understanding the secret code each gender has been drilled to know since the day they were born is an awkward trial and error leading to confusing glances from people who don't understand why I don't know what is expected of me as a man. They see a man, and I should act accordingly, yet I wasn't conditioned to do so. I am still a woman who took synthetic hormones and will have to play dress-up for the rest of my life, a character in a play that others believe is reality. The entire process has forced me to look beyond the physical person of who I am. Who I see in the mirror is a stranger, except for glimpses of seeing and recognizing my parents, but the physical appearance? Somehow, I am aware of the family I belong to, because I look like 'my people' I just have never met this relative, a stranger but bonded with DNA. I no longer recognize myself in the mirror, but inside, I do. Inside is the same person, and recovering from this brutal process has forced me to look at myself from the inside out. I didn't want to do that, but I had no choice, forced into the work, yielding perspicuity at a tremendous emotional cost. To be OK, I have to look where I recognize myself, and the recognition is now only from the inside. Charismatic sales executives, athletic, and a high achiever in every realm have also been my coping mechanisms. I knew this on some level, but I now understand in great detail the survival necessity of this truth. Others rarely claim these high marks in one area of life. Yet, my need for survival had to achieve multiple levels to keep the room filled with buoyant emotions ensuring my intuitive nature wasn't overshadowed by the ache of others. I always thought until now that this was who I was, all these achievements were me. The truth is that these achievements toned down the ache of others, my achievements tuned out an obligation that was too heavy to bear. The relationships I developed with anyone I let close inevitably led to something I heard from every person I ever loved; a view most never see: "Wow, you're a loner, internal and pensive; I never guessed that before I got to know you!" But this intuition, empathy, whatever it's called, has also been a gift. Most feelings are not one-sided; what aids also rescinds, but the ability to analyze the process objectively, examine and untwist the pieces, get to why someone has a particular belief, line in the sand, so to say, giving an understanding of how and why that person got to that particular belief in the first place? Knowing how and why, is key to understanding anything. The intensity someone feels about religion, homosexuality, politics, parenting, or anything has a journey that is usually only known by another person harboring the opinion. Empathetic people can seem more profound than the service, and when you understand how someone got their beliefs, it softens the blow if the view is different from yours. If we look past our infantile differences, the world turns from a scary place to one of grace with boundless potential for human growth and enlightenment. Words of wisdom came to me once when my ears were susceptible to mentors, a whispered moment as I sat at a lesbian dinner party at the tender age of 20. The giver of wisdom, who I think of often, was a 70-year-old lesbian. I had just made an impassioned speech about hating straight people, how every lesbian and gay man should band together to create a superior community where straight and bisexual people could live without the unique gifts and talents homosexual people have given to society since the beginning of time without recognition and with the oppression that had never lifted and never would. The old dyke turned her head towards me and snapped her fingers crisply and with authority, piquing my curiosity instantly. I leaned in, eager to hear what I thought would be a song of praise, but this is what I heard instead: "Kellie, if I stayed within lines of safety because I wanted complete acceptance of who I am before I allowed people to know me, I would have never had a single conversation with any human on the face of the earth. I am a 70-year-old African American, Jewish, Republican, bull-dyke lesbian who listens to country music. If you stay within the lines, you believe are safe because of not wanting to be challenged by the differences of others, your challenge will become learning how to not wither away and die because, let's face it, you wouldn't be invited to dinner parties like this and you would have no one to talk to because you're an asshole, a passionately cute asshole, but one, nevertheless. Simmer on that a bit and shut up. You learn by listening, and it doesn't make you look like an idiot as much as you do now." When my son was two and a half, he knew how to get my attention. At that time, I was at the dead center of my career as a business account executive, leading the USA with record numbers for Verizon wireless. I was fierce. But my mind was always obsessed with the next presentation, the next business meeting, the next chess moves to further my career. My baby son knew if he wanted my attention, he had to be different. One day when I was running out the door, he ran up to me and said, "Stop Ma, stop right now, right NOW STOP, SIT down, there." My two-year-old son demanded commands with such strength and presence that I did just that; I stopped. A feat in itself; grown men with VP titles and master's degrees in business could not slow me down from an insult, correction or being pointed at with why we didn't get a deal, the stupidity of one was not held back. But my two and half year old commanded so much that I not only stopped but listened when he said, "Sit down, couch, there," In his toddler language, he directed me to where he wanted me so he could deliver his important message. It was a big deal; I could feel it, something he pondered before he sprung it on me. To my surprise, I listened and sat on the couch. He crawled onto my lap, straddled me, and cradled each little hand on one side of my face. Then he leaned in and pressed his nose to mine, so close that I heard his breath, felt the air leaving his lungs, and the excitement and anticipation he had with what he wanted to tell me. He was so close to me that I noticed the speck in his left eye, a yellow sparkle that was out of place as my left eye was and my fathers before me. He's my son, in almost every way, a little mini-me of awesomeness and a personality people flock to <---Not me, lol. What can I say? He's awesome! I could be biased, but I'm not he's brilliant beyond words and amazes me with his mind and how he processes thoughts! "Don't listen to them, just to me, just me, not them, k Ma, me not them, just me?" He had my total attention, he knew he had to slow me down to get the proper attention he was after, or he would get the inevitable, "Yeah, OK sugar, sure sugar, lunch, candy, you bet, just go ask your nanny." His face couldn't hold in the excitement; he knew he had the attention he was after and blurted out, "Ma, waterslide, 'member? You said waterslide; it's not there outside, I need waterslide, please, K Ma?" The week prior I had been running through a store, and he'd spotted a huge, blow-up water slide for parties, and I said I would buy it in between my calls and texts. Well, later had come for him, and he was determined to let me know. I immediately called in, got the day off of work, picked him up, and before night fell, he was having a ball on his vast, commercial $800 waterslide in our backyard. To this day in my family, if you have something important to discuss, you say, "don't listen to them, just me," and immediately no matter what I am doing is dropped and I plug in. That's what we need to do. We have to grab society's face and say, "give me a minute, just listen to us for a minute, don't listen to them, just us," with the same heartstrings that a child holds within his mother's heart. The most effective way to do this is for the message to come from family, a familiar place that is and has been a soft place to fall. My son got my attention because of the way he did it but most importantly because of who he was to me. I believe this approach would work to stop the dangerous trans radical craze that we are currently experiencing. Don't get me wrong; the LGBTQ community is family to me. I was a lesbian for twenty-five years, and I have been a transman for five years. I am a familiar, I am family. I am a parent to three adolescents, an age when children are professing their transgenderism in record numbers. If it's done in the right way, with the right people, with hearts in the correct place, we could save children who don't even know they need to be saved. We need courageous people to say what needs to be said, be guided in the most appropriate and best way to say it, and to take criticism to ensure what is written is done in the most powerful manner possible. We need to be willing to work within a team to save kids because make no mistake; as a transman, I am telling you that these kids need to be saved a million times more than you already believe. Let's march hand in hand to the forefront, representing children, to keep children safe and criminalize any medical professionals who medically transition a child. Speak in unison saying. "Here's a transgender person. Here's a gay person. Here's the evangelical person. Here's the Republican person. Here's a Democrat. We have everybody covered. OK. So, you can't call us a bigot. Cause we got the whole circle around. We're all here. Now let's talk about facts. Medical Transitioning Is No Place for a Child & here is why!" by, Scott Newgent

Scott Newgent

Follow Scott @NotScottNewgent

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